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- Where it comes from - How we use it

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1 - Where it comes from - How we use it
Investigating Water - Where it comes from - How we use it

2 CAT 2 In your next assessment task you will investigate a country that does not have much water. By the end of your assignment you will know: Why that country doesn’t have much water What impacts this might have How this country manages it water supply

3 Australia Before you start lets take a look at our country and its water supply. The skills you practise in the next 2 lessons you will need to use in your assignment to learn about your chosen country.

4 Investigating… To investigate about water we can break information down into 3 categories: 1) Geographical Processes 2) Impacts 3) Management

5 Your Task In your group you will be given some information about Australia’s water resources. Each piece of information you analyse will be added together at the end – a bit like a jigsaw – to tell us about Australia’s water resources. As a group answer the 5 questions using the information. You have 10 minutes to complete all 5 questions.

6 Your Task Now in your groups you need to:
Summarise your answers into 3 main dot points that cover the main points from the questions. Decide which category your information belongs in.

7 Final Task Your group has now become the expert on what was on your sheet. You now need to share this information with the other class member. To do this you need to: Tell them what kind of information you were given. Explain and then share your 3 dot points.

8 You might want to layout your work like this:

9 Can you now summarise all the information into one paragraph?
Well Done!!! Everybody in the class should now be able to explain Australia's water resources by talking about: the geographical processes that influence our country the potential impacts of a shortage in water the management systems we use to protect against shortages. Can you now summarise all the information into one paragraph?

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