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BSc & BSc Hons (Real Estate)

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1 BSc & BSc Hons (Real Estate)
UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA Presentation to the Board of Directors International Studies 15 November 2018 BSc & BSc Hons (Real Estate) ERES Education Seminar 2-3 December 2011

2 Introduction Background BSc (Real Estate) BSc Hons (Real Estate)

3 Background First drafts for application in February 1998
Approval for the degree was granted in 2003 Suspended due to concern of student numbers

4 Background Wits and UCT introduced Real Estate degrees
UNISA is currently phasing out Qualifications in Property SACPVP requested department to consider suitable degree to train valuers

5 Background Since approval of BSc (RE) degree, other degrees changed to 3 + 2 BSc (RE) was introduced in 2010 as 3 year degree Need for BSc Hons (RE) degree to commence in 2013 5 5

6 BSc (Real Estate): Currently still very low student numbers
(11 first year, 21 second year) Mainly due to: absence of marketing Hons degree not introduced yet 6 6

7 BSc (Real Estate): Technical building subjects (BWT, GBD, BOU, HVH, SKE, TPA) Supporting (KIT, BGG, BHU, OMG) Town planning (TPD, TRP, TPS, GMC, TPU) Law (EOW320, BER) Financial & economics (EKN, FBS, STK) General (CIL, EOT, WTW, RES)

8 BSc Hons (Real Estate) Current request to Senate to reintroduce degree from 2013 2 year full time 15 Lectures per week, 28 weeks per year

9 BSc Hons (RE): First year: Research Methodology (NNM710)
Building Cost Estimation (BKR700) Management Practice (BTP700) Property Valuation (EDW701) Property Management (EBS700) Property Marketing (EBM720) 9 9

10 BSc Hons (RE): Second year: Property Valuation (EDW702)
Property Feasibility Studies (EUS720) Property Development (EOW711) Property Investment (PMN710) Law of Lease Contracts (HKR710) Practical Devel. Feasibility (POU720) Treatise (EMW785) 10 10




14 Thank you


16 Thank you

17 Thank you

18 MSc (Real Estate) Facilities Management 821 Property Development 801
Property Investment 820 Property Management 801 Property Valuation 801 Property Valuation 802 Research Methodology 820 Mini-dissertation: Real Estate 892

19 Educational content Global perspectives – little content
Sustainability – incl. in technical subjects Indirect investment market – incl. in PMN Diversity – little content Graduate employability Property Valuers Property Development Property Management 19 19

20 Financial principles in Valuation
Time value of money Macro economic principles and drivers of value Influence of finance on value Basic financial fundamentals of valuation methodology Relationship between technical and financial aspects of valuation 20 20

21 Thank you

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