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Creative Script Writing

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1 Creative Script Writing
Intermediate Theatre

2 Warm-UP Pre-Assessment
Using the handout, recreate the script as best you can. Pay attention to font, formatting, indention, tabs, etc. Your script, when printed, should look like an exact replica. You have 20 mins Share with me via Google Drive when complete:

3 Today Objective: Students will brainstorm and begin storyboarding/rough drafts for a 3 page scene that includes the following elements: War, Relationships, & Distorted Reality. Agenda: WarmUp (Pre-Assessment) Announcements The Rubric Get to Work Closure

4 The Project – WAR TORN Here are the requirements for your scene:
3 Page Minimum 2 Character Minimum MUST deal with following themes: WAR, RELATIONSHIP Must include some form of a distorted reality or ambiguity in unity of time and place. Must remain in one location. Must be properly formatted. See handout for reference. Should include accurate references to the background of the war you select for your backdrop. Should be creative. Think outside the box. DUE: A Day: Friday April 28th B Day: Thursday April 27th Objective: Students will brainstorm and begin storyboarding/rough drafts for a 3 page scene that includes the following elements: War, Relationships, & Distorted Reality. Agenda: WarmUp (Pre-Assessment) Announcements The Rubric Get to Work Closure

Objective: Students will brainstorm and begin storyboarding/rough drafts for a 3 page scene that includes the following elements: War, Relationships, & Distorted Reality. Agenda: WarmUp (Pre-Assessment) Announcements The Rubric Get to Work Closure

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