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Oral Presentation Skills (L1: Delivery)

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Presentation Skills (L1: Delivery)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Presentation Skills (L1: Delivery)
Dr Michael Cribb Coventry University

2 Contents Resources Task Delivery Examples of delivery Voice
Body language Examples of delivery

3 Resources Handout – Oral Presentation Skills erHelloEveryone For general comments and questions

4 Blog If you would like to write a blog about your experience of Oral Presentations then please me your text It does not have to be long It does not have to be perfect English It should be from the heart

5 Task: Culture Differences
On Thursday (28th July) we would like you to make a short presentation in groups of three or four. The presentation should be between 5 to 10 minutes long and should relate to one aspect of culture that you have noticed during your stay here in the UK. Identify one aspect of British culture that you have noticed during your stay in the UK and compare and contrast this with the cultural feature in your home country and the country of your partner. You might want to identify the way people dress, their manners, the way they speak, the way they greet each other, etc. Or you may wish to look at other aspects of culture such as sports, entertainment, transport, politics, social culture, etc. The choice is yours but just focus on one aspect.  


7 Oral Presentation Skills

8 Voice TRUE OR FALSE? A speaker should put stress on every word
A speaker should vary the intonation A speaker should try to speak quickly to show confidence

9 Er hello everyone today I’d like to talk about global warming

10 The key point I want to make is that global warming is an issue which affects us all 

11 My talk will be split into three parts first I will talk about the history second I will talk about the problem and finally I will give my solution

12 The world’s most popular DRINK
is WATER you probably knew that ALREADY after all it’s a basic requirement of life on EARTH but did you know that the world’s second most popular drink is COKE

13 and that the human race drinks
six hundred million cokes a DAY now let’s just put that into some kind of PERSPECTIVE it MEANS that EVERY WEEK of EVERY YEAR people drink enough COKE to fill the Empire STATE building

14 there’s almost nowhere on the PLANET from MIAMI to MALAWI
where the word COKE isn’t instantly RECOGNIZED the brand name ALONE is worth THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS and that’s what makes COKE a GLOBAL MARKETING PHENOMENON Adapted from: Presenting in English by Mark Powell (Heinle)

15 Body Language

16 Which is the most important part of your body?

17 Eyes are the most important
“The eyes are the window to the soul”

18 Eye contact Look at one person for 5-8 secs
Then move to another person Then another…

19 If you don’t want to look at my eyes, look at my forehead

20 Facial Expression

21 What emotions do these faces suggest?

22 Facial expression Smile Look confident
Vary expression to show surprise, emphasis, etc.

23 Gestures Gestures complement what you say

24 Steeple Gesture

25 Gestures you can use

26 Gestures Should complement your speech Be positive and meaningful
Not too many Always come back to rest position (steeple)

27 Try this

28 Posture – what do these body postures suggest?

29 The best posture is Relaxed but alert Don’t lean Not too stiff
Practice your golf swing!

30 Space Use it! Start at home base
Move from base to other bases to signify shifts in content Don’t move too much

31 The baseball analogy

32 Listen to Martin Bean There is fantastic face to face learning
And there is lousy face to face learning, or teaching There is fantastic online distance education And there is lousy online distance education What should our goal be as we all consider opening ourselves up in digital spaces Quite simply as it always should have been it has to be about great teaching

33 Obama’s Inaugural Speech

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