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15 November 201815 November 2018 Market Segmentation.

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1 15 November November 2018 Market Segmentation

2 Starter Answer questions 1-3 on the worksheet You have 5 minutes
15 November 2018 Starter Answer questions 1-3 on the worksheet You have 5 minutes When you’re done, choose whether to stick the lesson worksheet in your book or file it in your folder It has been cut to fit in your exercise and hole punched to help you.

3 15 November 2018 Market Segments Market Segmentation – When companies can use market research to break down a market into sub-groups with similar characteristics. A business can then target these groups and develop products and services for them.

4 What are the Target Segments for these products?
15 November 2018 What are the Target Segments for these products?

5 15 November 2018 Segmentation by Age Some businesses pay close attention to the age of its customers. The over 60’s is a group seen as increasingly important. Why?

6 Segmentation by Gender
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Gender Manufacturers may target males or females when marketing their products.

7 Segmentation by Education/Employment
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Education/Employment Businesses may choose to segment its market based on how far the consumer has progressed through the education system. Products can be aimed at a particular occupation.

8 Segmentation by Social Class
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Social Class Markets can be divided by social class. What is social class? It may interest Banks or financial institutions.

9 Segmentation by Income
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Income This is linked to Social Class but income groups may vary A plumber can sometimes earn more than a bank manager

10 Segmentation by Religion
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Religion Products may be aimed at particular Religious Groups. Make a list or draw Brainstorm of the types of products aimed at types of religion. e.g. Judaism (Jewish) – Kosher food

11 Segmentation by Ethnic Grouping
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Ethnic Grouping We can segment by country of origin or ethnic grouping: TV Stations Radio Stations Newspapers Food Products Hair care/beauty

12 Segmentation by Family Characteristics
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Family Characteristics Average Family Single Parents Retired Couple

13 Segmentation by Political Preference
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Political Preference

14 Segmentation by Geographical Region
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Geographical Region This could look at: Nature of a Region Different Countries e.g.

15 Segmentation by Personality & Lifestyle
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Personality & Lifestyle

16 Segmentation by Purchases
15 November 2018 Segmentation by Purchases Look at buyer behaviour Quantity and Frequency of Purchase Loyalty Cards

17 Uses of Market Segmentation
15 November 2018 Uses of Market Segmentation To use the information to sell more products and increase profits Greater understanding of customers so product/product ranges can be varied. Target specific groups with specific products. To prevent resources being wasted.

18 15 November 2018 Plenary Activity You have each been given a product aimed at a particular market segment. In pairs: Create a magazine advertisement for your product. Decide where you will place your adverts. Decide which channels and during which programmes your advert will appear.

19 Compulsory Homework Be more, Do more at
15 November 2018 Compulsory Homework Explore and fill in the survey CHOOSE to do either the revision questions, data response or one of the essay questions for your homework Due Thursday 1st October (1 week) Extend your learning by doing two sections of the homework Be more, Do more at

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