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Water Cycle Notes Pg 22 8.E.1 Explain the structure of the hydrosphere including: Water distribution on earth Local river basin and water availability.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Cycle Notes Pg 22 8.E.1 Explain the structure of the hydrosphere including: Water distribution on earth Local river basin and water availability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Cycle Notes Pg 22 8.E.1 Explain the structure of the hydrosphere including: Water distribution on earth Local river basin and water availability

2 Warm-up How would you describe water to a visitor from another planet who has never seen it? (min. 30 words) Remember to mention where it comes from, where to find it, how to use it, where it goes, etc.

3 While watching the video students have to define precipitation, condensation, and evaporation.

4 Water Water is one of the most common substances on Earth.
* Water never leaves the Earth. It is constantly being cycled throughout the atmosphere, ocean, and land in a process known as the Water Cycle. *The water cycle is driven by energy from the sun. The water cycle is crucial to the existence of life on our planet

5 *color and label your diagram

6 Evaporation * The process where the sun heats up liquid water and changes it to a gas is called evaporation. Water that evaporates from Earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, and moist soil rises up into the atmosphere.

7 Transpiration * The process of evaporation from plants is called transpiration. This usually takes place as water exits from plants leaves

8 Condensation *As water (in the form of gas or vapor) rises higher in the atmosphere and starts to cool and become a liquid again. This process is called condensation. *This results in the formation of clouds.

9 Precipitation * Precipitation is when water in the clouds gets too heavy, causing it to fall back down to the earth. * Precipitation can form as rain, hail, sleet, or snow

10 Runoff * As rain falls on the land, some of the water is absorbed into the ground forming pockets of water called groundwater. *Most groundwater eventually returns to the ocean. Other precipitation runs directly into streams or rivers. Water that collects in rivers, streams, and oceans is called runoff.


12 Extras…

13 watercycle.html

14 What causes dew on grass?
Have you ever woken up after a clear summer night to find the grass is wet, even though you know it didn’t rain overnight? The moisture on the grass is called dew, which forms when water in the form of a gas, which scientists call water vapor, comes in contact with cool surfaces, like grass or the glass on a car parked outside. The term for the amount of water vapor in the air is called humidity. If the air contains a lot of water vapor, like in a rain forest, we say the humidity is high. If there is little water vapor in the air, like in a desert, the humidity is low. When a mass of air contains as much water vapor as it can hold, the air is saturated. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air, so if a mass of warm air is cooled, it can no longer hold some of its water vapor. Some of the water vapor condenses, which means the water vapor changes back to a liquid. The liquid water can fog up your bathroom mirror, or make the morning dew. The exact temperature at which water begins to condense from a mass of air is called the dew point.

15 Warm-up What is the water cycle and why is it important? How does water distribution (how much water we have) contribute to the water cycle?

16 rcycle/
(Review quiz at end if time permits)

17 Water Simulation I have 8 stations setup around the room. Each station has a di and a color stackable You are to line up at the station and collect a colored stackable Next you will roll the di and see what it lands on. Move to the appropriate station If you roll the di and it tells you to stay. You must walk to the back of the line and wait your turn to roll again. You will do this until you have 6 colored stackables on top of one another. Return to your seat and await next instructions

18 Life of a Raindrop Story/comic
Write a creative comic or story from the perspective of a raindrop. You must tell me each phase/ change you went through according to your water cycle voyage. BE CREATIVE! (tell me how many years elapsed…how you felt, places you’ve been, how you got there, etc.) Your comic must be a MINIMUM of 10 frames Highlight your phase changes. If you are at the same phase multiple times find a way to emphasize you being there longer

19 Homework due Friday Yellow – Ocean White – Clouds
Brown – soil/groundwater Green – Glacier Red – Animal Black – River Orange- Plants Pink – Lake Requirements: Highlight all phase changes Story: minimum of 3 paragraphs (5 sentences each) and a creative colored picture of your raindrop Comic strip: Minimum of 10 frames Must be in color

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