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Course Selection Presentation

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1 Course Selection Presentation
Rising Sophomores Course Selection Presentation

2 What you need to know Which core course to take next year
Your State Required Electives Procedure to turn in your course selection sheet/4 Year Plan Changes and updates Questions

3 Appointment Procedures
During your Career Prep/Academy class Thursday, Feb 1 Dill, Cash, Kimble, Gibbons Friday, Feb 2 Bertella Monday, Feb 5 Hardin Tuesday, Feb 6 Bartle, Wilson, Thompson

4 Schedule Change Please choose your courses wisely.
We will correct our errors We will NOT change elective choices Choose 2 alternate electives Your current teachers will recommend you to take advanced classes Override Letters

5 This is the bare minimum needed to graduate from high school in May You CANNOT get a diploma without everything on this list! Some of you transferred in to Hoover City Schools during high school, so you’ll need to follow up with your counselor during your appointment time to make sure you have everything you need.

6 CORE ACADEMIC CLASSES Remember, you have to take 4 core each year: English, History, Math, and Science

7 We follow teacher recommendations for math courses
Algebra 1 now, Geometry or Pre-AP Geometry or Principles of Geometry next Pre-AP Geometry now, Algebra 2 w/trig or Algebra 2 w/trig Pre-AP next Remember that every math class requires a teacher signature. Some of you may not even see the course you are in listed up on the screen. That’s OK—just speak to your teacher so that he or she can help you choose the appropriate math class for you for next year. We follow teacher recommendations for math courses

8 Teacher recommendation is REQUIRED for Pre-AP English
English 9 now, English 10 or Pre-AP English 10 next Pre-AP English 9 now, Pre-AP English 10 or English 10 next Teacher recommendation is REQUIRED for Pre-AP English

9 Teacher recommendation is REQUIRED for Pre-AP Chemistry
Science Biology now, Active Physics or Chemistry next Pre-AP Biology now, Chemistry or Pre- AP Chemistry next Teacher recommendation is REQUIRED for Pre-AP Chemistry

10 Teacher recommendation is REQUIRED for
History World History 9 now, U.S. History 10 next Pre-AP World History 9 now, AP U.S. History 10 or U.S. History 10 next Teacher recommendation is REQUIRED for AP History

11 VIRTUAL CLASSES Health (sem) Spanish 1, 2, 3 ACT Prep (sem)
US History 10 Alg 2 Trig Off Campus

12 ZERO PERIOD (8th Class) PreAP English 10 English 10 US History 10
Spanish 2 Pre AP Span 3 AP Seminar Classes meet M, T, F 7:15-8:05. Students are assigned E-Learning assignments on Wednesdays.

13 Required Electives PE 9 1.0 credit Health 0.5 credit
Career Prep credit CTE/Foreign Language/Arts 3.0 credits Choose any combination of Career Technical Education, Arts Education and/or Foreign Language courses.

14 Driver’s Education Need a permit to take Driver’s Education & to log 30 hours of driving with a parent before driving in the class Write on your course selection sheet which semester you want to take Driver’s Education

15 ELECTIVES Please check the Course Selection Guide on the SPHS website for a full list of elective descriptions. Elective descriptions may be spread out throughout the Course Selection Guide depending on the course content (AP Human Geography is listed in the History section) Some of them require pre-requisites or teacher recommendations so look CLOSELY

16 Electives that Require Applications
Instructional Support Aide Applications in Guidance; see Ms. Bye (123) Library Aide See Mr. Middlebrooks (Library) Peer Helping See Mrs. Bennett (201) Yearbook Staff See Mrs. Rodgers (229) Scholars Bowl See Mr. Parker (110) Science Lab Assistant See your current science teacher You MUST speak with these teachers if you wish to take any of these classes

17 WHAT IS NEW? Food Innovations & Media
Business & Entrepreneurship Academy Finance Pathway Marketing Pathway

18 Honorable Mentions….(Electives)
AP Human Geography AP Seminar (AP Capstone Diploma) Peer Helping Debate Virtual ACT Prep (Off-Campus & semester)

19 You MUST choose 2 alternate electives
They cannot be electives that require an interview/application process You also must make sure that you meet the prerequisites for the course (if necessary) Why do I have to choose alternate electives? A course you chose won’t fit in your schedule (this happens OFTEN!) A course you choose doesn’t “make” and we will no longer offer it A course you choose is full You make or do not make a team/elective required by try-outs Remember… while you are out for the summer, we are here working on your schedules! Please help us by giving us a few options you would be OK with in the event that one of these situations happens with your schedule!

20 Additional Forms you may need to bring to your Course Selection Appointment
Override Letters If your teacher or counselor doesn’t recommend for you to take a course, then you and your parents will have to sign an override letter. This letter will remain on file with your counselor. **This form will be in the Guidance Office. You MUST bring the completed and signed form before your course will be changed.

21 FOUR YEAR PLANS We are required to have one of these on file for you every year of high school. It is also required that your parents sign this—so PLEASE make sure that you have this! If you transferred in to Spain Park during high school, your four year plan may not be a simple “check the box and go” situation. Just look at your transcript and do the best that you can. Again, your counselor can answer any questions you have during your appointment time. You’ll notice that you need to put your “career plans” in the top left under your name. This is not binding… we’re not sending this to your college of choice… this is just to help us help you choose classes and electives that will help you start exploring your future career through your electives. So, just write down what your current career plans are. Hopefully you’ve been thinking of this by now, but if not, go ahead and spend some time thinking about what you might want to do in the future.

22 Friendly Reminders If you do not turn in a course selection form, I will create a schedule for you. The course selection guide is on the SPHS website Description of courses Explanation of prerequisites or co-requisites

23 Final Reminders Make sure you have a parent sign your form – it is State Mandated to have a parent signature on file! Make sure you have 2 alternate electives on your Course Request sheet

24 See you at your appointment!
Mrs. Young 9th Grade Counselor Please me with any questions. I will meet with you for course selection, but Mrs. Thomason will continue to be your primary counselor until the end of the school year.

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