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Design your e-infrastructure. egi

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1 Design your e-infrastructure. https://indico. egi
Design your e-infrastructure! Use case: IndexMed Break out group coordinator: Jan Bot and Roberta Piscitelli SURF SARA –

2 Group members Jan Bot Genevieve Romier Romain David Teresa Gomez-Diaz
Catalin Couderache Carsten Ehbrecht Roberta Piscitelli

3 First break-out Background and Users

4 Who will be the user? Can the users be characterised? How many are they?
Three user groups Advanced users: know how to process data themselves (genomic, proteomic, satellite)  stay in their own discipline, use own applications. Goal to break them out of their habitat Beginners (ecology, economy…) Need to be helped, will use portal. Intermediate (Plankton recognition, image processing, deep learing) Interested in new technology. Need to be helped using new data. Currently around 100 people interested. Expect to grow to 1000. Users not only scientists, also interesting to others Important to keep international collaboration in mind. Interest expected from countries around the Mediterranean

5 What will be the value of the infrastructure for them
What will be the value of the infrastructure for them? What will the system exactly deliver to them? Provide big data tools in ecology (Ease of use) Integrated data (curated, checked, integrated) Propose new standards when required Provide knowledge base for non-expert users (policy makers, citizen scientist) User friendly interfaces Curated data with ability to integrate own data with larger dataset Enables cross-disciplinary (collaborative) research

6 How should they use the system?

7 Project just beginning Iterative development
What's the timeline for development, testing and large-scale operation? (Consecutive releases can/should be considered.) Project just beginning Iterative development Implement basic functionality  next year Make inventory of needs for data, users, tools  next year + 6 months Insert reference data, authentication, software  2 years Production  unknown, depends on project funding (H2020)

8 Design and implementation plan
Second break-out Design and implementation plan

9 Index of a some datasets First (basic) portal & web-service generator
What should the first version include? - The most basic product prototype imaginable already bringing value to the users (the so-called Minimal Viable Product - MVP) Index of a some datasets First (basic) portal & web-service generator AAI (does not need to be all-inclusive) First software / algorithm library NoSQL store (graph database)  choice still needs to be made

10 Which components/services already exist in this architecture?
Indexing system (prototype) Data visualisation (prototype) Parser of databases (in development) Qualification system (just begun) Indexes of some European datasets

11 Which components/services are under development (and by who)?
Indexing system (prototype) [project] Data visualisation (prototype) [project] Parser of databases (in development) [project] Qualification system (just begun) [project] Indexes of some European datasets [project]

12 Experience and expertise Help with dissemination
Which components/services should be still brought into the system? Can EGI/EUDAT partners do it? AAI Virtual Organisation Experience and expertise Help with dissemination

13 EGI Consulting (expertise!) & knowledge exchange
Are there gaps in the EGI/EUDAT service catalogues that should be filled to realise the use case? Which service provider could fill the gap? Data visualisation EGI Consulting (expertise!) & knowledge exchange Competences directory Distributed structured storage with fine grained access rights

14 Next steps AAI solution needs to be chosen for this use case. EGI could help this. Possibly apply the EGI AAI proxi? Database solution needs to be chosen for this use case. EGI could help this. Who are experts of this domain in EGI? Would be good for EGI to create and 'EGI experts' database, to help answer questions like - where can I find GPGPU expert? Where can I find OpenStack expert? Where can I find DB experts? Maybe a searchable LinkedIn group with centrally controlled approval for joining?

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