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IRMA 102: Introduction to Information Science

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1 IRMA 102: Introduction to Information Science
Okoro Obinna Jeremiah Information Resources Management Department Office: Information Resources Centre…(BBS)


3 Intro…. Information is critical and vital in every society. It has become a critical resource needed for the survival of any given society.

4 Information is dominating 
In countries of many different kinds information now plays an increasingly important part in economic, social, cultural and political life. This phenomenon is taking place regardless of a country’s size, state of development or political philosophy.

5 Evolution of the Information Age/Society
Agricultural Age: The period up to the 1800s, when the majority of workers were farmers whose lives revolved around agriculture.

6 Industrial Age: The period from the 1800s to 1957, when work processes were simplified through mechanization and automation.

7 …Information Age… Information Age:
The period that began in 1957, in which the majority of workers are involved in the creation, distribution, and application of information. Knowledge Workers: Workers involved in the creation, distribution, and application of information.


9 Definition Martin (1995) “Information Society is a society characterized by rapid growth and use of information, widespread exploitation of varied information sources; a society where people know and appreciate what information they need, where to get it, how to get the information, and in the end, how to use it.”

10 Definition… A new type of society, where the possession of information (and not material wealth) is the driving force behind its transformation and development […] (and where) human intellectual creativity flourishes. (Yoneji Masuda)

11 “A new type of society in which humanity has the opportunity to lead a new way of life, to have a higher standard of living, accomplish better work, and to play a better role in society thanks to the global use of information and telecommunication technologies.” (Béla Murányi)

12 Definition by Webster (2002)
It is possible to identify 5 ways of distinguishing an information society. Technological (technological innovation and diffusion); Economic (economic value); Occupational (occupational change | knowledge worker); Spatial (space | information flows); Cultural (the expansion of symbols and signs).

13 3 Main Characteristics of Information Societies
First, information is used as an economic resource. Organizations are using information to: increase their efficiency, stimulate innovation, and increase their effectiveness and competitive position.

14 2nd characteristic… Secondly, it is possible to identify greater use of information among the general public. People use information more intensively in their activities as consumers: to inform their choices between different products, to explore their entitlements to public services, exercise their civil rights and responsibilities, and to take greater control over their own lives.

15 3rd characteristic… The third characteristic of information societies is the development of an information sector within the economy. The function of the information sector is to satisfy the general demand for information facilities and services.

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