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The Origins of the Cold War

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1 The Origins of the Cold War

2 Review Differences between communism and capitalism
US and Soviet Union were allies in WWII After WWII, Europe was in ruins, and former colonial empires were crumbling. This set the scene for increased competition between the two superpowers, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

3 The Soviet Red Army remained in Eastern Europe atfer the war, which led to the Soviet Bloc. At the same time, the United States developed policies of containment- in particular, the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.

4 Winston Churchill gave the Iron Curtain speech in 1946
Map of the Iron Curtain

5 The Truman Doctrine, 1947 President Truman outlined the Truman Doctrine to a joint session of Congress in March of 1947

6 A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country
The Marshall Plan, 1947 Photo shows a delivery of wheat from the U.S. being unloaded in Rotterdam, Netherlands A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country

7 NATO Treaty, 1949. Warsaw Pact, 1955.

8 Central Historical Question
Who started the Cold War?

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