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Meg Kamman & Erica McCray University of Florida Nichelle Robinson

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1 Preparing Educator Preparation Faculty to Prepare Candidates for Culturally Responsive Teaching
Meg Kamman & Erica McCray University of Florida Nichelle Robinson University of Mississippi U.S. Department of Education, H325A120003

2 Today We will discuss… CEEDAR Ole’ Miss Context
The Ole’ Miss-CEEDAR Partnership

3 CEEDAR Center CEEDAR stands for “Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform.” Funded by OSEP initially five years (2013 to 2017) Recently refunded for another five years ( ) Mary Brownell, Center Director Collaboration with AIR, KU, and CCSSO

4 CEEDAR’s Mission To create aligned professional learning systems that provide teachers and leaders effective opportunities to learn how to improve and support core and specialized instruction in inclusive settings that enable students with disabilities to achieve college and career readiness standards

5 Intensive Technical Assistance
Intensive TA involves the CEEDAR Center developing ongoing relationships and providing products and services to key stakeholders in selected states to assist in reforming their existing systems of teacher and leader preparation. In each intensive state, the CEEDAR Center established intensive TA partnerships with the SEA, at least three IHEs, and interested LEAs.

6 Intensive Technical Assistance

7 Intensive Technical Assistance
Alignment Licensure & Certification Teacher & Leader Education Preparation Program Evaluation

8 Question for Consideration
How well are your preparation programs preparing teachers and leaders for the diverse students in classrooms?

9 Mississippi-CEEDAR Partnership
The Mississippi Department of Education The University of Mississippi William Carey University Delta State University

10 Mississippi-CEEDAR Goals
Licensure structures Recruiting, preparing, and retaining effective teachers Program approval Communication

11 Ole’ Miss Focus The University of Mississippi is focusing on culturally responsive pedagogy.

12 Ole’ Miss-CEEDAR Goals
Goal 1: Increase faculty understanding and use of culturally responsive pedagogy Objective 1: Explore personal beliefs/perceptions of diversity/culturally responsive pedagogy Objective 2: Introduce faculty to best practices for culturally responsive teaching Objective 3: Review courses and integrate culturally responsive practices through programs

13 Ole’ Miss-CEEDAR Goals
Goal 2: Increase the ability of program graduates skill in using culturally responsive practices Objective 1: Provide opportunities for program graduates to learn culturally responsive practices Objective 2: Increase the ability of program graduates skill in using culturally responsive practices

14 Ole’ Miss-CEEDAR Goals
Goal 3: Align content and practice opportunities across programs Objective 1: Realign the EDLD program for ELCC standards to the new NELP standards Objective 2: Develop an interdisciplinary leadership program that will make the program more inclusive

15 2016-17 Diversity Office Activities: Diversity Office Web Page
Dr. Benjamin Reese, Jr. spoke to SOE faculty and students as well as the University community about implicit bias. Mr. Steve Becton, Facing History and Ourselves, presented workshops with faculty and students about culturally responsive practices and implicit bias.

16 Continued School of Education sponsored Of Ebony Embers performance (introduced faculty and students to the Harlem Renaissance) during Black History Month celebration in conjunction with our Office of Inclusion. Dr. Michael Orosco presented a workshop with SOE faculty on how to use their instruction to teach teacher candidates to include culturally responsive practices in their lesson plans.

17 Continued CEEDAR facilitators (Meg and Erica) conducted a workshop with SOE faculty on using the tools in the CEEDAR NIC system to assist them in uploading course syllabi to be analyzed and in developing new diversity courses for the teacher education department.

18 Continued 5 teacher education faculty members developed 5 graduate diversity courses (Overview of Diversity, Religious Diversity, Exploring Women/Gender Issues through Film, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Current Trends/Issues in Diversity) during Summer 2017. These courses will become specialization/endorsement areas for our Specialist/Doctorate programs as well as being used to offer a certificate to others outside of education interested in the courses.

19 2017-18 Diversity Office Activities:
Brown Bag Lunch Conversation Pt. 1 - Engaging in Effective Conversations about Charlottesville: How to and When? Education Symposium – State of Education for African American Children in MS 63 Years After Brown v. Board of Education (Keynote Speaker, Faculty/Student Poster Presentations, Panel Discussion) Panel Discussion

20 Continued: All junior and senior level teacher education course uploaded to the NIC system. Meg and Erica conducting workshop with faculty to address where culturally responsive practices can be strengthened in these courses. Mr. Steve Becton presented a workshop to senior education majors on having courageous conversations in the classroom regarding sensitive topics of race.

21 2017-18 Continued: Brown Bag Pt. 2 – Conversations We Had and How
Present graduate courses developed to faculty for approval for new Ed.D. program being developed.

22 Continued: Black History Month Panel Discussion: State of Education for African American Children in MS Pt. 2: K-12 Educators Speak Recruiting visits to community colleges; applied for the Holmes Scholars program; developing support programs for diverse teacher candidates

23 Continued: School of Education will sponsor Equally Divine, The Real Story of Mona Lisa performance (explores gender equality) during Women’s History Month celebration in conjunction with our Office of Inclusion. Fall 2018 – 2nd Annual Education Symposium

24 Discussion KEY QUESTIONS
What are some ways your university is helping to develop faculty knowledge and skills around culturally responsive pedagogy? How are your faculty helping teacher and leader candidates with culturally responsive pedagogy?

25 Questions

26 Disclaimer This presentation was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Award No. H325A Bonnie Jones and David Guardino serve as the project officers. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or polices of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned in this presentation is intended or should be inferred.

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