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The Russian Revolution 1917

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1 The Russian Revolution 1917

2 Pre-Revolutionary Russia
Tsar Nicholas II – last Romanov ruler of Russia Pre-Revolutionary Russia Autocracy (means rule by one person) Secret Police used against enemies of the Tsar Russo-Japanese War (1905) – defeat led to political Instability

3 SOCIAL Although there was no more serfdom, life for peasants was difficult Russia was not very industrialized, compared with the rest of Europe

4 Role of Rasputin A mystic who “healed” the czar’s son who had hemophilia Huge influence over royal family, bad reputation rubs off on royals

5 WWI: The Last Straw Russian Army ill-supplied
TOTAL WAR = people starving at home Urban people form “soviets” – small revolutionary councils

6 The Two Revolutions of 1917 Peace, Land And Bread!
February Revolution – Food riots lead Tsar to abdicate October Revolution – Communists (known as Bolsheviks) take control w/ military coup. Exit War. (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) Lenin’s April Thesis

7 Lenin New Ruler of Russia
Lenin = Bolshevik (a Russian Communist) Wanted a “vanguard” to lead the revolution Communism could be forced by the vanguard, even without urban factory workers

8 Results Civil War in Russia until early 1920s – Commies versus everyone New secret police: CHEKA (NKVD/KGB) Communist rule in Russia (U.S.S.R.) from

9 Lenin’s Rule NEP – New Economic Policy
some capitalistic components (example: farmers could sell their crops) Big, important industries were nationalized (owned by gov’t) (examples: trains, steel production) Goal: Industrialize Russia Lenin’s death – power struggle. Stalin wins.


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