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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Positioner

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1 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Positioner
Team: Jonathan Baran, Chris Webster, Tim Pearce, Max Michalski BME 201 February 24, 2006

2 Intellectual Property
All information provided by individuals or Design Project Groups during this or subsequent presentations is the property of the University and of the researchers presenting this information. In addition, any information provided herein may include results sponsored by and provided to a member company of the Biomedical Engineering Student Design Consortium (SDC). The above information may include intellectual property rights belonging to the University to which the SDC may have license rights. Anyone to whom this information is disclosed: 1) Agrees to use this information solely for purposes related to this review; 2) Agrees not to use this information for any other purpose unless approved in advance by the Project Group, the Client / SDC, and the Advisor; 3) Agrees to keep this information in confidence until the University and the relevant parties listed in Part (2) above have evaluated and secured any applicable intellectual property rights in this information; 4) Acknowledges that worldwide patent rights are waived if publication or public dissemination occur prior to filing a corresponding U.S. provisional or utility patent application.

3 Client: Dr. Brad Postle Department of Psychology Advisor: Dr. Paul Thompson Department of Biomedical Engineering

4 Overview What is TMS? Current Problems Problem Specifications
Proposed Designs Future Work Questions

5 Background How it works Stages
TMS coil creates a large precise current Magnetic field passes through the skull into the brain Induced currents deactivate specific brain regions Stages EEG test fMRI scan (


7 Problems with Current Procedure
Inability to precisely and accurately reposition a patients head with respect to the TMS holder in variant testing sites. No previous studies have required these specifications to model the procedure/design after.

8 Problem Specifications
Design a device which can accurately and precisely relocate patients with respect to the TMS holder at various testing locations Reproduce position within 1 cm of error Comfortably maintain the patient’s head in position for many hours Application time/difficulty minimized Minimal space available MRI compatible materials

9 Prototype 1: All-In-One Positioner
Mounted directly to TMS holder Adjustable Dual ear and nose positioning Jointed at nose piece attachment

10 Prototype 2: Head plate Locks into TMS holder Adjustable
Dual ear and chin positioning Setup prior to patient entering MRI tunnel

11 Prototype 3: Neck Positioning
Mounts to TMS holder Locks neck in position Setup prior to insertion to MRI tunnel (

12 Design Matrix All-In-One Head Plate Neck Accuracy 5 1 Reproducibility
Comfort 3 4 Ease of Setup 2 Construction Cost Total 18 23 17

13 Future Work Finalize dimensions and materials Build Final Prototype
Test Prototype

14 References

15 Questions?

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