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TD Bank | HELOC 2017 March 2017
Overview The 2017 TD Bank HELOC survey focuses on understanding both HELOC Users as well as Non-Users, and addresses topics such as sources of information, product use and considerations. Methodology An online survey was conducted among a nationally representative group of Home Owners. In total 1356 online interviews were completed. Subgroups of interest include: Hispanic (105) NYC (134) Boston (101) Philadelphia (109) Florida (160) Fieldwork was completed March 3-9, 2017. This report presents the findings in summary charts and tables. The statistical cross-tabulations are reported under separate cover. Data is weighted by age, gender and region to reflect the Home Owners population. Circles indicate groups that are statistically higher, or statistically lower HELOC Ownership 2017 Results 2016 2017 NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic 29% 15% 20% 13% 18% 25% 14% 23% 37% 51% 47% 46% 9% 19% 22% 49% 40% 34% 36% 32% Yes, currently have a HELOC Yes, I have previously had a HELOC Never had a HELOC Unsure what a HELOC is 34% 34% Have/Had HELOC Q2. Have you ever had a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)?
Credit Need (Next 18 Months)
Overall 41% are at least somewhat likely to apply for credit in the next 18 months. Of those, 71% would at least consider a HELOC. Across all Homeowners, 47% would consider applying for a HELOC in the next 18 months. Highest in New York and among those that already have experience. Likelihood to Apply For Credit in Next 18 Months 2017 Results 44% 22% 13% 17% 35% 48% 12% Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely 41% NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 28% 4% 7% 11% 15% 27% 18% 6% 19% 21% 8% 17% 20% 26% 16% 23% 30% 24% 9% 14% 32% 42% 41% 22% 40% Likelihood to Apply For a HELCO in Next 18 Months Credit Seekers Overall 2017 Results: Overall 47% NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 35% 15% 9% 14% 21% 41% 6% 32% 33% 24% 45% 26% 31% 52% 58% 61% 34% 63% Definitely Consider Explore HELOC as option Would not consider 71% Q2A. How likely are you to take out a line of credit or loan of any kind in the next 18 months? Q3. How likely are you to apply for a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) in the next months?
Next Steps | Channels Used & Financial Institutions Considered
If/When taking the next step towards a HELOC, half anticipate going into a Branch/Store Just over half (55%) would compare institutions. Two thirds of Homeowners with HELOC experience would go to their primary bank. Next Steps Toward a HELOC NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 40% 56% 51% 38% 47% 22% 26% 21% 18% 27% 10% 5% 15% 23% 19% 11% 8% 3% 7% 2017 2016 Branch/Store (Face-to-face) /Online (Digital) Rep. outside of branch/store (Face-to-face) Phone Mobile/Smart Phone 51% 27% 13% 8% N/A Financial Institutions Considered 2017 Results 2017 2016 NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 55% 51% 43% 44% 48% 67% 34% 40% 41% 45% 47% 30% 54% 5% 9% 16% 11% 3% 12% Primary Financial Institution Compare 2-4 Financial Institutions Research more than 5 40% 47% 13% Q6. What channel are you most likely to use when taking the next step toward completing a HELOC application? Q7. When researching your Home Equity loan options, how many financial institutions do you typically look at?
Applying for HELOC | Factors to Consider
Interest rates are by far the most influential factor when considering a HELOC. Homeowners look for lower rates as they compare institutions. Other benefits are the flexibility that HELOC’s provide in terms of borrowing time and use of funds. Most influential In HELOC Decision 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 39% 47% 44% 43% 41% 48% 16% 19% 23% 21% 18% 20% 25% 14% 24% 8% 15% 11% 1% 3% 9% 5% 2% Interest rates Loan amount Trust in my lender Fees Draw period length Most Valued Compared to Other Credit Options 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 33% 32% 39% 21% 43% 12% 19% 22% 7% 16% 17% 15% 14% 10% 8% 6% 9% 3% 11% 5% 4% 13% Low Interest rates Allows me to borrow over time as I need it Greater flexibility for loan use Provides cash/down payment to buy or renovate Provides beneficial annual tax deductions Doesn't require commitment to a specific amount Allows interest only payments during the draw period Q8. [Rank 1 Summary] How influential [USER: were / NON USER: would] each of the following factors be in your decision? Q9. What do you/would you value most about using a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) as opposed to other payment options?
Home/Property Value and Loan Consideration
Over half (55%) feel their home value has increased in the last months. This increases to 69% among those with current or past HELOC experience. More than half of Homeowners would be looking for a loan amount of less than $50,000. Those in NYC and HELOC users are more likely to look for a HELOC that is $100,000 or more. Home Property Value Over Last Months 2016 2017 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 68% 72% 37% 59% 53% 69% 47% 29% 23% 56% 38% 3% 5% 7% 0% 2% 6% Increased Stayed the same Decreased Most Valued Compared to Other Credit Options 2016 2017 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 40% 45% 58% 60% 44% 36% 69% 18% 33% 21% 24% 22% 29% 43% 16% 34% 35% 13% Less than $50,000 $50,000-$100,000 $100,000+ Q11. Which of the following is most applicable to your home/property value over the last 12 to 18 months? Q12. What size of loan would you look to apply for if considering or using a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)?
Confidence & Fixed Rates
Confidence in HELOC’s and how to use them is on par with nearly 40% saying they are very/extremely confident. One half of Homeowners would ask for a fixed rate if they were considering a HELOC – significantly higher among those who have product experience (62%). Confidence in Knowledge of HELOC’s 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 40% 56% 51% 38% 47% 22% 26% 21% 18% 27% 10% 5% 15% 23% 19% 11% 8% 3% 7% 2016 2017 Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not at all confident 39% 38% Likelihood of Asking for A Fixed Rate 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 57% 52% 40% 53% 48% 62% 45% 37% 43% 50% 39% 41% 33% 42% 5% 10% 8% 13% Very Likely Maybe Not likely Q18. How confident are you in your knowledge of Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) loans and how to use them? Q16. If you were to consider using a HELOC now, how likely would you be to ask to fix your rate?
HELOC Uses Use of HELOC 2016 2017 1st Use
Two thirds would use a HELOC for home renovations or improvements, consistent with Home renos are the top use (47%). On average Homeowners have used/would use a HELOC for two items (2.0). Use of HELOC 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non User 62% 68% 66% 61% 65% 64% 42% 22% 29% 28% 34% 32% 25% 24% 18% 30% 26% 21% 27% 16% 23% 13% 12% 20% 14% 11% 19% 15% 7% 5% 10% 8% 2% 3% 2016 2017 1st Use 60% 27% 25% 17% 18% 11% 10% 9% Home Renovations/Improvements Major Home Purchases Debt Consolidation Emergency Funds Vehicle Purchase Medical and Healthcare Expenses Education Expenses Travel/Vacations Day-to-Day Expenses 47% 7% 14% 8% 5% 4% 2% Q10. What specifically have you or would you use a HELOC Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) for? Q10A. And which of the following would you use it for first?
Home Renovations 42% Could Afford a Home Reno without a HELOC
If they had a HELOC, half of homeowners (54%) would renovate their kitchen, with roughly one third (35%) stating that they would renovate it first. Top reasons to renovate home are to increase it’s value and to update the look of a room. Renovation All Renovations: 2017 42% Could Afford a Home Reno without a HELOC NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non-User 62% 44% 51% 50% 46% 58% 52% 41% 45% 53% 26% 15% 21% 22% 29% 19% 37% 11% 18% 27% 28% 14% 12% 20% 35% 23% 17% 13% 7% 5% 24% 9% 2% 2017 Reno 1st Kitchen Bathroom Backyard Living room Bedroom Add a room Basement Dining room Other 35% 22% 7% 5% 9% 6% 2% 8% Top Reason to Renovate 2017 Results NYC Boston Philly Florida Hispanic User Non-User 27% 30% 28% 37% 40% 35% 29% 39% 36% 15% 12% 7% 9% 11% 19% 4% 3% 1% 5% 8% 2% 6% Increase my home's value Do not like the look of the room/it’s outdated I finally can afford to do so I want to sell my home in the near future To 'keep up with the Jones' Other I don't want to renovate 2017 Reults Q20A. If you were to use a HELOC to renovate, which part(s) of your home would you renovate? Q20. What room in your home would you renovate first? Q14. What is the #1 reason for why you would want to renovate your home? Q15. Could you afford a home renovation out-of-pocket right now without taking out a HELOC
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