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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Counselors Ms. Choi: A-Da Mrs. Coleman: De-H Mrs Nedwick: I-Mo Mr. Ireta: Mu-Se (and EL) Mr. Napora: Sh-Z

3 CVUSD Graduation Requirements
Students must earn 230 credits and complete at least Algebra 1 in order to meet graduation requirements

4 Graduation Requirements by Subject
English 9,10,11, credits Math (including Algebra 1) 30 credits Physical Science 10 credits Biology credits Health credits Physical Education 20 credits World History credits United States History 10 credits U.S. Government credits Economics Systems credits CTE / VPA / World Language 10 credits Electives credits Total Required Credits: 230

5 University of California / California State University “A-G” Requirements

6 Health/Careers & Geography
Freshmen are required to take SIX CLASSES English Math Science Physical Education Health/Careers & Geography Elective

7 OPTIONAL Period 1 (7:10am-8:05am) OPTIONAL Period 5 (2:15pm – 3:05pm)
The Block Schedule FALL (aka “Term 1”) SPRING (aka “Term 2”) OPTIONAL Period 1 (7:10am-8:05am) A 10-credit class meets 55 minutes ALL YEAR A 5-credit class meets 55 minutes for 18 WEEKS Period 2 (8:15 am – 9:50 am) A 10-credit class meets 95 minutes for 18 weeks Period 3 (10:05 am – 11:45 am) Period 4 (12:30 pm – 2:05 pm) OPTIONAL Period 5 (2:15pm – 3:05pm)

Minimum Sample Schedule (without a 1st or 5th period) 8:15 AM to 2:05 PM (60 credits) FALL (aka “Term 1”) SPRING (aka “Term 2”) ENGLISH MATH GEOSCIENCE PE 9 WORLD LANGUAGE or ELECTIVE HEALTH/GEOGRAPHY

9 Maximum Sample Schedule (with a 1st AND 5th period) 7:10 AM – 3:05 PM (80 credits)
FALL (aka “Term 1”) SPRING (aka “Term 2”) AP ART History (or any other 1st period elective on Course Contract) ENGLISH MATH GEOSCIENCE PE 9 WORLD LANGUAGE or ELECTIVE HEALTH/GEOGRAPHY Orchestra (or any other 5th period elective on registration form)

10 Course Contract Front and Back Page

11 Selecting an English Class

12 Selecting a Math Class

13 Selecting a Science Class

14 Physical Education ALL students will be taking Physical Education 9. In addition to PE 9, students may choose to take Dance.

15 Health & Careers/Geography
MOST students will be taking Health and Careers/Geography. Health is a 9-week course, and Careers/Geography is a 9-week course. Exceptions include: Students who opt for a first period - There are limited seats available in Health period 1, offered in EITHER term 1 OR term 2 Students who take Health in Summer School – note that, although taking Health in Summer School “opens up” a space in the schedule for another elective, no specific elective is guaranteed (and NPHS gives elective priority to upperclassmen first and incoming freshmen last) Summer School Options – Your Responsibility to ensure accreditation.

16 Elective and Alternates

17 First and/or Fifth Period(s)

18 Before the registration form is submitted…
Make sure that you review it, with your student, in its entirety, and that both you and your student sign it.

19 Honors Placement Exams
(administered in the NPHS cafeteria) For students NOT earning A’s in CP classes OR NOT earning B’s in current Honors’ Classes. Tentatively scheduled for May and June After May 1st, Marla Baker at OR call her at ext. 1006


21 Visit our counseling webpage for important information

Extra/Co-Curricular Participation Athletics (must have 2.0 GPA or higher to participate) Clubs Music Program H, AP, IB Digital Arts Technology Academy (DATA) Majors Program

23 Wednesday, April 4th @ 5:30 pm Sign Up for Sports and Clubs
Future panther night Wednesday, April 5:30 pm Music Performances Club Information IB Art Show Dance Team Demo Counseling FAQs Panther Athletes Student Store Sign Up for Sports and Clubs …and much more!

24 Freshman Orientation Week of August 13th, 2018 Tours
Mandatory ID Pictures Pick up: Schedule Pre-purchased P.E. Clothes Student Activity Card Cards Text Books Spirit Packs (if Purchased ahead of time)

25 Additional Information
What if I want to meet with you? How do I schedule an appointment once my student is a high school student? When are grades issued? Why are there so many grade point averages? What if I want to know something about athletics, clubs, dances, parking, etc. ? How do I request/change teachers?

26 Thanks! Go Panthers!

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