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Internet Governance: A Progress Report from WGIG Charles Shaban Member of the Working Group on Internet Governance Executive Director, AGIP Regional Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Governance: A Progress Report from WGIG Charles Shaban Member of the Working Group on Internet Governance Executive Director, AGIP Regional Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Governance: A Progress Report from WGIG Charles Shaban Member of the Working Group on Internet Governance Executive Director, AGIP Regional Office Luxembourg July 10, 2005

2 2 Origin and Mandate of the WGIG Established by UNSG pursuant to a request from WSIS I Investigate and make proposals for action, as appropriate, on the governance of the Internet –Develop a working definition of Internet governance –Identify the public policy issues that are relevant to Internet governance –Develop a common understanding of the respective roles and responsibilities of governments, intergovernmental and international organizations and other forums as well as the private sector and civil society from both developed and developing countries –Prepare a report for presentation, consideration and appropriate action at the second phase of WSIS

3 3 Composition of the Working Group 40 members –Government (17) –Private sector (8) –Civil society (13) –Other (2) Chair: Nitin Desai Executive Secretary: Markus Kummer

4 4 Working Methods Formal meetings (4) –Closed working sessions of group –Brainstorming sessions open to observers –Structured consultations with stakeholders Other inputs –On line ( –Informal regional meetings –Relevant events

5 5 What does WGIG mean by Internet governance? Principles, norms, rules, and mechanisms – whether intergovernmental, non-governmental, or multi- stakeholder – that make hard or soft decisions about –Issues related to physical infrastructure (i.e. ITU- related issues) –Issues related to logical infrastructure (i.e. ICANN- related issues) –Issues related to use and misuse of the Internet (e.g. spam, information and network security) –Issues with Internet-related aspects, but much broader in scope (e.g. IPR, trade, privacy, freedom of expression) –Development-related issues (e.g. human, financial and technical capacity-building)

6 6 How to ensure that users needs will be taken into consideration? Multilateral = multi-stakeholder Solutions will likely vary by issue area, e.g. –How to improve ICANNs accountability to governments? –How to develop multi-stakeholder, toolkit approaches to governing spam and cyber-security? –How to achieve better coordination between Internet community and intergovernmental organizations such as ITU, WTO and WIPO? How to increase engagement by developing country stakeholders in all issue areas? Creation of a global multi-stakeholder Internet governance forum?

7 7 4 th meeting results Report ready and sent to the UN Secretary General Will be presented in Geneva July 18 There will be panels to discuss the different parts of the report Contains: Internet Working definition, important policy issues, roles of the different stakeholders and some models for governance

8 8 Thank you Charles Shaban

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