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The Water Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Water Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Water Cycle

2 The Water Cycle The continuous movement of water from the ocean…
to the atmosphere… to the land… and back to the ocean

3 What powers the Water Cycle?

4 What powers the Water Cycle?
The Sun!

5 Water Cycle Notes - Jigsaw
Get in a group of 6 people. Move chairs and sit down in a circle around 1-2 tables. Each person in your group should choose ONE step in the water cycle. If you have less than 6 people in your group, then one person might have to choose 2 steps. Go to the station for the step that you chose. Fill in your notes and discuss with the other people at your station. You will only have 1-2 minutes at the station. Go back to your original group and share what your learned. NO copying! Take turns speaking while the other people in your group are listening.

6 Evaporation The process by which a liquid changes into a gas.
In the water cycle, water changes into water vapor in the atmosphere. This requires HEAT from the sun.

7 Condensation The process by which a gas changes into a liquid.
In the water cycle, when water vapor in the are COOLS and forms clouds.

8 Precipitation The rain, snow, sleet or hail that falls from clouds onto the Earth’s land and oceans. In the water cycle, when water droplets in the clouds get bigger and heavier and fall back to the Earth.

9 Runoff Precipitation that flows over land into streams and rivers, eventually leading to the ocean. In the water cycle, when precipitation reaches the Earth and moves over the ground.

10 Groundwater Precipitation that is transported and collects underground. Infiltration - Water that seeps into rocks and between particles of soil on Earth. Percolation – Downward movement of water through the soil due to gravity.

11 Aquifer A body of moving water underground that saturates the rock layers.

12 Transpiration Water vapor (gas) given off by plants during photosynthesis. Evaporation and Transpiration occur at the same time in the water cycle, both putting water vapor into the atmosphere.

13 Arrows in the Water Cycle The arrows should CONNECT the processes like this…
Condensation Precipitation Runoff Evaporation Transpiration Groundwater

14 Water Cycle Video

15 The Distribution of Water

16 Oceans 97% of all the water on Earth is in the Ocean
Ocean water is SALT water. Can humans drink Ocean water?

17 Freshwater Only 3% of the Earth’s water is FRESHwater!
Freshwater is found in: Ice Caps and Glaciers Groundwater Surface Water Atmosphere Which sources do we use for our drinking water?

18 Freshwater Only 3% of the Earth’s water is FRESHwater!
Freshwater is found in: Ice Caps and Glaciers Groundwater Surface Water Atmosphere Which sources do we use for our drinking water? Surface Water and Groundwater

19 Of the 3% Freshwater on Earth
76% - Ice Caps 23% - Groundwater 0.34% - Surface Water 0.037% - Atmosphere

20 Of ALL the water on Earth
2.28% - Ice Caps 0.69% - Groundwater 0.01% - Surface Water 0.001% - Atmosphere *Add these percentages to your notes

21 Let’s take a Look… ALL water on Earth = 100% = 1000 ml
Ocean (Saltwater) = 97% = 970 ml Freshwater = 3% = 30 ml Ice Caps = 76% of 3oml = 22.8 ml Groundwater = 23% of 30 ml = 6.9 ml Surface Water = 0.34% of 30 ml = 0.1 ml Atmosphere and Soil = % of 30 ml = ml

22 Water Videos Water – Our most precious resource (5 min)
Freshwater Scarcity (3.5 min) What would happen if you didn’t drink water (4.5 min)

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