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Timeline of American Immigration

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1 Timeline of American Immigration

2 1848 – Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Ended Mexican-American War Mexican residents of new territory have the choice to remain

3 1868 – Burlingame Treaty Allowed unrestricted immigration of Chinese to US

4 1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act
No Chinese immigration for 10 years and no Chinese could become US citizens First law to restrict immigration based on race

5 Anti-Chinese riots in Washington state

6 Late 19th Century Many restrictions on “undesirable classes” passed by Congress

7 1907 – Gentleman’s Agreement
Japan agreed to restrict immigration to US

8 1910 – Mexican Revolution Caused thousands of Mexicans to come to US for work

9 1917 – Immigration Act of 1917 Prohibited immigration based on lack of education and from Asiatic barred zone Banned “undesirables” Imposed literacy test

10 1920 14 million of 105 million people living in US were foreigners

11 1924 – Immigration Act of 1924 Imposed quota system on immigrants
Favored immigration from Western Europe and restricted it from Eastern and Southern Europe



14 1930s Many Mexicans and Mexican Americans deported because of Depression

15 – Bracero program Provided temporary US residence for Mexican farm workers

16 1965 – Immigration and Naturalization Act
Abolished quota system and set equal immigration limits for each country

17 Immigrants as a % of US Population: 1850 - 2010

18 Mexican Migration

19 The Cost of Crossing

20 Mexican Birthrate

21 Visas


23 Included "idiots, imbeciles, epileptics, alcoholics, poor, criminals, beggars, any person suffering attacks of insanity, those with tuberculosis, and those who have any form of dangerous contagious disease, aliens who have a physical disability that will restrict them from earning a living in the United States..., polygamists and anarchists, those who were against the organized government or those who advocated the unlawful destruction of property and those who advocated the unlawful assault of killing of any officer.“ Prostitutes and anyone involved in or with prostitution were also barred from entering the United States. Back

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