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Healing the Wounds Of War

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1 Healing the Wounds Of War
Chapter 25 Section 2 The Cold War Begins Mr. Riddlebarger

2 Life In America after WW2
During war, factories worked overtime producing goods for war Now, some expect economic hard times. 12 million soldiers returning to civilian life Difficulty in finding jobs. Some women workers pressured to quit jobs for returning soldiers. Most eventually find work.

3 The GI Bill Signed by FDR in 1944
Goal was to ease transition of veterans back to civilian life. Money for college or job training Loans for homes, farms or businesses. Help in finding work/unemployment benefits. GI Bill helps millions make a successful transition to civilian life.

4 Increasing Demand After war, demand for consumer products rose
More Veterans buying homes means more demand for household goods. More Americans begin having families. 2 decades following WW2 marked beginning of baby boom, a dramatic rise in the birthrate. Will increase demand for larger cars

5 Labor Unions after the war
Government controlled labor disputes & limited wages during the war. Now, workers seek wage increases after the war. Large increase in strikes Middle Class growth

6 Racial Minorities After the War
Efforts to ensure equal opportunity in the workplace continue after the war. President Truman ends segregation in the military after the war.

7 Politics in Post-War America
Truman faces huge challenges: Guide U.S. through end of war Economic transition Criticism from both sides 1946 midterm elections a disaster for Democrats Will make it difficult for Truman to put his programs into place

8 1948 Presidential Election
Truman appeared in trouble after 1946 elections Democrats split support in ‘48 between three candidates: Truman Henry Wallace (Progressive Party) Strom Thurmond (Dixiecrat) Low popularity and split in party don’t bode well for Truman. Republican nominee is Thomas Dewey and he is confident of victory.



11 Election Outcome Truman wins in one of the most surprising outcomes in election history. After victory, Truman puts forth plan for country called Fair Deal. Federal health insurance program, education funding Few of programs ever passed Truman’s attention soon turns toward Korea.

12 Trying to Build a Better World
World War II gave rise to the Cold War Also gave rise to strong desire to understand and prevent causes of war. UNITED NATIONS Human Rights High goals set for all UN nations Trade & Economic Development World Bank, IMF, GATT

13 Review What was life like in America after the war?
What happened in politics in post-War America? How did the U.S. and other countries try to build a better world after the war?

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