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CPC u EU-u: Status provedbe
Direktiva 2003/59 o početnim kvalifikacijama i periodičkom treningu vozača određenih cestovnih vozila za prijevoz robe i putnika Damian Viccars Head – IRU Social Affairs (c) IRU Academy 2011
Transpozicija Članak 3: Kvalifikacije i trening Izvor: EC DG Transport
(c) IRU Academy 2011
Proces početne kvalifikacije
Opcija 1: pohađanje tečaja i test Opcija 2: samo test Oba sustava (c) IRU Academy 2011
Početna kvalifikacija
Članak 5: Dobna ograničenja Vozači vozila namijenjenih prijevozu robe mogu voziti: Od 18 godina starosti: ubrzana početna kvalifikacija C1, C1+E (čl. 6.2) početna kvalifikacija C, C+E (čl. 6.1) Od 21 godine starosti: ubrzana početna kvalifikacija C, C+E (čl. 6.2) Izvor: EC DG Transport (c) IRU Academy 2011
Početna kvalifikacija
Članak 5: Dobna ograničenja Izvor: EC DG Transport (c) IRU Academy 2011
Početna kvalifikacija
Članak 5: Početna kvalifikacija (dobno ograničenje) – Vozačka dozvola D1, D1+E i D, D+E Vozači vozila namijenjenih prijevozu putnika mogu voziti: Od 18 godina starosti: početna kvalifikacija D1, D1+E (čl. 6.1) početna kvalifikacija D, D+E (čl. 6.1): unutar teritorija zemalja članica, bez putnika ruta ne smije premašiti 50 km Od 20 godina starosti: početna kvalifikacija D, D+E (čl. 6.1) unutar teritorija zemalja članica (c) IRU Academy 2011
Početna kvalifikacija
Članak 5: Početna kvalifikacija (dobno ograničenje) – Vozačka dozvola D1, D1+E i D, D+E Vozači vozila namijenjenih prijevozu putnika mogu voziti: Od 21 godine starosti: početna kvalifikacija D, D+E (čl. 6.1) ubrzana početna kvalifikacija: D, D+E (čl. 6.2) – ruta koja ne premašuje 50 km D1, D1+E (čl. 6.2) Od 23 godine starosti: ubrzana početna kvalifikacija D, D+E (čl. 6.2) (c) IRU Academy 2011
Početna kvalifikacija
Članak 5: Početna kvalifikacija (dobna granica) – Vozačka dozvola D1, D1+E i D, D+E Izvor: EC DG Transport (c) IRU Academy 2011
Periodički trening i prijelazna razdoblja
Članak 8: Certificiranje periodičkog treninga Vozilo: C1, C1+E i C, C+E “Do datum izdavanja vozačke dozvole uzimat će se u obzir pri provjeri stečenih prava relevantnih vozača.” Unknown IT EL Izvor: EC DG Transport (c) IRU Academy 2011
Periodički trening i prijelazna razdoblja
Članak 8: Certificiranje periodičkog treninga Vozilo: D1, D1+E i D, D+E “Do datum izdavanja vozačke dozvole uzimat će se u obzir pri provjeri stečenih prava relevantnih vozača.” Unknown IT EL Izvor: EC DG Transport (c) IRU Academy 2011
Oznaka Zajednice Članak 10: Oznaka Zajednice Izvor: EC DG Transport
(c) IRU Academy 2011
Projekt STARTS: Vještine, trening i sektor cestovnog prijevoza
Projekt partnerstva prepoznaje nužnost visokokvalitetnog treninga za razvoj učinkovite, kvalificirane, sigurne i održive radne snage u komercijalnom cestovnom prijevozu. Svrha ovoga projekta je stoga ispravno utvrditi najvažnije izazove i najučinkovitija rješenja za poboljšanje pružanja treninga vozačima i radnicima koji obavljaju određene nemobilne zadatke vezane uz logistiku. Detaljna studija o utjecaju provedbe i izazovima Direktive 2003/59/EC (stup obuke vozača) The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Projekt STARTS: Vještine, trening i sektor cestovnog prijevoza
The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
IRU akademija/CIECA – Pregled provedbe CPC-a
(c) IRU Academy 2011
Priznavanje “Veoma raznoliki stupnjevi kvalitete treninga i njihova plana i programa i dalje su velika prepreka uzajamnom priznavanju” “Čini se da je uzajamno priznavanje periodičkog treninga još škakljivije pitanje, posebno kad trening nije u potpunosti apsolviran“ The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
nema provjere valjanosti, usporedbe tematskih modula, itd.
Dokazi (djelomičnog)periodičkog treninga provedenog u ostalim zemljama članicama Glavni razlozi: nema provjere valjanosti, usporedbe tematskih modula, itd. Prihvaćeno, ali dokazi se provjeravaju Nije prihvaćeno Austrija Belgija (djelomično) Hrvatska Češka Cipar Finska Estonija Francuska Njemačka Mađarska Velika Britanija i Sjeverna Irska Letonija Irska Poljska Malta Švedska Nizozemska Norveška Slovenija Švicarska (c) IRU Academy 2011
Mogućnosti treninga “Čini se da zemlje članice koje otprije raspolažu prostorima za trening imaju manje problema s provođenjem Direktive i trening se lakše može provesti u skladu s njezinim zahtjevima. Zemlje članice koje nisu imale nikakav tip treninga u prošlosti moraju početi od nule i neke su suočene s financijskim i vremenskim problemima.” The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Mogućnosti treninga i kvalifikacije
“Bez obzira na općenito povećanje mogućnosti treninga, ponuda je i dalje neadekvatna u nekim zemljama članicama te je upućen poziv školama vožnje da ponude rješenje za ovaj problem.” Kvalifikacije instruktora “Kriteriji za trenera za početne kvalifikacije i/ili periodički trening ovise o nekoliko uvjeta koji se razlikuju od zemlje do zemlje, s tim da kriteriji poput dobi i iskustva igraju ulogu u nekim državama, ali i oni poput prethodnog početnog treninga.” The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Programi treninga “Ispitanici su izvijestili o nedostacima u programima treninga u svojim zemljama članicama. U nekim je primjerima razlog bila loša kvaliteta profila trenera” “Direktiva 2003/59 u cilju ima profesionalizaciju vozača usvajanjem boljeg ponašanja u vožnji stečenog tijekom treninga, primjerice na tečajevima sigurne i ekonomične vožnje, i stoga je njezino načelo tu promašeno, budući da se periodički trening koristi jedino kao poslovna prilika za pružatelje treninga“ The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Trening ili pravo na vožnju?
Centri za trening “Prečesto za većinu pružatelja treninga cilj periodičkog treninga nije prenijeti ili promovirati usvajanje vještina, već izdati potvrdu koja će polaznicima treninga omogućiti da nastave voziti, pri čemu sadržaj i kvaliteta treninga ostaju irelevantni.” The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Cijena treninga Početni trening – Kat. C Tko plaća Postotak
Lokalne i/ili regionalne vlasti 8,3% Agencije za zapošljavanje 16,7% Kompanija Vozač 58,3% Ukupno 100% The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Cijena treninga Periodički trening – Kat. C Tko plaća Postotak
Agencije za zapošljavanje 7% Kompanija i vozač Kompanija 50% Vozač 36% Ukupno 100% The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Periodički trening – tko snosi trošak?
Vozač I vozač i poslodavac Poslodavac Cipar, Češka, Latvija, Malta (env.), Sjeverna Irska Belgija, Hrvatska, Estonija, Njemačka, Velika Britanija, Mađarska, Irska, Litva, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Slovenija, Švicarska Finska: u 95% slučajeva, Švedska, Francuska (c) IRU Academy 2011
Periodic trening – trošak
Općenita primjedba Cijenu 35-satnog treninga u pravilu određuju organizatori treninga (c) IRU Academy 2011
Trening = posao? Računa li se kao radno vrijeme?
Na ovo je pitanje moguće odgovoriti na različite načine. To je ujedno glavno pitanje o kojem se pregovara u nekim zemljama članicama. Odluka o tome često se donosi na razini tvrtke. Recimo, u nekim zemljama, primjerice u Finskoj i Velikoj Britaniji, ti se treninzi računaju kao radno vrijeme, u nekim drugim zemljama ne The International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) have brought together a consortium of partners and have received EC funding to undertake a joint social partner’s project on training in the commercial road transport sector, covering both mobile and non mobile employees of road transport companies. The project partnership recognise the indispensability of high quality training for developing an efficient, properly skilled, safe and sustainable workforce in commercial road transport. In recent years the sector’s workforce has had to rapidly expand and improve their range of skills in order to respond to numerous changes to their working environment and increasingly complex legal, operational, and product related requirements. In these circumstances training is essential for ensuring that the sector can meet such challenges and continue to deliver high quality services in a safe and legally compliant manner. Moreover, training is vital for ensuring that the commercial road transport sector remains an attractive working environment for employees, enabling them to carry out their tasks with confidence and presenting them with opportunities for lifelong development of their personal skills and competences. At the same time the costs of training and the administrative burdens imposed should in no way be underestimated, especially for the small and micro sized companies that characterise the sector and especially in a time of deep economic crisis. It is therefore in the mutual interest of both employers and workers to identify what is needed to optimise the positive impact of training and identify ways to ensure that it can be delivered in the most effective and cost efficient way. The actions of both governments and Social Partners will be key elements in achieving these objectives, but it remains to be determined which actions will have the greatest impact. The purpose of this project is therefore to correctly identify the most important challenges and the most efficacious solutions for improving the provision of training to drivers and workers performing certain non mobile, logistics related tasks. In order to reflect the very distinct competencies, skills and legal frameworks for these different categories of workers, the project will be split into two distinct pillars focusing on each group. (c) IRU Academy 2011
Dodatne informacije Pregled - IRU akademija / CIECA: Projekt STARTS’:
Projekt STARTS’: (c) IRU Academy 2011
Potrebe u sektoru treninga u profesionalnom cestovnom prijevozu
Kako bi se odgovorilo na izazove razvoja treninga, postoji potreba za: Tehničkim znanjem i vještinama podučavanja Omogućavanjem uporabe najbolje prakse Kvalitetnim treningom koji će imati utjecaj na sigurnost na cesti i na sliku profesije Osiguranjem prijenosa znanja Poticanjem mobilnosti Uspostavom paneuropske mreže instruktora European rules and regulations Working time directive in force from 23 March 2005 Social legislation in force from 1 May 2006 Digital tachograph compulsory from 11 May 2006 Driving and rest period rules in force from 11 April 2007 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Potrebe u sektoru treninga u profesionalnom cestovnom prijevozu
Koristi Pomoć zemljama pri podizanju razine profesionalnosti instruktora i vozača Organizacija ujednačenog treninga profesionalnih vozača Omogućavanje relevantnih alata koji omogućuju izvođenje CPC treninga U cilju je priznavanje CPC kvalifikacija instruktora na razini EU-a Usuglašavanje oko provođenja treninga u cestovnom prijevozu Ušteda novca (c) IRU Academy 2011
(c) IRU Academy 2011
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