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Cold War SWBAT examine events and impact of the cold war.

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1 Cold War SWBAT examine events and impact of the cold war.
What remnants are there today from the Cold War? How did it end? Cold War

2 It all started with… The Truman doctrine: it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressure Led to Marshall plan and idea of containment NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization Fear of soviet aggression led to organization Belgium, Denmark, France, UK, Iceland, Italy, USA and others Domino Theory- fear that if one country would fall the rest would then fall like dominos.

3 It evolved into… Brinkmanship: under Eisenhower, the willingness to go all the way to the edge of war Secretary of State Dulles advocated the use of threat of nuclear weapons CIA: spies gathered information to report to Eisenhower Eisenhower Doctrine: warning to USSR that USA would defend Middle East against attacks by communists country

4 Detente During Nixon’s administration
More flexible approach in dealing with Communists nations A policy at aimed at easing cold war tension Nixon would visit Communist China during his term 1971 Trying to take advantage of rift between China and Soviet Union He then traveled to Moscow First president to visit Soviet Capital 1972 Signed SALT I treaty, limited the number of intercontinental missiles

5 The End of the Cold War 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev becomes general secretary of Soviet Union He began reform in the Soviet Union Glasnost- “openness” allowed for criticism of government Perestroika- restructuring of Soviet Society Introduction of democratic ideals led to increased nationalism of non-Russian republics republics declared independence from Soviet Union The soviet union dissolved in response

6 End of the Cold War Gorbachev resigned in 1991, before he left he encouraged people of eastern Europe (including Eastern German) to “go their own ways” 1988 reduced number of troops in Europe Economic reform introduced in China in same time period: loosened its grip on businesses and price controls One theory on collapse of USSR is arms race during Reagan’s term bankrupted Soviets making it impossible for them to compete and maintain control over satellite countries

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