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PARCC Computer-based Testing; Administration Training for

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1 PARCC Computer-based Testing; Administration Training for
Test Coordinators Script: Welcome to: “PARCC Computer-based Testing; Administration Training for Test Coordinators.” This module covers policies and procedures specific to computer-based testing and will be particularly helpful to LEA Test Coordinators (LTCs) and School Test Coordinators (STCs). If your LEA or school is administrating paper-based testing, including paper-based accommodations, please view the PARCC Paper-based Testing; Administration Training for Test Coordinators located at

2 PARCC Acronyms Purpose
Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: Let’s begin by discussing the purpose of this module.

3 Purpose By the end of this training module, you will have a better understanding of: PARCC’s most common acronyms; Test schedule and testing times; Administration tasks to be completed in the PearsonAccessnext system in order to prepare for computer-based testing; Security policies and protocols; Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing; and Available resources and support. Script: The purpose of this training module is to discuss the steps to prepare, implement, and complete the PARCC Assessments using Computer-based Testing. By the end of this training module, you will have a better understanding of: PARCC’s most commonly used acronyms; Test schedule and testing times; Administration tasks to be completed in the PearsonAccessnext system in order to prepare for computer-based testing; Security policies and procedures to be followed; Tasks to be completed before, during, and after testing; and Available resources including the training center, guidance on administering accessibility features and accommodations, training material, and support.

4 PARCC Acronyms Purpose
Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: Next, we will review a list of the most commonly used acronyms.

5 Commonly used PARCC Acronyms
Directory Interaction Acronym Name CBT Paper-Based Test PBA Performance-Based Assessment CCR College and Career Ready PBT CCSS Common Core State Standards PNP Personal Needs Profile ELA English Language Arts SEA State Education Agency ELA/L English Language Arts/Literacy SRI Student Registration Import EOY End of Year Assessment STC School Test Coordinator LEA Local Education Agency TA Test Administrator LP Large Print TAM Test Administrator Manual LTC* LEA/District Test Coordinator TCM Test Coordinator Manual PARCC Partnership for Assessments of Readiness for College and Careers Script: These acronyms are referenced alphabetically. Please review and become familiar with these commonly used terms. For example, click on “STC,” and notice this is the acronym for School Test Coordinator. Continue to view any acronyms and then press Next to continue the training. Please note that, going forward, the District Test Coordinator will be referred to as the LEA Test Coordinator or LTC. Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction *Note: District Test Coordinators will be referred to as LEA Test Coordinators throughout this presentation.

6 State-by-State Appendix
Test Coordinator Manual (TCM) for Computer-based and Paper-based Testing Appendix C: State Policy Addendum Script: Much of the information covered in this presentation will be dependent on your state-specific policies. Some policies vary by state. You can find your state’s specific policies in Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual. This manual is located on the Support page of PearsonAccessnext.

7 Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times
Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: Next, we will discuss the test administrations, test schedule, and testing times for the Spring Administration of the PARCC assessments. It is the School Test Coordinator’s responsibility to ensure Test Administrators understand the test schedule and testing times.

8 PBA Test Administration Flowchart
Script: The Spring Administration of the PARCC assessments includes two separate test administration windows: the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) and the End-of-Year (EOY), both of which will be administered in paper-based and computer-based format. The PBA administration occurs after approximately 75 percent of instructional time is complete. The EOY administration occurs after approximately 90 percent of instructional time is complete. The student must participate in both PBA and EOY to be tested on the full range of applicable Standards. Each test administration is comprised of multiple units, and, with certain mathematics units, there are separate sections. This figure shows the different components of the Spring Administration of the PARCC assessments. Notice how the PBA administration branches out into two sessions: English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. ELA/Literacy includes three units that focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. These units must be scheduled in the following order: Literary Analysis, Research Simulation, and Narrative Writing. Math includes two units that focus on applying skills and concepts and understanding multistep problems that require abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. These units must be scheduled in the following order: Unit 1 then Unit 2. In grades 6 – 8 and high school, Unit 1 of the test includes two sections, the first taken without the use of a calculator and the second with the use of a calculator. Refer to the tables in the Test Coordinator Manual for unit guidelines. Note: This diagram illustrates grades 6-8.

9 EOY Test Administration Flowchart
Script: For the EOY administration, students will demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selected-response questions. The EOY administration branches out into two sessions: English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. ELA/Literacy for EOY includes one unit for grades 3-5 and two units for grades 6 – 8 and high school that must be scheduled in the following order: Unit 1, and then Unit 2. EOY Math has the same flow as the PBA administration. It includes two units and must be scheduled in the following order: Unit 1, and then Unit 2. In grade 7 and high school, Unit 1 of the test includes two sections, the first taken without the use of a calculator and the second with the use of a calculator. Refer to the tables in the Test Coordinator Manual for unit guidelines. Note: This diagram illustrates grade 7 and high school.

10 Test Schedule 2015 Spring Testing Windows for Computer-based Testing
Test windows differ by state. Check with your state for more information. It is the Test Coordinator’s responsibility to understand the school testing schedule. Script: Test windows differ by State. Check with your state for more information. If you have any questions about your state’s testing dates, please refer to your state policy under the Testing Window section of the Test Coordinator Manual.

11 Guidelines for Administration Time
Task Time to be Allotted for an Administration Preparing for testing (includes reading instructions to students and answering questions) 10 minutes Distributing test material 5 minutes Unit testing time 60-90 minutes* Completing end-of-unit activities, including closing units, collecting test materials, and administering a student survey (after EOY) 5–15 minutes Script: PARCC assessments are timed tests, and no additional time may be permitted (with the exception of an extended time accommodation). The Administration Time includes: preparing for testing, distributing test materials, unit testing time, and completing end-of-unit activities. Unit testing time is the amount of time allowable for any student who needs it and the amount of time that must be provided to complete the unit. Use the Unit Guidelines and Schedule found in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual, located on the PearsonAccessnext Support page to find specific times for each Unit. *Depending on unit and subject—refer to Unit Guidelines and Schedule table in the Test Coordinator Manual for each Unit Time.

12 Guidelines for Administration Time
Guidelines for Administration Time (continued) Provide all students with the entire amount of Unit Testing Time. Once the Unit Testing Time has elapsed, the unit must end. A student may be allowed an extended time accommodation only if listed in his or her IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan. Refer to the TCM for state-specific procedures for students to follow after a student’s test has been submitted. Script: Schools must provide all students with the entire amount of unit testing time and must schedule accordingly. A new unit cannot be started until all students in the session are finished or until unit testing time has elapsed. If all students have completed testing before the end of the unit testing time, the unit may end. Once the unit testing time has been reached, the unit must end, except for students with extended time accommodations. An extended time accommodation is allowed only if it is listed on the student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan. Since a new unit cannot be started until all students in a session are finished or until unit testing time has expired, it is recommended to test students with an extended time accommodation separately. Refer to Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual for your state’s policy regarding what students may do if they complete a unit prior to the end of the unit testing time. For more guidance on scheduling the PARCC assessment, refer to PARCC’s Frequently Asked Questions at

13 Make-Up Testing Make-Up Testing
Students who are absent, become ill, or who can no longer test because of classroom, school, or technical interruptions during original units, may utilize make-up testing. Test security and administration protocols apply. School Test Coordinators will establish the make-up testing schedules for their schools. Units may be taken out of order for make-up testing only. Script: Students who are not tested on a regular administration date should participate in make-up testing. This includes students who are absent or become ill during original test units and students who are affected by classroom, school, or technical interruptions. Students may be allowed to complete that test on a different day. Make sure Test Administrators understand the procedures for make-up testing. The same test security and administration protocols apply to make-up testing as to a regular administration. Tests will automatically resume at the exact point where a student exited. Test Administrators must closely monitor make-up testing to ensure students do not return to questions they have already answered. It is the responsibility of the School Test Coordinator to inform the Test Administrator of the make-up testing schedule. For make-up testing only, a student may skip a unit to be able to test with his/her testing group.  The student will then make-up missed units.  Refer to the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual, located on the PearsonAccessnext Support page for information about make-up testing.

14 Guidelines for Breaks Breaks
Between units, scheduled breaks should occur. During a unit, short “stand-and-stretch” breaks may be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator. Example EOY (ELA/L Administration): 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Unit 1 10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Scheduled Break 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Unit 2 Script: Students must be supervised at all times during breaks, including breaks between units. It is the School Test Coordinator’s responsibility to establish the testing schedule, including scheduled breaks between units. Between units, scheduled breaks should occur. During these scheduled breaks, students are permitted to go to the restroom, get up to stretch, and get a drink. During a unit, a classroom may take one “stand-and-stretch” break of up to three minutes at the discretion of the Test Administrator. Unit time may be adjusted by no more than three minutes. As a reminder during these breaks for computer-based testing, it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to the student’s computer screen (e.g., turn off the monitor, tape folders to the screen); do not have students use computer functions to exit and resume the test. Students should also not talk, use electronic devices such as cell phones, play games, continue to interact with the test, or engage in activities that may violate the validity of the test.

15 Managing PearsonAccessnext
Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: PARCC computer-based tests will require set-up work in PearsonAccessnext , the online portal to manage your organizations, user accounts, student registration, importing and exporting system files, creating and managing test sessions, and proctor caching. If your state is using PearsonAccess for other tests, we want you to know that the PearsonAccessnext system has new functionalities, and we recommend that you and your team review them. This section will review high level computer-based tasks to be completed by LEA and School Test Coordinators in the PearsonAccessnext website, including setting up organizations, user accounts, participation organizations information, student registration, managing test sessions, and proctor caching test content. Further details on how to perform these tasks within the PearsonAccessnext system can be found on the PearsonAccessnext Training Module located at

16 PearsonAccessnext: State Responsibilities
Steps Your State Will Perform to Prepare for PARCC Computer-based Tests: Import Organization Files – Due by 10/17/14 Create the initial User Files for District and School User Accounts – Must be completed before import of Student Registration Import Organization Participation Files: PBA due by 11/21/14 EOY due by 1/23/15 Script: Some set-up work in PearsonAccessnext will be completed by your state, but it is important for you to understand this context since some steps are dependent on others and must be implemented in order. For example, your state performs activities such as creating your organization and flagging it as “participating” for each test administration. This participation status is necessary in order to import student registration and Personal Needs Profile (PNP) information. Your state representative's first step in PearsonAccessnext is to import an Organization File for your state by October 17, 2014 for the PARCC Assessments for Computer-based Testing. A state Organization File indicates organization details like organization name and shipping address for materials. Once a state organization structure is created, the system allows creation of user accounts in PearsonAccessnext, importing organization participation files, and addition of student registration and Personal Needs Profile information. The next step your State will perform, if not already completed during the Fall Block administration, is to add initial users into the system. This should be completed before importing the student registration information. District and school personnel must obtain user account information in order to perform any tasks in the PearsonAccessnext System. These tasks include creating other user accounts and adding student registration. PARCC will first load State users information, then State users will, in turn, import district user accounts, and district users will create other district or school accounts. The final step your state will perform is to import the Organization Participation File. This will happen from October 20th to November 21st for the PBA administration and October 20th to January 23rd for the EOY administration. This file is not to be confused with the Organization File where each organization’s profile information is imported into the system. This file is used to indicate each organization participation status (“Yes” or “No”) for the PBA and EOY test administrations. It will also identify school enrollment counts. Once your organization’s participation status is set to “Yes” for each of the appropriate test administrations, Test Coordinators can then import the Student Registration and PNP Files. Initial User Account File Must be completed before SRI Organization File Import 9/1-10/17 Organization Participation File Import: PBA 10/20-11/21; EOY 10/20-1/23 Student Registration File Import: PBA now until 11/21; EOY now until 1/23 PNP Import File Import prior to caching test content

17 PearsonAccessnext: LEA and School Responsibilities
Script: Next, we will review the high level steps State, LEA, or School Test Coordinators will perform to complete the PearsonAccessnext setup process. The Student Registration Import process is the main function LEA and School Test Coordinators will perform in the PearsonAccessnext system. The Student Registration File refers to student demographic data that details student profile and required accommodation material and accessibility features for individual students. This file is dependent on the participation status in the Organization Participation File (must be set to “Yes”) and must be imported into the system by the deadline of November 21st for the PBA administration and January 23rd for the EOY administration. The State, LEA, or School Test Coordinators must register students in order to receive the initial order of materials that includes test manuals and accommodated materials. If you miss the import deadline to generate an initial order, you still need to import student registration data, but must also order additional materials. We will review this process of ordering additional materials later in the training module under Order Additional Materials. The Personal Needs Profile (PNP) is a file that collects information regarding a student’s accessibility features and accommodations and test administration considerations that are needed to take the PARCC computer-based tests. Some fields in this file are dependent on other fields in the Student Registration File for each student record. Be sure to review the definitions and notes sections of the Field Definitions document when filling out this information. You may also obtain more information under the Person Needs Profile section of the Test Coordinator Manual. LEA and School level staff who have user accounts in the PearsonAccessnext system may create new user accounts. These accounts can be created for staff who will assist with the PARCC Assessments for Computer-based Testing. These roles can include the Technology Coordinator or Test Administrator. If you wish to view detailed steps for these tasks, go to the PearsonAccessnext Training Module. This module will further support Test Coordinators in creating and managing staff accounts, communicating securely with the PARCC Customer Support team, and importing Student Registration and PNP Files via the PearsonAccessnext importing/exporting process or manually through the PearsonAccessnext User Interface. *Please note that the student registration process varies across states, and in some states your state education agency staff will complete the Student Registration Import process for you. Please check with your state on specific procedures for the Student Registration Import process for PARCC assessments. Steps Your State, LEA and School Test Coordinators Will Do to Prepare for PARCC Computer-based Tests*: The LEA and School Test Coordinator must import the Student Registration File for both the PBA and EOY Administrations. Import student’s Personal Needs Profile (PNP) information. Create additional users accounts for district/school staff. * Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual or Test Administrator Manual for the person responsible for completing the importing processes, including the Student Registration Import process. Organization File Import 9/1-10/17 Organization Participation File Import: PBA 10/20-11/21; EOY 10/20-1/23 Student Registration File Import: PBA now until 11/21; EOY now until 1/23 PNP File Import Prior to Proctor Caching

18 PearsonAccessnext: LEA and School Responsibilities
Steps to Prepare for PARCC Computer-based Tests: Create, manage, and edit test sessions. Train Test Administrators on how to manage and monitor Test Sessions in PearsonAccessnext. Pre-cache test content. Information on how to complete these activities will be found in the PearsonAccessnext Training Module, Script: ***Show picture****Test sessions are virtual groupings of individual students who will take the same test at the same time and place. Within PearsonAccessnext test sessions, School Test Coordinators will create, view, or edit test session details; add, remove, or move students; and add or change the test form assigned to students. Test sessions will be used to generate and print Student Authorization Tickets and Seal Codes. When creating a session, scheduling a date and time for a test session in PearsonAccessnext is intended primarily for planning purposes. A test session will not start until Test Administrators click Start on the Session Details screen, regardless of the scheduled start date and time. Although Test Administrators are not bound by the date and time that you select for a test session, we recommend you be as accurate as possible when completing this information. You can update the date, time, location, etc., before a session is started. School Test Coordinators will train Test Administrators on how to manage and monitor Test Sessions in PearsonAccessnext this includes: Starting a Test Session; Resuming a student’s session; Confirming a completed Test Session (for the purpose to stopping a Test Session); Marking Complete a Test Session once testing is complete; and Stopping a Test Session. After sessions are created, and the PNP process is completed, then School Test Coordinators may Proctor Cache test content. To learn more about Proctor Cache and its benefits to lower bandwidth stress on internal networks during testing, please go to the Proctor Caching training module located at  Note: Refer to PearsonAccessnext Training Module located at for instructions on logging into PearsonAccessnext and performing the tasks described in this section.

19 Management of Materials
Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: The management or handling of materials is a task to be completed by Test Coordinators. Information regarding your state’s shipping and distribution policy can be located under Receive, Document, and Store Materials in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual, located on the Support page of PearsonAccessnext. Remember that all materials are secure and must be handled in accordance with security protocols and policies. This includes the small amount of paper materials for computer-based testing. Test Coordinators also need to be aware that test items on students’ computer screens are secure and need to be monitored accordingly.

20 Initial Materials Order
How Is It Generated and What Is Included in an Initial Order: Import your Student Registration to receive your initial order of manuals.* Import a File in PearsonAccessnext. Each file must be imported by: November 21st for PBA test administration January 23rd for EOY test administration Participation must be set to “Yes” for PBA and EOY. You will receive Test Coordinator and Test Administrator Manuals; and paper-based accommodations for paper-based accommodated student, if indicated in SRI. Tactile graphics for computer-based testing will not be included in your initial order. Script: The initial order shipment is not created by “ordering” materials. It is generated by importing your organization’s Student Registration File in PearsonAccessnext for each test administration. A Student Registration File indicates individual student profile information. The system will then calculate the enrollment counts for your organization and send the appropriate amount of Test Coordinator and Test Administrator Manuals and paper-based accommodation materials, if needed, for your organization. Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual, located on the Support page of PearsonAccessnext for the responsible staff who will complete the Student Registration Import process. To import your Student Registration, first check PearsonAccessnext on the Manage Participation page to see if participation for your organization is set to “Yes”. Go to the PearsonAccessnext Training Module, located at to review these steps to see if participation for your organization is set to “Yes”. Once you confirmed that your participation status is set to “yes,” you will need to import your Student Registration File for students who are participating in the PBA and EOY administrations. An Initial order for online testing will include Test Coordinator Manuals for every school and one Test Administrator Manual for every 25 students registered in PearsonAccessnext. If you have students requiring paper-based accommodated test materials, their student registration import must be completed by the initial order deadline to receive an initial order of accommodated materials. If you have students requiring tactile graphics for computer-based testing, these will not be included in the initial order and must be ordered through the additional order process. * Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual for the person responsible for completing the Student Registration Import process.

21 Missed Initial Order Submission
Late Student Registration Submissions for Spring Assessments: If you missed the deadline for the initial administration orders, follow these steps: Import a Student Registration Import File for students not yet registered.* Submit an order for additional test manuals and paper-based accommodated test materials* in PearsonAccessnext for each participating school. Script: If your Student Registration File is not imported by the initial administration deadlines for PBA and EYO, an initial order for test manuals and paper-based accommodated test materials will not be generated and you will need to submit an additional order. Student Registration must be imported into PearsonAccessnext for students not yet registered for a test administration. This information will to allow students test results to be processed and reported to the correction organization. Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual for the person responsible to complete the Student Registration Import process. Test Coordinators must order additional paper-based accommodated test materials for each participating school via the Orders & Shipment Tracking page in PearsonAccessnext. Details regarding the process for completing an additional order will be provided later in this presentation. As a reminder to decrease an unexpected surplus of materials, do not submit an additional order if you are expecting an initial order of materials. You will want to first receive the initial order and identify if additional materials are needed. You will then place an order for additional materials at that time. * Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual for the person responsible for completing the Student Registration Import process.

22 Receiving, Documenting, and Storing Test Materials
Upon Receipt of Test Manuals and Paper-based Accommodated Test Materials, Test Coordinators should: Use the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form to document all test manuals and paper-based accommodated test materials received. Inventory materials immediately to verify that there is an adequate number for administration. Order additional TCMs or TAMs, if necessary. Keep all test materials in a centrally locked storage area, with limited access, until distributing them to the Test Administrators. Remind Test Administrators that all test materials must be distributed only on test administration day and must be returned to secure storage immediately after testing. Script: PBA and EOY initial shipments will be delivered 2 weeks prior to your district assessment window start date. When you receive your shipment of materials, you should make sure to: Use the Packing List and District Chain-of-Custody for Initial Shipment of Materials Form, found in box 1 of the initial shipment, to document all testing material from the initial order and other testing materials including Test Coordinator Manual (TCM) and Test Administrator Manual (TAM), accommodated tests, and Student Authorization Tickets, and Seal Codes printed from PearsonAccessnext. Verify you have adequate number of materials for your students and staff by using the Packing List and School Chain-of-Custody Form. If an additional Test Coordinator or Test Administrator Manuals are needed, submit an additional order through PearsonAccessnext. Refer to your state-specific policy in Appendix C in the Test Coordinator Manual found on the Support page of PearsonAccessnext before placing an order. Check that test material, including paper-based accommodated test materials, are secure and keep them in a centrally locked storage area, with limited access, until distributing them to Test Administrators each testing day. Remind Test Administrators that all test materials are secure and that all test material distribution and collection must be documented daily using the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form, School Chain-of-Custody Form, if applicable, or other tracking log and must be returned to secure storage immediately after each day of testing.

23 Steps to Order Additional Materials
Orders Can Be Submitted by Users with the Following Roles*: LEA Test Coordinator Non-School/Institution Test Coordinator School/Institution Test Coordinator *Note that an “add-on role” must be added for the user account to import files. An additional materials order is a three-step process on the Orders & Shipments page of PearsonAccessnext. Verify the shipping information. Enter a quantity. Review and complete the ordering process. Refer to the PearsonAccessnext Training Module found at Script: Additional Orders can be submitted by users who have the appropriate Role and Add-on Role assigned to their PearsonAccessnext account. See the User Roles and Permissions document for more information found on the Support page of PearsonAccessnext. Note: For computer-based testing, paper test materials for accommodated tests can only be ordered through the Additional Orders screen and must be ordered for each administration (PBA and EYO) and grade level/course, as needed. Ordering additional materials occurs when you submit an order through the Orders & Shipment Tracking page found on PearsonAccessnext. This page can also be used to track orders placed by your organization. This presentation will provide a high level three-step process for ordering additional materials through PearsonAccessnext. First, you will need to verify the shipping information is correct for your organization on the Create/Edit Order page of PearsonAccessnext. If it is not correct, contact your State Test Coordinator. Second, in the Amount column of the Edit Materials Order screen enter a quantity for each type of test material that you want to order. Third, review the order carefully and complete the order. Once your additional order is approved, please allow 4-5 business days for shipment delivery. If you would like to see detailed steps on how to order additional material, please look to the PearsonAccessnext Training Module found at

24 Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing
Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: In this section, we will review the tasks LEA and School Test Coordinators must complete before, during, and after testing.

25 Tasks to Complete Before Testing
Three months before testing: Register students in PearsonAccessnext and resolve critical warnings/alerts. If applicable, order materials for paper-based accommodated test materials. View applicable online training modules at Establish a testing schedule. Prepare for a Test Administration Script: Three months prior to the test administration: Ensure student registration has been entered into the PearsonAccessnext system for every student. This action will produce the number for the initial quantity of manuals to be distributed to each school. It is recommended to register students, update data, and resolve critical warnings three months prior to the test administration. When adding students to PearsonAccessnext through the Student Registration Import process or through the user interface, critical warnings will appear in PearsonAccessnext if key demographic information is missing. PearsonAccessnext allows for students to be added without these fields populated to ensure students are able to test with the expectation that the missing information will be populated before the resolution end date. Critical warnings are a reminder to populate these fields. The PearsonAccessnext Training Module will show steps on how to complete these tasks. Test Coordinators should watch the Student Registration Import Training Module and carefully review the Student Registration File Field Definitions document in order to fill in the correct values within the Student Registration File Layout. Confirm materials needed to support paper-based accommodated tests have been ordered through the Additional Orders screen in PearsonAccessnext. View the recommended online technical training modules for computer- based testing. These modules are located at Establish a testing day schedule for your school.

26 Tasks to Complete Before Testing
Script: Two months prior to testing: If administering accommodation, understand which provided accessibility features and accommodations (Identified in advance) must be documented ahead of the test administration. Ahead of time, review each student’s IEP or 504 Plan (or EL Plan, if required by your state) and prepare a list showing each student and his or her specific accessibility features or accommodation(s); indicate whether a specific test setting or Test Administrator will be required. The Personal Needs Profile (PNP) in PearsonAccessnext should indicate this information. Train all Test Administrators who will provide accommodations, including additional Test Administrators. Develop a plan to provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the PARCC assessments using the PARCC practice resources, available online at LEAs and schools may set their own schedules, but the Sample Items and Tutorials should be administered on a separate day before the PARCC assessments is administered. Schools should also strongly encourage teachers to familiarize students with the scoring rubrics prior to administration to help them understand the criteria by which their responses to prompts on ELA/Literacy assessments will be scored. To ensure that PARCC procedures for protecting secure test materials are followed, develop a security plan for your school. This is one of the most important responsibilities for School Test Coordinators. Review your school’s security plan with your LEA Test Coordinator, if applicable. All Test Coordinators must follow state requirements for the security plan. A successful security plan will: Ensure all school staff involved in the test administration of the PARCC Spring Assessments understand the security plan and sign the PARCC Security Agreement. Designate a central locked storage area, with limited access, for securing test materials. Establish who is responsible for shredding and recycling test materials (e.g. scratch paper written on by students) after the administration. Establish and document a chain-of-custody plan which ensures all test material are accounted for at all times before, during, and after the test administration. Failure to develop, implement, and follow a chain-of-custody plan could result in test invalidations or other actions per state policy. You may use the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form in Appendix D of the Test Coordinator Manual as an example or create your own equivalent log to track secure materials. Schools must maintain the log of secure materials for least three years. Ensure a successful and secure administration of the PARCC assessments by thoroughly planning and coordinating the following logistic activities: Schedule test administration sessions, locations, and assign students. Prepare a record of Test Administrators and their students for each session. Plan for the distribution and collection of testing materials. Work with Test Administrators to schedule Sample Items and Tutorial for their assigned students prior to the PARCC assessment. If applicable, establish school policy for dismissing students and/or allowing them to read a recreational book after completing individual tests and communicate this information to students. Refer to Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual for your state’s policy. Consult with the Technology Coordinator and confirm that all the student computers meet the requirements needed to administer the computer-based test. School Test Coordinators are responsible for developing a training plan for all Test Administrators and Proctors on the following topics: Testing schedule; PARCC test security protocols; Chain-of-custody documentation plan; Expectation of active proctoring and communicating with students; Administering accessibility features and accommodations, including how to incorporate this information into their daily instruction; Make-up testing procedures; and Available resources, including manuals and training modules. Meet with the School’s Technology Coordinator to explain the procedures for the PARCC assessment, the infrastructure preparations that will need to be made at your school, and the level of technical support that your school may need from this individual during testing. Show and discuss the Infrastructure Trial Training Module or direct them to its location. Involve the Technology Coordinator in all planning meetings to provide input on logistics and to resolve any network issues. Discuss the school’s security plan, including testing environment and test materials. Request that the Technology Coordinator remain in the school building to assist with technology troubleshooting during testing days. Prepare student and Test Administrator computers and complete the following technology setup activities: Check every device and inventory software applications—these applications will need to be closed/disabled on all testing devices on test days. Verify content filter/firewalls and allow the appropriate sites. Configure common applications (anti-virus, notification, pop-up blockers, automatic updates, etc.) to NOT launch on test taking devices during testing. Disable Internet Explorer Accelerators. Download and install Proctor Cache Installer. Run the SystemCheck Tool. Configure browser settings to cache test content and configure TestNav. If applicable, load and configure the appropriate app for iPad or Chromebooks. Perform an Infrastructure Trial. An Infrastructure Trial is an opportunity for LEAs, schools, and students to prepare for the computer-based PARCC Test by simulating test-day network utilization. It will confirm that TestNav is configured correctly, student devices can successfully run on TestNav, local network can bear the full load on testing day, and will also provide an opportunity to introduce students to the TestNav testing interface through the online test content. Tasks to Complete Before Testing Two months before testing: Prepare to administer accommodated tests, if necessary. Schedule practice tests and student tutorials (recommended). Develop a security plan. Develop a logistics plan. Develop a training plan. Meet with and Train Technology Coordinators. Complete technology setup. Conduct an Infrastructure Trial. Prepare for a Test Administration

27 Tasks to Complete Before Testing (continued)
One month before testing: Review the Test Coordinator Manual and recommended online training modules to prepare for Test Coordinator responsibilities. Notify students and parents about the PARCC assessment. Update Student Registration. Prepare for a Test Administration (continued) Script: One month before testing: Review the policies and instructions for test administration in the Test Coordinator Manual and review the available online training modules. Meet with students to review testing day policies and expectations and inform students and their parents on the PARCC assessment and the availability of practice tests. Update student registration in PearsonAccessnext with any changes that may have occurred after the initial import.

28 Tasks to Complete Before Testing (continued)
Two weeks before testing: Finalize the testing schedule. Finalize the security, logistics, and training plan. Sign the PARCC Security Agreement. Prepare for a Test Administration (continued) Script: Two weeks before testing: Finalize the school’s test administration schedule, including administration of make-up testing; security plan; logistics plan; and training plan. As The Test Coordinator, you should also sign the PARCC Security Agreement, which can be found in Appendix B of the Test Coordinator Manual. Schools are required to maintain signed copies and can find additional information about maintaining records of signed agreements in the state-specific policies located in Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual.

29 Tasks to Complete Before Testing (continued)
One week before testing: Meet with Test Administrators and Proctors. Receive, document, and store materials. Setup test sessions in PearsonAcccessnext. Confirm Test Administrator accounts are active Proctor Cache Operational Tests Print Student Testing Tickets and Seal Codes Check for test administration updates at On the day of testing: Make final preparations. Prepare for a Test Administration (continued) Script: Next we will review activities to perform one week prior to testing. Test Coordinators must schedule a meeting to present and discuss the security and training plan with Test Administrators and Proctors. In addition: Make sure Test Administrators understand policies and procedures on guidance for redirecting students and clarifying directions during testing. Review day of test activities. Inform Test Administrators how they can obtain additional materials needed during test administration, such as extra scratch paper. Ensure Test Administrators and Proctors sign the PARCC Security Agreement. Also, School Test Coordinators should review the instruction for receiving, documenting, and storing test material in this module or in the Test Coordinator Manual. Ensure all Test Administrators and Proctors involved in the test administrations of the PARCC Spring Assessments understand the security plan and Sign the PARCC Security Agreement. Confirm that test sessions are created and Test Administrators have active accounts in PearsonAccessnext . If applicable, complete proctor caching activities. Print Student Testing Tickets and Seal Codes. These test materials must be documented using the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form or other tracking log and must be placed in secure storage immediately. For important test administration updates, schools should regularly visit On the day of testing, School Test Coordinators must: Confirm computer-based test sessions in PearsonAccessnext are started. Confirm testing rooms are configured so that students are separated by a reasonable distance. Ensure testing rooms are clear of all instructional displays. Ensure student computers meet requirements to administer computer-based tests, including providing headphones for PBA ELA/Literacy units (except for grade 8 in the Spring 2015 administration only) and or accommodations purposes. Confirm Proctor Caching is enabled, if applicable.

30 Tasks to Complete During Testing
Administer the PARCC Assessment: Test Coordinators Distribute test materials. Ensure Test Administrators have a computer or tablet available. Monitor test activity. Ensure accessibility features and accommodations are being applied to appropriate students. Create make-up tests in PearsonAccessnext and supervise make-up testing. Be available to Test Administrators and Proctors. Investigate security breaches and testing irregularities. Follow protocol for Safety Threats and Severe Weather. Respond to all technology related issues. Collect materials from Test Administrators after each test unit. Script: LEA and School Test Coordinators will have to be active during testing. They will: Distribute test materials each day of testing. School Test Coordinators must distribute test materials from secure storage to the Test Administrators and document this movement on the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form or other tracking log. Ensure Test Administrators have a computer or tablet available to monitor and manage test sessions. Ensure that Test Administrators are actively monitoring students during testing and that test security protocols are being followed. Ensure that Test Administrators provide students with their approved testing accommodations and pre-identified accessibility features. You can find this information in the student’s Personal Needs Profile (PNP) on PearsonAccessnext. The PNP information specifies specific testing conditions, materials, or accessibility features and accommodations needed for testing. This information must be imported prior to caching test content or the day of testing. Identify students who need to be scheduled for make-up testing because they were absent from a regular administration, and schedule make-up testing to occur. Be available to Test Administrators and Proctors to answer all questions during the test administration, including any technology related issues. Document any instances of testing irregularities and breaches, on the Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach and report them to your LEA and/or State Education Agency. We’ll talk more about security breaches on the next slide. Follow protocols for Safety Threats and Severe Weather in the next slides of this module. Additional information can be found in the Test Coordinator Manual. Be available to Test Administrators to respond to all technology related issues. Go to to find the TestNav8 Users Guide to help with resolving computer-based testing issues. Collect paper test material and test tools from the Test Administrators immediately after each unit in each grade/subject and document those materials on the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form.

31 During Testing: Security Breaches
Monitoring and Reporting Security Breaches and Testing Irregularities All instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the School Test Coordinator, and subsequently, the LEA Test Coordinator, immediately. The Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach must be completed within two school days of the incident. Script: PARCC assessments are a secure testing event, and any testing irregularities or test security breaches must be immediately documented on the Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach in Appendix E of the Test Coordinator Manual. Additionally, a written report of the incident must be submitted within two school days. You should also know that when state department of education offices hears allegations of improprieties, the state’s designee may contact the LEA or School Test Coordinator to investigate it and report back. Any action that compromises test security or score validity may be classified as a security breach or test irregularity. The following are examples of test security breaches; see the Test Coordinator Manual for more examples. use of prohibited electronic devices, coaching students during testing, and copying or reproducing any part of the passages, test items, secure test materials, or online test forms Please refer to the Test Coordinator Manual for more examples. * Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual for state-specific requirements for reporting a Security Breach.

32 During Testing: Safety Threats and Severe Weather
Create a Plan and Train Staff for Safety Threats and Severe Weather Test Administrators and Proctors must: Note the time of the disruption. Secure test materials as specified in your School Security Plan. Prepare students for the continuation of the unit and resume students’ tests. Document the situation in writing. Script: In the event that there is a building evacuation, lockdown, or school closure during testing, Test Administrators and Proctors should be trained on what to do. If the lockdown of the school or district building causes testing to be delayed, altered, or cancelled, Test Administrators and Proctors must: Note the time of the disruption so that the remaining time for the unit can be calculated. Secure test materials as specified in your School Security Plan. Upon returning to the testing room, prepare students for the continuation of the unit, inform students of the remaining time, and write the updated unit start and stop times on the board. Test Coordinators should document the situation in writing, including names of students affected and action steps taken. Refer to your state’s policy in the Test Coordinator Manual for reporting situations like these. * Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual for state-specific procedures for reporting Safety Threats and Severe Weather.

33 Tasks to Complete After Testing
After Testing the PARCC Assessment The day of testing: Collect materials. Ensure Test Sessions have been completed. Purge the cached test content. Script: Immediately after testing: Collect test materials and verify all materials have been accounted for using the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form or other tracking log. These materials include: The Test Administrator Manual, Student Authorization Tickets, Any posted or printed Seal Codes, Student rosters containing TestNav usernames and passwords, Used and unused scratch paper, and Paper materials that support online accommodated tests. Please refer to the PARCC Paper-based Testing; Administration Training for Test Coordinators located at on specifics for returning any paper-based accommodated materials. Ensure test sessions are complete or have been marked complete by the Test Administrators in PearsonAccessnext. All testing devices should be logged off of TestNav. Test should be marked complete for students that did not complete testing (may be in an Active, Exited, Resumed, or Resumed-Upload status). Remove any student in a Ready status from a test sessions into a make-up test session. After all students are in a Completed or Marked Complete status, Stop the test session. Notify the Technology Coordinator that all testing is complete and have them purge the cached test content.

34 Tasks to Complete After Testing
Script: One week after the final test unit, School Test Coordinators must: Return any paper-based accommodation materials. Refer to the Paper-Based Testing; Training for Test Coordinators training module or to the Test Coordinator Manual for instructions on what to do with these materials. Complete the Post-Test Certification Form, once materials have been shipped and materials securely shredded or recycled. This will also require the Principal’s signature. This form certifies that all materials have been tracked using Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form or other tracking log and were accounted for from receipt to packing and shipping. Work with the LEA Test Coordinator to ensure the following test materials are destroyed immediately after all testing is complete and documented on the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form or other tracking log: scratch paper written on by students during testing; printed Student Authorization Tickets; posted or printed Seal Codes; any other school-generated reports or documents, which contain personally identifiable student information; student rosters containing TestNav usernames and passwords; and all accommodated materials (excludes PARCC-supplied materials for Large Print, Braille and read-aloud administration). After the EOY administration, recycle Test Administrator Manuals and unused scratch paper. Once recycling is complete, it must be documented on the Computer-based Chain-of-Custody Form or other tracking log. The following records must be maintained by your school for as long as noted by your state’s policy in Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual: copies of all signed Security Agreements; chain-of-custody documentation; if not already included in chain-of-custody documentation, test group/classroom roster records noting who administered each test session (both Test Administrator and Proctors) and names of students assigned to that group; if applicable, copies of any Forms to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach, Missing Materials; and if applicable, a copy of your signed Post-Test Certification Form. Finally, resolve critical warning/alerts in PearsonAccessnext. Critical warnings will appear in PearsonAccessnext if key demographic information is missing from a student’s profile. These must be resolved after the PARCC administration. Tasks to Complete After Testing After Testing the PARCC Assessment (continued) One week after the final test unit: If you have any paper-based accommodation materials, refer to the Paper-Based Testing; Training for Test Coordinators training module or to the Test Coordinator Manual. Complete a Post-Test Certification Form. Destroy/Shred used scratch paper, Mathematics Reference Sheets, Student Authorization Tickets, and Seal Codes. Recycle unused test material (after EOY). Keep records according to your state’s policy. Within the final week of testing: Resolve critical warning/alerts in PearsonAccessnext.

35 Click the Quiz button to edit this quiz
Test your knowledge: Quiz Should all user roles who are involved with testing sign a security Agreement prior to handling test material? Yes No Who is responsible to develop and coordinate the school test administration schedule, including make-up units? School Test Coordinator Technology Coordinator Test Administrator Proctor Which Role is responsible for implementing a security plan? School Test Coordinator Technology Coordinator Test Administrator Proctor Which Role is responsible for securing and ensuring test materials are collected after testing? All the above Script: ***Interactive for users.*** Click the Quiz button to edit this quiz

36 Resources Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: Next, we will review resources available to you through PearsonAccessnext.

37 Resources – Support Page
Script: Within the Support page of PearsonAccessnext, there are multiple resources available that you can access. The Support page provides a range of support options, including organization of Resources Categories, such as Manuals and Documents, Training, and more. These documents are searchable by keywords. Links to Top Resources are also available such as the PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide and Training Modules. You can also find information about how to contact PARCC Support if you have questions. ***animation***This page is found in PearsonAccessnext. Click on Documentation within the Support icon.

38 Resources – Training Center
The Training Center is found at: Select the green PearsonAccessnext dropdown menu and select Training. Enter your user ID and password, and then click Sign In to go to the Training Center. Script: The PearsonAccessnext Training Center allows you to practice without affecting the “live” data for testing activities. For instance, LEA Test Coordinators can create sample students or practice placing an additional order or Test Administrators can practice managing test sessions. The Training Center is found at When you select Training, notice that the Training Center has a brown theme, while the production site has a blue theme. ***Animation here******

39 Resources – TAM and TCM Test Coordinator Manual (TCM) Paper-based Testing (Under “Manuals and Documents”) Appendix C: State Policy Addendum Script: All the information discussed in this training module can be found in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual.

40 Resources – Accessibility Features and Accommodations
Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual Accessibility Features and Accommodations Training Module: Script: Detailed information about PARCC’s accessibility features and accommodations policies, including implementation guidance, can be found at PARCC’s Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual located at: In addition, the Accessibility Features and Accommodations Training Module is located at:

41 Support Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Computer-based Testing Test Administrations, Schedules, and Testing Times PearsonAccessnext, Organization Imports, User Accounts, and Student Registration Management of Materials Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support Script: Lastly, we will review the support options available to you during this PARCC Assessments for Computer-based Testing.

42 Support: PARCC Support
Contact PARCC Support for assistance with: Navigating PearsonAccessnext Navigating the Training Center Managing Student Registration Data Setting up units Managing user IDs and passwords Accessing resources Setting up proctor caching Submitting additional orders Inquiring about shipments Script: You can contact PARCC Support for assistance with: Navigating PearsonAccessnext Navigating the Training Center Managing Student Registration Data Setting up units Managing user IDs and passwords Accessing resources Setting up proctor caching Submitting additional orders Inquiring about shipments Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free: (5:00 am – 7:00 pm CT, Mon. – Fri.)

43 Support: State or LEA Support
Contact your State or LEA Test Coordinator for assistance with: Testing schedule Testing accommodations Unusual circumstances on test days Violations of test security School emergencies that affect testing Questions about general testing policies Questions about state communications Script: You may also contact your State or LEA Test Coordinator for assistance with the following: Testing schedule Testing accommodations Unusual circumstances on test days Violations of test security School emergencies that affect testing Questions about general testing policies Questions about state communications

44 Script: We have discussed the roles and responsibilities of both the LEA and School Test Coordinators; the test schedule and testing times; tasks to complete before, during, and after testing; and how to find additional information specific to the computer- based testing. This concludes the Administration Training for PARCC Computer-based Testing for Test Coordinators. Thank you for your help in administering the PARCC assessment! Thank you

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