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MCCA Presidents Committee Meeting November 16, 2017

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1 MCCA Presidents Committee Meeting November 16, 2017

2 Collaborative Programs Initiative
Governance Business Model Process MRI Program Updates & other opportunities

3 Consortium Agreement and Program Addendums
Membership Governance Financial Model Instruction Model

4 Membership Conditions of Membership Institutions of higher education
Maintain institutional accreditation Membership in MCCA-MCO Abide by the terms and conditions of MCCA-MCO Memorandum of Understanding Commitment to work collaboratively for the common good of the students and program

5 Governance Consortium Advisory Council Program Committee
Dean/VP representative from each member institution Executive Director of MCCA-MCO Director of Collaborative Programs Directs the Consortium strategic and financial decisions Program Committee For each program of study offered Program Director/Educational Coordinator from each participating institution Establishes and executes processes/procedures to effectively support the collective operation of the program and ensure successful student outcomes.

6 Instruction Model Member institutions responsible for all instructional aspects Members commit to the MCCA-MCO Guidelines for Online Programs of Study Common curriculum – collaboratively developed and maintained by qualified faculty Cost of curriculum development shared equally – new members contribute Colleges hire and evaluate faculty Programmatic accreditation is completed as a consortium program Program effectiveness standards are established and used by all members Member institutions admit, support and grant the degree for their students in the program

7 Financial Model All revenue & expenses are shared equally among the members MCCA-MCO is Consortium Fiscal Agent Revenue – tuition from student enrollments in MCO All member institutions have a pre-determined number of students/cohort. Are fiscally responsible for any vacancies. All expenses for the collaborative program are charged to the consortium

8 MCCA & MCO Role & Responsibilities
College A College B College C College D College E College F Serves as fiscal agent Provides infrastructure Agreement/Guidelines Common registration platform Common tuition structure Common Learning Management System for course delivery Common template for course design Instructor/student training

9 How to Start New Programs
Consortium Advisory Council College has a program to share Group of colleges want to offer/start a program Vetted through a series of metrics Each member institution wanting to participate May need to change some structures, policies, long-held practices Agree on a shared curriculum Develop internal communication and support plan for students Curriculum Committee Approval

10 New Possibilities CT Technologist – 16 crd certificate – soft launch Winter 2018 EEG Program – Associate degree – soft launch Winter 2018 Meeting with MODAC members generated suggestions: Associate in Education Global Endorsement Health Information Technology International Business Medical Lab Technician Neurodiagnostic Technician Physical Therapy Assistant IT Programming Radiography Study Abroad GIS Programming Study Abroad Programs

11 Open Educational Resources Initiative
Federal & State efforts MCO OER Repository Student Savings Faculty Grants Upcoming Projects

12 Federal Efforts TAACCCT Grants -
Open digital library for workforce training materials US Department of Education Regulation - all products from federal grants are open licensed - Currently delayed FASTR: Fair Access to Science & Technology Research Act (H.R. 3427/S.1701) Requires federal agencies with research budgets in excess of $100M to have a public access policy for federally funded research. Introduced July 26, 2017

13 State Efforts California – College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015
Colorado – Using OER in Higher Education (05/03/2017) Florida – Postsecondary Access & Affordability (4/14/16) Maryland – Textbook Cost Savings Act of 2017 Ohio – Operating Budget & Statutes (06/30/2017) Oregon – OER Grant Program (2015) Texas – Use of OER (06/09/2017) Washington – HB (04/21/2017) CA - The purpose of this bill is to reduce textbook costs for college students and encourage faculty to accelerate the adoption of lower cost, high-quality open educational resources. This bill creates the Open Educational Resources Adoption Incentive Fund to provide incentives and reward campus, staff, and faculty efforts to accelerate the adoption of open educational resources CO - Using Open Educational Resources in Higher Education: This bill creates the open educational resources council in the Department of Higher Education. The Department is required to contract with an entity to evaluate the existing use of OER by public institutions of higher education and consider the options for and obstacles to increasing the use of OER. The council must facilitate the work of the contracting entity, and, taking into account the findings of the contracting entity, recommend initiatives to expand the use of OER, resulting in cost savings and other educational benefits for students enrolled. FL - Each Florida College System Institution and state university shall adopt textbook and instructional materials affordability policies, procedures and guidelines in order to minimize the costs of textbooks. This includes course instructors using open-access textbooks, where possible and instructors are encouraged to develop, adapt, and review open-access textbooks especially in high-demand general education courses. Maryland - Textbook Cost Savings Act of 2017: The Governor shall include $100,000 in general funds for a grant for the Maryland Open Source Textbook Initiative at the University System of Maryland. These funds may be used to: award grants to support and promote the creation of openly licensed educational resources and reimburse expenses incurred in operating the Open Source Textbook Initiative. Ohio - This bill creates the operating budget for and amends statutes - This bill requires that no later than June 30, 2018, all state institutions of higher education that are located in the same region of the state to enter into an agreement providing for the creation of a compact. This compact, among other things, shall identify, develop, and implement shared curriculum resources to promote educational pathways that minimize the time required to earn a degree. This may include curriculum delivered using open educational resources and online formats. OR - Establishes Open Educational Resources Grant Program within Higher Education Coordinating Commission: This Act was created to encourage the use of low or no-cost open educational resources in post-secondary institutions of education. This act allows the commission to award grants to applicants who adapt or make use of existing open educational resources and utilizes students in the design or production of open educational resource materials. Finally, this Act also employs an open educational resource specialist who fosters the use of open educational resources in colleges and universities TX - Relating to the Use of Open Educational Resources: This bill would require that each institution of higher education compile a course schedule indicating, among other things, whether the textbook required for each course is an open educational resource. Institutions shall make reasonable efforts to disseminate information to students, including the availability of courses and sections of courses that require or recommend only open educational resources. Further, this bill would establish the open educational resources grant program to encourage faculty at institutions to adopt and develop courses that use only open educational resources. VA - Establishment of the Online Virginia Network Authority: This bill creates the Online Virginia Network Authority. This requires each public institution of higher education and each consortium of public institutions of higher education that offers online courses, online degree programs, or online credential programs to offer courses, degree programs, or credential programs through the Authority. The Authority shall, to the extent practicable, manage and reduce program costs by reducing textbook costs through open access. WA - This bill adds a section that requires community and technical colleges to indicate the cost of any required textbook or other course material to students in the online course description used during registration, and indicate whether the course uses OER. The legislature recognizes the high cost of textbooks and recognizes a study by student public interest research groups that found that students who take open course library courses save ninety-six dollars on average per course over a traditional textbook. The goal of this bill is to incentivize faculty to use resources available on the open course library by informing students of a textbook's cost when they register for a class.

14 MCO OER Initiative Goals: Improving student success
Lowering costs for students Increasing inter-institutional faculty collaboration

15 MCO OER Initiative Statewide Steering Committee
Representation from all 28 community colleges Meets every 6 – 8 weeks Activities to support Initiative Goals

16 MCO Repository Hosted by OER Commons
Connection to over 75,000 resources Low maintenance costs Authoring tools Training

17 Within a Hub, anyone can search the resources that have been curated into collections. Search also includes resources that are saved to Groups highlighted on a Hub.

18 Search a Hub Working with the team at OER Commons, the MCO Repository has content collections curated specifically for our faculty and staff. Additionally, unique keywords can be used to further populate a Collection.

19 Search a Hub Anyone can look at another Group’s collections.
Within the MCO Repository each college is organized as a Group - a community of practice on OER Commons where members can curate resources, organize them, collaborate on authoring, and hold discussions using the Discussion board. Search a Hub Anyone can look at another Group’s collections. Get ideas about resources that are in use by others. Find resources that are newly added to Groups of interest. Access your Group via your LMS We offer LTI access to a Group so all your curated resources are easily added to your LMS.


21 Hub Details by College College Shared Saved Submitted Authored Bay 12
9 2 Delta 3 Grand Rapids 14 10 Jackson 11 1 Kellogg Lansing 149 5 16 Macomb 22 Mid Michigan 186 13 Mott Northwestern 23 19 8 Schoolcraft 58 Southwestern 54 St. Clair Washtenaw 15 West Shore

22 Fall 2017 OER Usage Report


24 OER Usage Biology Anatomy & Physiology US History Chemistry Sociology
Physics Psychology

25 Faculty Grants Adopt – an existing open textbook
Adapt – remix an existing open textbook or ancillary resources Develop – create a new ancillary resource or open textbook.

26 Faculty Grants - Adoption
Macomb Community College – Analytic Geometry Jon Oakes & Mohamed Zorkot Northwestern Michigan College – Psychology Deb Maison Lansing Community College – Social Psychology Sharon Hughes, Richard Coelho & Vaughn Vowels Mott Community College – US History Brian Harding & Aaron Guylas

27 Faculty Grants - Adaption
Mott Community College - World History Aaron Gulyas & Brian Harding Lansing Community College - Cell Biology & Human Genetics Arthur Wohlwill Lansing/Northwestern – American History Northwestern Michigan College - Mindy Morton Lansing Community College – Anne Heutsche Mid Michigan Community College - Psychology and Communication Maria Gross, Kelly Eltzroth, Diane Miller Kirtland Community College – Psychology Michael Peters

28 Faculty Grants - Develop
Spanish – Lansing Community College Kari Richards, Sara Bostwick and Stephanie Throne Ancillary resources for Spanish I and II Forensic Science – Mott Community College & Genesee Career Institute Mott Community College – Jennifer Fillion Genesee Career Institute - Dawn Bright Introductory text with workbook for Forensic Science Fashion – Lansing Community College Christine Conner, Ann Wojtkowski, Andrea Bartlett, Samantha Bartlett Introductory text and workbook for Principles of Design

29 Upcoming Activities Continued training
Continued reporting on usage/savings 2018 MI OER Summit – Sept 2018 Open Week Activities March 5-9, 2018 Research Project

30 Passing with a C or better grade Course grade
OER - Student Success Completion Passing with a C or better grade Course grade Enrollment intensity in current term Enrollment intensity in next term Source: A multi-institutional study of the impact of open textbook adoption on the learning outcomes of post-secondary students. Lane Fischer , John Hilton III, T. Jared Robinson, David A. Wiley.

31 MCO OER Initiative

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