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The Hydrosphere Lecture 04 Chapter 4.

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1 The Hydrosphere Lecture 04 Chapter 4



4 The isotope water cycle

5 Global Meteoric Water Line

6 GMWL = many LMWLs

7 Evaporation

8 Evaporation of small reservoir

9 Evaporation of infinite reservoir

10 Evaporation slopes

11 Deuterium excess and relative humidity

12 Local Meteoric Water Lines

13 Rayleigh Distillation


15 IAEA GNIP Stations

16 Global Distribution From Bowen, Geology. Bowen, G.J. and Wilkinson, B., Spatial distribution of delta O-18 in meteoric precipitation. Geology, 30(4):

17 Temperature Effect Clark and Fritz, p. 65

18 Continental effect

19 Continental Effect in Alaska

20 Altitude effect Dd180 = d18O at base of mountain minus d18O value higher up

21 Altitude effect

22 Altitude gradients

23 Amount effect

24 Source effect

25 Seasonal effect

26 Seasonal/Source effect at LAS

27 Isoscapes Based on Multiple regression analysis of linear correlations to climate/physiographic parameters Or… Contouring/kriging (spatial interpolation).

28 Groundwaters

29 Leviathan Cave, NV Drips and pool waters vary from δ18O = to ‰ Consistent with winter precipitation in Las Vegas

30 Geothermal systems

31 Basinal Brines/Formation waters

32 Ice core paleoclimatology
Quelccaya Ice Cap - Peru

33 The Greenland Ice Sheet record
Dansgaard: d18O = 0.69*T-13.6 How much was temperature depressed during the full glacial period? Any assumptions?

34 The Antarctic Ice Sheet record

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