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T2 Supplier Data Visibility
Data Collection Training James Huang September 26th , 2016
Purpose Schedule Standardize data reporting channel
Reduce manual processes for compiling spreadsheets and Create a dashboard that enables SQM team, TSM team, and management team to drill into details that explain Quality issues Schedule 9/29: Upload first data file, include data from 9/1 to 9/29
Data Collection
Data Collection Interface
Utilize Microsoft Live ID as credential to login Support both manually or automatically upload 2.1 Manually upload file Web Service And Database 2.2 Automation data upload Microsoft Corp Net T1/T2 System Call Web service to upload data
How to Apply for Microsoft Account (1/2)
1. Go to below link to create a Microsoft account if not have one yet Suggest to have a dedicated account for data uploading purpose. Do Not use your personal Microsoft account. You can create a new account at: 2. Click at “Create account”
How to Apply for Microsoft Account (2/2)
3. Follow instruction step by step to finish creating an account Make sure your info is up to date. This is how you'll prove you're you if you ever forget your password. 4. Once your account is created, please send below info to James Huang 1) address, for example: 2) Supplier name, for example: YourFactoryName 3) Supplier location: YourFactoryLocation
Manually Login Page (1/3)
Data Collection Portal URL 2. Use the Microsoft Account to login
Manually Upload Page(2/3)
3. Click at “Upload File” 4. If file is uploaded successfully, you will see below message
Manually Upload Page(3/3)
You can also click at “View Upload History” to check the files you have uploaded, and its status
Common Upload Issues Work with your IT to unblock below sites
and Wait for Microsoft IT to grant access to Data Collection Portal
Data Template
T2 QC Data in T2 (OQC LAR-Yield-CTQ_CPK-ORT) 1/2
Data are at Lot level, each lot shall have one row. Include both Rejected Lot and Pass Lot Do NOT change the sheet name, keep it as "Data“ Do NOT change the header name of each column Please follow data type to input value Naming convention: <Supplier Short Name>_T2SQM_<YYYYMMDD_hhmmss>.xlsx For example: YourFactoryShortName_T2SQM_ _ xlsx For the time stamp, _110529, it is the year, month, date, then hour, minute and second when the data file is created.
T2 QC Data (OQC LAR-Yield-CTQ_CPK-ORT) 2/2
T2 QC Data in T1 (IQC LAR-DPPM-ORT) 1/2
Data are reported at weekly basis. If a calendar week cross 2 months, data need to split into 2 partial weeks to report. For example, week from 8/29 to 9/4/2016, need to separate to 8/29 and 9/1 Do NOT change the data sheet name, keep it as "Data" Do NOT change the header name of each column Please follow data type to input value Naming convention : <Supplier Short Name>_T2QCinT1_<YYYYMMDD_hhmmss>.xlsx For example: YourFactoryShortName_T2QCinT1_ _ xlsx For the time stamp, _110529, it is the year, month, date, then hour, minute and second when the data file is created.
T2 QC Data in T1 (IQC LAR-DPPM-ORT) 2/2
How to fill in data if no production?
How to fill in data if no production for this week?
T2SQM Data File How to fill in data if no production for this week? Fill in these columns as below Fill in these columns as usual Fill in these 2 columns with: No Production
How to fill in data if no data for this week?
T2QCinT1 Data File How to fill in data if no data for this week? Fill in these columns as usual Leave these columns blank Fill in these columns as 0 ( Zero ) Fill in: N
Reporting Week
Reporting week concept
BI system week is from Monday to Sunday, if a week cross 2 months, we need to split the week into 2 partial weeks ( Aka: Reporting week ) to report data. For example: Full week 12/26 to 1/1 will be split into 2 partial weeks: 12/26 to 12/31/2016, and 1/1/2017 For week of 12/26 to 12/31/2016, you can report as usual if there is data. 1/1/2017 is a very special and there is only one day in the reporting week. If there is no data to report in this week, you can follow the ‘no production’ format to report data. In this case, it tells that you explicitly report no data, so we don’t need to bother you to upload this week data. Please always keep in mind that, when system check if there are missing upload, it is NOT based on the time stamp in the file name, instead it check the date of data. there are date column in each type of file: T2SQM: OQCInspectedDate T2QCinT1: WeeklyReportDate
Key Columns ( determine uniqueness of a row)
Key Columns in each data file
In each type of file, key columns are defined to determine uniqueness of a row, i.e. we will do duplicated check by the key columns. If there are duplicated, system won’t allow you to upload. T2SQM Data File Columns A to I are key columns T2QCinT1 Data File Columns A to G are key columns
How to correct data if there are error?
Chinese English 如果上报的数据有误,需要修改,请按照 IsDeleted 的用法修改,有3中情况:
错误的数据不在 Key column ( index column, 也就是唯一性标识的列 ) 直接修改数据,最后一列IsDeleted还是保留为 N 错误的数据在 Key column ( index column, 也就是唯一性标识的列 ) , 第一步,你先找到对应的行,把IsDeleted该成 Y, 表示让系统删除改行数据。 第二步,另起一个新行,填上正确的数据, 最后一列IsDeleted为 N. 错误的数据既有在 Key column ( index column, 也就是唯一性标识的列 ), 也有在非Key column。 做法跟第二种情况一样: 第一步,你先找到对应的行,把IsDeleted该成 Y, 表示让系统删除改行数据。第二步,另起一个新行,填上正确的数据,最后一列IsDeleted为 N. 最后,修改文件名里的 time stamp, 另存为一个文件。注意: 新文件的时间戳应该比错误的文件要晚,因为系统按时间顺序处理。 最后上传系统 English If you realized that there was error in the data uploaded, you need to utilized the IsDeleted column in each file type. There are 3 scenarios: Error NOT the Key columns (refer to slide 21 for what are key columns) Correct the error data, keep the last column IsDeleted =N Error in the Key columns (refer to slide 21 for what are key columns) First step to find out the row which are error, update IsDeleted =N to Y. Means that this row is no needed. Secondly, add a new row and input the correct data, the last column IsDeleted =N Error in both Key and None Key columns(refer to slide 21 for what are key columns) It is the same as scenario 2. Finally, update the time stamp in the file name ( make the new file more recent, can’t be older, since system process files from older to recent ) and save as another file, then re-upload, for example, <Suppliername>_T2QCinT1_ _ xlsx - > <SupplierName>_T2QCinT1_ _ xlsx
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