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2 Identify the no of squares in the figure

3 Perception Definitions:-
A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impression in order to give meaning to their environment. May be defined as dynamic psychological process, responsible for attending, organizing and interpreting sensory data. Perception is nothing but selective attention. Selective attention is the ability, often exercised unconsciously, to choose from the stream of sensory data to concentrate on particular elements and to ignore others.

4 Factors Influencing Perception

5 Process of Perception ‘Bottom – up’ Processing ‘Top – down’
Sensory Input Incoming raw data Selective Attention We cannot pay attention to everything Perceptual Organization We look for order, pattern, meaning Interpretation Sense- Making, Seeking Closure Behavioural Response

6 Perception Errors Selective Attention:- Any feature that makes a person, object or event out stand, will increase the probability that it will be perceived. This is because we cannot pay attention to all that we see – only certain stimuli can be taken in. Halo Effect:- To draw a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic, such as intelligence, appearance etc. Contrast Effect:- Appraisal is based on comparison with other employees rather than on established performance criteria.

7 Perception Errors (Contd.)
4) Projection/Same as me:- Giving a good appraisal because the person has similar qualities or characteristics as possessed by the appraiser. 5) Stereotyping:- When we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs. 6) Initial Impression:- When an appraisal is based on first impression rather than on how the person has behaved through out the period to which appraisal relates.

8 Perception Errors (Contd.)
7) Latest Behavior:- Basing an appraisal on the person’s latest/recent behavior. 8) Central Tendency:- Appraising everyone at the middle of the rating scale. 9) Lenient or Generous rating:- Being consistently generous in appraisal mostly to avoid conflict. 10) Strict Rating:- Being consistently harsh in appraising performance. 11) Spillover Error:- The appraisal is based on the results of the previous appraisal rather than on how the person has behaved during the appraisal period.

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