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Exploring the Spectrum of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the Spectrum of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the Spectrum of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness


3 This program will include a discussion of off-label treatment and investigational agents not approved by the FDA for use in the United States.

4 Background

5 Impact of Sleep Restriction

6 Defining EDS

7 Differentiating EDS and Fatigue

8 Prevalence of EDS

9 Prevalence of EDS (cont)

10 Impact of EDS

11 Case 1

12 Causes of EDS

13 Case 1: Differential Diagnosis

14 Screening Tools for Sleep Disorders

15 Case 1: Sleep History

16 Case 1: Evaluation

17 Case 1: Testing Results

18 Behavioral Management of EDS in Narcolepsy

19 FDA-Approved Therapies: Narcolepsy

20 Emerging Therapies: Narcolepsy

21 Factors in Initial Treatment Selection for Narcolepsy

22 Combination Trial: Design

23 Combination Trial: Results

24 Case 2

25 Case 2: History

26 Case 2: Findings

27 Case 2: Differential Diagnosis

28 Case 2: Plan

29 Case 2: Split-Night Study

30 Case 2: Return Visit 4 Weeks After Obtaining CPAP

31 Case 2: PAP-Nap

32 Case 2: Visit 6 Weeks Later Findings and Diagnosis

33 EDS Remains After Optimal Treatment of OSA With CPAP

34 Residual Sleepiness in OSA

35 Treatment of Residual Sleepiness in OSA

36 Conclusions

37 Abbreviations

38 Abbreviations (cont)

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