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Parent & Staff Survey Results

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2 Parent & Staff Survey Results
Report to the Suffolk School Board September 8, 2016 Parent & Staff Survey Results Goal 5: Strengthen Collaboration with Stakeholders and Increase Parent & Community Satisfaction Last year, we implemented a multi-year plan to provide a consistent systematic approach to surveying various stakeholders to measure satisfaction. Comparing responses year-to-year from these parents, staff and student surveys will continue to be used to develop additional opportunities for schools and the division to listen to its stakeholders. Today, I’m going to provide broad highlights from the STAFF Perception Survey and the PARENT Perception Survey, which were both administered this past spring, in March. Building Relationships

3 Staff Survey questions included …
Administrator Leadership Shared Decision-Making Student Expectations Staff Morale & School Pride Discipline School Safety Professional Development Communication with Parents Family Engagement You see on PAGE ___ of your retreat book all 24 of the staff survey questions They covered a variety of topics, including these listed here … pause for slide reading time

4 Areas with Top Ratings (Division)
Teachers communicate with parents about their child’s progress Staff members are held accountable for student learning Staff members are expected to hold all students to high academic standards Teachers are empowered to impact student learning Staff is involved in the instructional decision-making process The top 5 rated statements by division-wide Staff Survey combined are these … these are the same top-rated statements as in the 2015 Staff Survey … pause for slide reading time

5 Areas in Need of Improvement (Division)
Morale is high at my school Discipline policies at my school are effective in addressing unwanted student behaviors School rules are enforced at my school Materials and resources are provided to meet student needs The areas rated in most need of improvement by division-wide Staff Survey combined are these: … again, basically the same as in the previous year Morale is high at my school … continues to be one of lowest scoring areas Discipline policies at my school are effective in addressing unwanted student behaviors … a 6-point drop compared to previous year High School agreement increased But Elementary school agreement dropped by 11 points Middle school by 8 points School rules are enforced at my school … Related to Discipline policies question Agreement dropped by 5 points Most significantly at the middle school level – 13 points Elementary dropped 8 points High improved 3 points Materials and resources are provided to meet student needs Not much change in perception for elementary and middle But high school staff opinion dropped 9 points

6 Areas with Most Improvement (Division)
Morale is high at my school Increased by 6% Middle School staff … +9% High School staff … +7% Elementary staff … +3% Instructional time is protected High School staff … +11% Middle School staff … +8% Elementary staff … +2% Improving Staff Morale was a new objective under Goal 2 … So as you see, the staff who responded to this survey are feeling better about morale at their school … highest rate of improvement at Middle School Also a 6-percentage point improvement in staff’s perceptions about: Instructional time is protected from unnecessary interruptions and non-instructional activities … highest rate of improvement at High School

7 Areas with Most Improvement (Division)
Community resources and volunteers are used to support students’ academic achievement and social development Professional development activities connect directly to my work with students in the classroom Other areas of improvement worth noting are directly related to Goal 5, Objective 3 and our new Volunteer Connect program Community resources and volunteers are used to support students’ academic achievement and social development … +3% And also to Goal 4 about providing quality and targeted staff development Professional development activities connect directly to my work with students in the classroom - +3%

8 Parent Survey Results Building Relationships
As mentioned before, the committee recommended and developed a school-level Parent Perception Survey to be administered in March-April each year, with low-scoring areas targeted in each school’s annual School Improvement Plan This was an online survey to which parents were invited to participate through . Paper copies offered to parents on request. Building Relationships

9 Questions included … Expectations for Student Success
Quality Instruction Technology Discipline & School Safety Facilities, Food Service, Transportation Administrator Leadership Customer Service Communication with Parents Family Engagement Starting on Page __ of your Retreat book, you see a much more detailed anaylsis of Parent Survey results Some of the 30 questions on this Parent Survey included these TOPICS … pause for slide reading time Like the Staff Survey, the Parent Survey report also groups the statements according to the School Board’s five (5) division-wide goals … which demonstrates how the survey results can provide the board and administrators with perception data on how well parents believe we are meeting each of the 5 goals. The Goal 5 objective to increase participation in these surveys was not met. While still statistically significant, 19% of parents ed shared their opinions … compared to 22% in Because we use these results to gain insight and not to make specific decisions or changes, that percent participation is considered adequate by industry standards.

10 Areas with Top Ratings (Division)
School expects my child to work hard and do his/her best School facilities support learning School uses technology to help my child learn School provides opportunities for family and community input School offers opportunities for families and community members to volunteer The top rated statements in the Parent Survey were these: … pause for slide reading time A new addition is the last item … offering opportunities for families and community members to volunteer Hope directly related to implementation of Volunteer Connect

11 Areas in Need of Improvement (Division)
Bus transportation meets my expectations Cafeteria is doing a good job providing appealing and nourishing meals School shares information about school improvement initiatives School provides my child extra academic help or enrichment when it is needed The bottom 4 rated statements in the Parent Survey are these … pause for slide reading time … these are the same areas in need of improvement as mentioned in the 2015 Parent Survey However, it should be noted that … CLICK TO NEXT SLIDE FAST

12 Areas with Most Improvement (Division)
Transportation meets my expectations Increased by 8% Middle School parents … +10% Elementary parents … +8% High School parents … +7% School keeps the community informed about school programs & activities … +4% School shares information about school improvement initiatives … +3% Cafeteria is doing a good job … +2% Even though in the bottom range of parent agreement, most of those areas saw improvement between the 2015 opinion survey and the 2016 parent perception survey Note that Objective 4 under Goal 5 for was the task “to improve parent satisfaction with the Transportation Department” As you can see, mission accomplished Although, it is still an area in need of improvement

13 Questions …


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