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Judaism, Christianity, & Islam

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1 Judaism, Christianity, & Islam
Following the fall of Rome, the essential element in reshaping Rome was Religion. The three major monotheic (belief in one God) religions of the world were Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all of which were closely related. All three of these religions arose from the same geographic area: Palestine in the Middle East

2 Judaism Took shape in Israel over years ago, still a vital religion today. Torah was the most important book of the Jewish Holy Books They were often forced to relocate throughout the Mediterranean world Often persecuted, all the while maintained their identity and beliefs

3 Islam Muslims, the followers of Islam, formed their belief around the teachings of Mohammed. Mohammed’s teachings are found in the Muslim holy book Qur’an Islam rapidly spread into Asia, Africa, and finally Europe by 711 CE

4 Christianity Founded in Palestine by apostles.
Christianity is based around the teachings of Jesus Christ Taught that the two greatest commandments were to love God and love your neighbour as yourself. Romans (before end of empire) were scared of Christianity due to fear of uprising. They killed Jesus. Raised from the dead… New religion spread quickly through trade routes

5 A common bond… Christians believe in Jewish teachings such as the Ten Commandments and Muslims include Jesus Christ as teachings in their Qur’an All three religions were linked in this regard.

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