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Triple Option (ISV) Thus spake the master Coach:

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Presentation on theme: "Triple Option (ISV) Thus spake the master Coach:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Triple Option (ISV) Thus spake the master Coach:
“When you have learned to snatch the read error from the triple option, it will be time for you to leave.” Option football, we let you choose how you lose!

2 Description The triple option requires a reading or keying on certain defensive people. Two defensive men on the line of scrimmage are not blocked by the offensive team. The first defensive man past the block of the offensive tackle is not touched and the next man out does not have to be blocked. The quarterback can either hand the football off to the dive back (fullback usually) according to the move of the first option man (dive key, HOK), or he can keep, or pitch on the movements of the next defensive opponent (pitch read). This play can be run on any down or situation. Defensive coordinators know that the triple option upsets most defensive schemes. By adding the run-and-shoot passing principles to the same look, additional preparation is necessary by the defense. With two wideouts and no TE’s the defense is stretched horizontally. The triple option can be run from our base formation (Blue), Wishbone (Brown, Bone), or Trips. This offense can score lots of points because the offense gives special attention to the execution of the mesh and pitch. Mental preparation by all offensive players is essential to the option attack. While reading the triple, the QB is coached to go with what he believes he sees. There is no second-guessing.

3 Coaching Points To be successful at least two of the three phases (give, keep, pitch) have to be effective. To be really great all three phases need to be effective. It is best to have the strongest back at the B/3-back position There cannot be ANY penetration by the defense Because the defenders at the end of the LOS are not blocked the offense can’t afford to have any other defenders in the backfield The quarterback cannot be indecisive First decision – Who is the dive read? Cannot allow a poor mesh with the fullback This can happen if the fullback gets off the path or the QB footwork is not proper Cannot allow poor perimeter blocking Receivers should spend more time on blocking than on catching the ball Offensive linemen have to get to the next level OL must get off the LOS and into the LB’s to cut pursuit

4 Coaching Points The decision to use the lead option depends more on what the defense is attacking rather than on down or distance. When line stunts and LB blitzes are effective in stopping the inside option attack, we will seal off the inside and runs the lead option to the perimeter. The play is run from multiple formations to both the strong and weak side. Four perimeter blocking schemes are used with the crack call. Four play action passes may also be called in the lead option series. As the lead blocker the back has to be aware that the crack call will bring the force defender very quickly. The QB is taught to attack the inside shoulder of the EMLOS for pitch or keep key. The QB must pitch immediately if confronted with a “fire” stunt by the DE. Bone/Bone Open: Running to the short side is “LOAD” block. We can change this to “BOB” to change the target of the lead back. I think that making it clear to our opponents that we vary the blocking scheme (Arc, Bob, etc.) will cause them pause and may make them take practice time to work on the schemes. We can surprise them in the game Or, we can make them dilute their practice time even further and cause concern prior to the game

5 Coaching Points Run to a 5 technique (outside of OT)
Run away from the TE Run to a 2- or 2i- or 1-defensive technique. Running to a 3-technique works, but it may tie up the OT with a double-team. FB attacks outside hip of the guard QB reads the helmet (or jersey number) of the 5 tech If he sees the earhole, he gives If he sees the facemask, he keeps If the 5 squeezes, pull and replace If the 5 comes upfield give and replace

6 What to Watch For Position Action Response Reasoning BS LB’s
Flowing hard to playside QB Counter or Wing Counter If they are flowing very hard we will hit them against flow. This will keep them home DE Attacking QB to force the pitch Pitch the ball Change the blocking to LOAD to block him. This changes responsibilities on the fly DT If he’s in the i, the gap must die. If the OT sees that the DT is aligned in a 4i, he will close his split down to foot-to-foot. This converts the 4i to a 3-tech which is then doubled with the PSG, or becomes a down block.

7 Possible Defensive Responses
Position FB/Dive QB/Keep Pitch Comments DL X The interior DL must take the FB on the dive. If they do anything else we will give the ball to the FB DE The DE is the key to this play. He will normally attack the QB to force the pitch. He can also take the pitch, forcing the QB to run. Mike Mike/ILB’s are inside and will not be able to get to the outside pitch. They will take the FB and force the QB to keep. S/W S/W/OLB’s will either attack the QB or flow outside for the pitch. C $ DT Forces the defense to play assignment football away from the tight end The DT/ILB will take FB on the dive to force the keep The DE takes the QB to force pitch The OLB/C/S (outside force) will take the pitch Advantage of the triple option Attacks the open side of the defense Downhill blocking schemes create movement Zone combinations allow for easier blitz pickups Easy read for the QB Complementary and play action pass cause conflict in defenders

8 General If-Then Calls If they do this… Then we do this… Discussion
2/3 tech Run midline No 2/3 tech Run triple Read turns shoulders to stop running back Run zone dive Pitch key turns shoulders to stop QB Run rocket Backside runs lateral w/ motion or at snap of ball Run counter option Secondary sky/cloud forces at snap of ball Run triple pass or rocket pass Double Eagle Defense (AKA: TNT) Run Rocket Numbers advantage on the perimeter Eight Man Front Run Over Gain the 1/2 man advantage 4i Double option w/ QB and slot w/ running back loading the 4i “If he’s in the i, the gap must die” – OT moves to foot-to-foot splits and closes the gap Triangle to both sides (three in-box defenders outside the B gap) Outnumbered inside the tackles W/ force players on line of scrimmage Double Flex formation W/ force players on the line of scrimmage Double flex rocket Crack alley player with receiver Okie defense 12/13 tackle Pull tackle to influence read--makes tackle think rocket is coming Odd Stack Heavy formation Blitzing to stop the veer Stunting to stop the veer Run zone dive. DB’s and $’s making tackles Look to play action They are probably crashing to make the tackle. Time to throw.

9 Line Blocking Assignments
Position Assignment Notes PSTE (Y) 1-2 Backs: Arc 3-Backs: Arc, Bob, Hammer, Load, Seal Do not lean in the offensive stance. If an eight-man front shows, the TE can split out (nasty) partially. PST Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. Keep head up when coming down on the defender inside. Must screen off this area at all costs. These men cannot stop the triple option. Fire-out hard and low. Stay off the ground; use hands if necessary PSG Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS Listen for call by offensive tackle for any other blocking combination. Stay low and do not go to the ground. If LB is number 1 man fire-out hard at man and do not allow pursuit of any type. Keep defender low and screen him off. C Number 0 and onside gap Aim the head into the midsection of the middle guard and slide to the outside. Do not go to the ground or lose contact. If going for the onside gap, throw head in front and attempt to stop pursuit of the defender. BSG Block number 1 man Fire-out hard and low for the defensive counterpart. Keep a wide base, shoulders square, tail down, and head up to make a good block. Read the defense for the proper block. BST Block number 2 man Fire-out hard and low at defensive man. Throw head for mid-section and slide tot he onside. Use hands if going to the ground. Keep a wide base and head up when performing the block. BSTE (Y) Block outside 1/3 or run fade (9) If running fade, go hard on pattern. Do not slow up. Defender will eventually know when the play is going away. If blocking, go full speed. It does not do any good to slow down. If the the slot/flanker does a good job, the counters and counter-options execute well.

10 Perimeter Blocking Assignments
Items in gray apply to the Bone (Wishbone, with TE) formation. Arc Bob Hammer Load Seal Switch Y (PSTE) Around EMLOS to DB ILB EMLOS 1 Option PS-A (2/4) Lead Back, F, $ Lead Back OLB Lead Back DB Lead Back EMLOS #1, CB B/3 Dive BS-A (2/4) Pitch PS X/Y $ Changing the blocking calls MAY change who the QB sees as the read keys. Just as the defense will attempt to control who gets the ball by setting their assignments, these blocking schemes attempt to confound those assignments by varying who the play side A-back is blocking. While the PS-A is attempting to make these blocks, and there are QB thoughts associated with each, the QB has to make his reads and decide on the fly, he cannot make the decision who gets the ball pre-snap based simply on the blocking call. Normal call, meaning the PS-A is blocking the safety, who will normally be taking the pitch. Will have the two reads close so the QB should be thinking that pitch is likely. PS-A is blocking the OLB who would normally be the QB keep/pitch read. The pitch may be covered so the QB should be thinking that keep is likely. PS-A is blocking on the EMLOS who is usually the dive read. This means that the keep and pitch options may be covered. The QB should be thinking that give is likely. The X/Y and the PS-A switch assignments, the PS-A goes to #1, usually the CB, and the X/Y attacks the $ who is usually the force player. When running to short side (no TE, most common in the Flexbone concept) we will only call: Arc – Normal call. Lead back gets the safety (F, $) Bob – Lead back gets the OLB (back-on-backer) Load – He will get the EMLOS, may be the dive read Switch – Lead back gets the CB, X/Y gets the $ When running to the TE side: TE will get the ILB, except for: Arc: Where he releases around the DE and gets the DB (usually the #1 , the CB) Hammer: Where he takes the EMLOS

11 Play List Primary Alternates & Variations 13 Triple Arc Video
12 Triple Arc M20 Flip 13 Triple Bob 12 Triple Arc M20 Flip Pass 13 Triple Load 13 Triple Switch 12 Triple Arc 12 Triple Bob 12 Triple Load 12 Triple Switch Counter Play Action Pass 12 Triple Pass M20 Stop 12 Triple Pass M20 Post 12 Triple Pass M20 Switch 12 Triple Pass M20 Switch Post 12 Triple Pass M20 83+ 12 Triple Pass M20 Vertical

12 Primary Diagrams

13 Blue 12 Triple Arc M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – ARC tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to arc release outside the EMLOS and the OLB and block the force player. ARC tells the QB to make the normal dive read and the keep read. Because the wing will be releasing and blocking the force player, the safety, it is likely that the pitch will be open. This means it is likely that the QB will have the pitch option. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the QB/keep player. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

14 Blue 12 Triple Bob M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – BOB tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to arc release outside the EMLOS and the and block the outside LB who would usually have the QB. BOB tells the QB to make the normal dive read and that it is likely that the pitch will be covered by the force player, meaning it is likely that the QB will keep. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the force player. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

15 Blue 12 Triple Load M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3
Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – Load tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to attack the EMLOS who would usually have the FB/dive. LOAD tells the QB that the dive key is being blocked and that it is likely to be a give. We will not be blocking the keep read key or the force player. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the keep or force players. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

16 Blue 12 Triple Switch M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3
Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – SWITCH tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to take a hard release outside and attack the #1 player, usually the CB over the X/Y. The X/Y will then block the force player, usually the safety. As the lead blocker the back has to be aware that the defensive crack call will bring the force defender very quickly. This is done when the safeties are rotating over with motion or when we need to change up the blocking to get the pitch going. SWITCH tells the QB to make the normal dive and keep reads and that it is likely that the pitch will be open. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the dive or keep read players. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

17 Blue 13 Triple Arc M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – ARC tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to arc release outside the EMLOS and the OLB and block the force player. ARC tells the QB to make the normal dive read and the keep read. Because the wing will be releasing and blocking the force player, the safety, it is likely that the pitch will be open. This means it is likely that the QB will have the pitch option. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the QB/keep player. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

18 Blue 13 Triple Bob M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – BOB tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to arc release outside the EMLOS and the and block the outside LB who would usually have the QB. BOB tells the QB to make the normal dive read and that it is likely that the pitch will be covered by the force player, meaning it is likely that the QB will keep. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the force player. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

19 Blue 13 Triple Load M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3
Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – Load tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to attack the EMLOS who would usually have the FB/dive. LOAD tells the QB that the dive key is being blocked and that it is likely to be a give. We will not be blocking the keep read key or the force player. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the keep or force players. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

20 Blue 13 Triple Switch M20 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3
Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – SWITCH tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to take a hard release outside and attack the #1 player, usually the CB over the X/Y. The X/Y will then block the force player, usually the safety. As the lead blocker the back has to be aware that the defensive crack call will bring the force defender very quickly. This is done when the safeties are rotating over with motion or when we need to change up the blocking to get the pitch going. SWITCH tells the QB to make the normal dive and keep reads and that it is likely that the pitch will be open. The QB still has to make the reads, but we are not blocking the dive or keep read players. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Block number 2 man BSTE – Y – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) 1 – Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch 3 – Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

21 Description, Coaching Points, Notes
Video: Triple Option Description, Coaching Points, Notes Sdj asj akl;j askl;dj fls;akjf as;sljk ;ljkasd fl;kjsad fl;askjf sdl;akfj Sdj asj akl;j askl;dj fls;akjf as;sljk ;ljkasd fl;kjsad fl;askjf sdl;akfj Sdj asj akl;j askl;dj fls;akjf as;sljk ;ljkasd fl;kjsad fl;askjf sdl;akfj Sdj asj akl;j askl;dj fls;akjf as;sljk ;ljkasd fl;kjsad fl;askjf sdl;akfj Sdj asj akl;j askl;dj fls;akjf as;sljk ;ljkasd fl;kjsad fl;askjf sdl;akfj

22 Triple Option (ISV) Y X 1 2 4 3 Y X 1 2 4 3 Y X 1 2 4 3

23 Alternates & Variations

24 Blue 12 Triple Arc M20 Flip F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3
Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points This play is intended to take advantage of a defense that is overcommitting to the motion and the play side run. The X/Y has to close his split down to the point that he can get into the proper position for the pitch from the QB. Once this has been run a couple of times during the season the opponents will plan for it. At that time it is good to have the QB keep the ball (secret handshake) as the defense will overcommit to the reverse. PSTE – ARC tells the playside A-back, in this case the 4-back, to arc release outside the EMLOS and the OLB and block the force player. The motion back must be deeper than the X/Y so there is no interference between the two players. It’s very ugly when they run into each other, and they both fall down, and the ball goes back 15 yards. PST – Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG – Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C – Number 0 and onside gap BSG – Block number 1 man BST – Get off the LOS as if to block the OLB. Then stop and cut back to the outside to seal the LB. Try to get outside release on the DE. BSTE – Y – Take 1 step forward as if to stalk the CB, then turn and sprint across the back of the formation (heels of the 3-back), take the pitch and get outside. 1 – Must have and excellent mesh so the play looks like triple. Keep, take 2-3 steps, and then pitch to the X/Y crossing the backfield. 2 – Motion and then pitch path. Stay deeper than the X/Y coming through the formation. 3 – Semi-dive action and then attack the DE/EMLOS 4 – PS: Arc, Bob, Load, Switch. BS: Pitch X – PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch – Safety. BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM)

25 Blue 12 Triple Arc M20 Flip Pass
Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

26 Counters

27 Xxx vs. 4-3 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

28 Play-Action Pass

29 Play-Action Coaching Points
The main job of the PSG and PST is to sell the run. They can’t show pass on the snap of the ball. This technique is one of the most difficult to master

30 Blue Right 12 Triple Pass M20 Stop
F $ C C 3 1 B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 2 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points The main reason for running the Stop is to keep an inverted safety or rolled up corner from disregarding the pass and becoming another linebacker. PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – Run an 8-yard stop/hitch route, pushing to the outside shoulder of the defender. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X – Run the hang route, pushing to a depth of 8 yards before making the first break.

31 Blue Right 12 Triple Pass M20 Post
F $ C 1 C 3 B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 2 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points This combination is designer to take advantage of an aggressive 3-deep free safety. At the beginning of the game the safety will usually be at at normal depth, but as the game progresses he will get closer and closer to the LOS on his pre-snap alignment. This creates and opportunity for a big play by throwing the playside post. PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – Runs the hang route. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X – Push the outside shoulder of the defender and then break to the post at 8 yards.

32 Blue Right 12 Triple Pass M20 Switch
F $ 1 3 C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points This is basically a backside wheel with playside play action away from the primary receivers. The combination comes from the rotating coverages that many defenses employ to cover the motion. The switch creates an opportunity for a big play by taking advantage of the secondary’s tendency to overcompensate on the tail motion. PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – Post, first pushing the outside shoulder of the CB. 1 – 2 – Twirl motion and then get yards deep and no closer than 5 yards from sideline. Adjust route based on position of the CB. 3 – 4 – Run vertically, idle, and then show his numbers to the QB. If he is not open he will move to the hash and find an open area. X – Vertical, taking the outside shoulder of the defender

33 Blue Right 12 Triple Pass M20 Switch Post
F $ 1 3 C C 2 B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points This is a change of pace to take advantage of the underneath coverage playing run first versus the triple option play action pass. The only change between this and the Switch is that the backside X/Y runs a hang route instead of the post. This combination is more of a controlled, high-percentage pass play that will keep the free safety and underneath coverage guessing. PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – Run the hang route, breaking across the field at 14 yards. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

34 Blue Right 12 Triple Pass M20 83+
F $ 2 C 1 C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 3 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points This combination came about as a result of the level coverage or four-across man. The secondary will have a tendency to overcommit to the run due to the motion. The wheel and the post (switch) route (83+) are run the same way; however, in the switch combination the play action fake is away from the primary receivers, while in the wheel the play action fake is to the primary receivers. The defender responsible for forcing from the secondary will often overcommit to the run with the play fake. PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – Push the defender to the outside and then break to the post at 8 yards. 1 – 2 – Go in motion and run the swing/flare route. 3 – 4 – Run the wheel route. X – Go vertical and push the outside shoulder of the cornerback.

35 Blue Right 12 Triple Pass M20 Vertical
F $ 1 2 C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 3 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points This combination is the reason that the offense has four quick receivers at the LOS. The formation usually dictates a balanced defense and balanced secondary alignment. The secondary alignments are vulnerable to the play action because they will overcompensate to stop the run. This can be a home-run, but is usually an intermediate (15-20 yards) pass play. PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – Push vertically and to the outside shoulder of the cornerback. Do not get closer than 5 yards to the sideline. 1 – 2 – Go in motion and run the swing/flare. 3 – 4 – Run vertically, idle, and show his numbers to the QB. If not open work to a depth of yards, find an opening, and idle. X – Push vertically and to the outside shoulder of the cornerback. Do not get closer than 5 yards to the sideline.

36 Thus spake the master Coach: It is time for you to leave.

37 Parking lot

38 Xxx vs. 4-3 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

39 Xxx vs. 4-3 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

40 Xxx vs. 4-3 F $ C C B B B E T T E Y X 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 Play Strategy
Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

41 12 Triple Bob M20 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points
PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

42 12 Triple Load M20 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points
PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

43 12 Triple Arc M20 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points
PSTE – PST – PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

44 Assignments – Triple Option (ISV)
PSTE (Y) Drop step, try to hook. If EMLOS is unhookable, drive to the sideline. 1-2 Backs: Hammer 3-Backs: Arc, Bob, Hammer, Load, Seal PST Drive Block - 1st man inside. Inside gap, linebacker. PSG Drive Block - 1st man inside PST on LOS. Responsible for calling “US” if there is a 3-tech or he needs help with the DT (stud head up for example) C Number 0 and onside gap BSG Block number 1 man BST Block number 2 man BSTE (Y) Block outside 1/3 or run fade (9) 1 Dive key: 1st defender outside the block of the PST Pitch key: Depends on the blocking call. Generally the OLB. 2 PS: Arc, Bob,, Load, Switch BS: Pitch 3 Dive – outside hip of the PSG 4 PS: Bone: Arc, Bob, Hammer, Load, Seal, Switch X PS: Stalk - #1 from outside. Switch - Safety BS: FS or most dangerous man (MDM) Y

45 Triple Option (ISV) Play Calls
Primary Alternates & Variations Counter Pass 13 Triple Arc 12 Triple Arc Reverse 12 Triple Pass 13 Triple Bob 13 Triple Arc Reverse 13 Triple Load 12 Triple Arc 12 Triple Bob 12 Triple Load

46 Triple Notes & Coaching Points - II
In the scrimmage last week I kept noticing a pileup at the OT spot when running triple. The rule is that if the DT is in a 4 then the OT will release to the inside and go for the LB. The problem we were having was that the DT was slanting strong into the B gap. This created a conflict where the OT was releasing inside and so was the DT, creating a pile, which played hell with the QB getting a clear read and put bodies in his way. After further review it appears that I'm not instructing the OT correctly. This is pretty much what the Ianucci article on the Back-to-back and 4i defensive responses. I will now be teaching the OT's that if they have a 4 and the 4 slants to the inside that the OT will wash the 4 down to the inside - just keep on going with him. This will change the dive key read for the QB to the next player out. In our option the read key is the 1st down defender outside the OT's block. By having the OT block the 4 down inside it changes the dive read to the next DL out which would be the 5/DE. We need to make sure that the QB's are aware of this. There will also be calls – Charity, whatever. From the Ianucci article.

47 Triple Notes & Coaching Points - II
When we run triple away from the TE in the Bone formation, we will either call LOAD or BOB blocking. LOAD tells the playside HB that he will be blocking the EMLOS which will usually be the 5/DE. This also tells the QB that it will very likely be a keep/pitch action rather than a dive/keep/pitch. If we run BOB the lead HB will go after the OLB that is behind/outside the DE. This tells the QB that it will very likely be a pitch. The dive will still be there if the DT comes upfield. I don't think that we have gone over the blocking calls with the backs and line yet, everything has been assumed/implied to be LOAD.

48 Expected Defensive Responses
Forces the defense to play assignment football away from the tight end The DT/ILB will take FB on the dive to force the keep The DE takes the QB to force pitch The OLB/C/S (outside force) will take the pitch Advantage of the triple option Attacks the open side of the defense Downhill blocking schemes create movement Zone combinations allow for easier blitz pickups Easy read for the QB Complementary and play action pass cause conflict in defenders

49 Rules for Successful Triple option
There cannot be ANY penetration by the defense Because the defenders at the end of the LOS are not blocked the offense can’t afford to have any other defenders in the backfield The quarterback cannot be indecisive First decision – Who is the dive read? Cannot allow a poor mesh with the fullback This can happen if the fullback gets off the path or the QB footwork is not proper Cannot allow poor perimeter blocking Receivers should spend more time on blocking than on catching the ball Offensive linemen have to get to the next level OL must get off the LOS and into the LB’s to cut pursuit

50 Advantage of the triple option
Triple Option Summary Advantage of the triple option Attacks the open side of the defense Forces the defense to play assignment football away from the tight end Downhill blocking schemes create movement Zone combinations allow for easier blitz pickups Easy read for the QB Complementary and play action pass cause conflict in defenders Installation Rules Run to a 5 technique (outside of OT) Run away from the TE FB attacks outside hip of the guard QB reads the helmet (or jersey number) of the 5 tech If he sees the earhole, he gives If he sees the facemask, he keeps If the 5 squeezes, pull and replace If the 5 comes upfield give and replace

51 Xxx vs. 4-3 Play Strategy Player Assignments Coaching Points PSTE –
PSG – C – BSG – BST – BSTE – Y – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – X –

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