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(Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay, France)

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1 (Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay, France)
ne nt nm NS Neutrinos and Supernovae n Cristina VOLPE (Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay, France)

2 OUTLINE Progress in understanding neutrino flavour conversion
in explosive media Observations : learning about supernova dynamics and neutrino properties OUTLINE Low energy n-nucleus cross sections and future facilities

3 After the SN1987A… future observations crucial
Core-collapse supernova (SN) simulations Bruenn et al, SN simulations have reached a high degree of complexity : 2D-3D, convection, realistic neutrino transport and nuclear networks. Marek & Janka,ApJL694(2009)664. NS ne nt nm Hüdepohl et al.PRL 104, (2010) Neutrinos follow closely the explosion. The supernova explosion mechanism delineated : due to a combination of convection- neutrino – hydro instability (SASI). After the SN1987A… future observations crucial SN EXPLOSION CLOSE ?

4 Neutrino flavour conversion
in SN The Mikheev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect : the beautiful explanation of the « solar neutrino deficit » problem . V(r) GF re. ne e W The case of core-collapse supernovae turns out to be much more complex : new flavour conversion phenomena emerge. Turbulence shock waves nn interaction Collective flavour conversion effects Multiple MSW resonances New features arise Understanding the different facets of flavour conversion in SN : the object of intense investigation.

5 nn interaction shock waves Turbulence
J. Pantaleone, PLB 287 (1992), Samuel,PRD 48 (1993), Sigl and Raffelt NPB 406 (1993), Pastor, Raffelt, Semikoz, PRD 65 (2002), Qian and Fuller, PRD 52 (1995) , Balantekin and Yuksel, New. J. Phys. 7 (2005), Duan,Fuller,Qian PRD74 (2006), PRL 97 (2006), PRD 75, 76 (2007), PRL 2008, PRD77 (2008), Fogli, Lisi, Mirizzi, Marrone, JCAP 2007, Raffelt and Smirnov, PRD 76 (2007), Estebal et al PRD 76 (2007), Gava and Volpe PRD(2008), Kneller, Gava, Volpe, McLaughlin (2009), Dasgupta, Dighe, Raffelt, Smirnov, PRL103(2009) , Dasgupta, Mirizzi, Tamborra, Tomas, PRD81 (2010), Fogli, Lisi, Marrone, Tamborra, JCAP0910(2009), … nn interaction R. C. Schirato and G. M. Fuller (2002), arXiv : , C. Lunardini and A. Y. Smirnov, JCAP 0306, 009 (2003), , K. Takahashi, K. Sato, H. E. Dalhed, and J. R. Wilson, Astropart. Phys. 20, 189 (2003), , G. L. Fogli, E. Lisi, A. Mirizzi, and D. Montanino, Phys. Rev. 68, (2003), , R. Tomas, M. Kachelrieß, G. Raffelt, A. Dighe, H.-T. Janka, and L. Scheck, JCAP 0409, 015 (2004), , G. L. Fogli, E. Lisi, A. Mirizzi, and D. Montanino, JCAP 4, 2 (2005), , S. Choubey, N. P. Harries, and G. G. Ross, Phys. Rev. D74, (2006), , B. Dasgupta and A. Dighe, Phys. Rev. 75, (2007), , S. Choubey, N. P. Harries, and G. G. Ross, Phys. Rev. 76, (2007), , J. P. Kneller, G. C. McLaughlin, and J. Brockman, Phys. Rev. 77, (2008), ,J. P. Kneller and G. C. McLaughlin, Phys. Rev. 73, (2006), , S.Galais, J.Kneller, C.Volpe and J.Gava, PRD(2010), ... shock waves Loreti et al, PRD 52 (1995); Balantekin et al, PRD 54 (2006), Friedland and Gruzinov, hep/ , Fogli et al JCAP 0606 (2006);. Kneller ,arXiv: , J. P. Kneller and C. Volpe, PRD (2010), arXiv: , … Turbulence

6 The n-n interaction effects
J. Pantaleone, PLB 287 (1992), Samuel,PRD 48 (1993), Sigl and Raffelt, NPB 406 (1993). a non-linear problem, involved numerically H = Hvacuum + Hmatter + Hnn (rn) Balantekin and Yuksel New J. Phys. 7 (2005) Duan,Fuller,Qian PRD74 (2006) Important progress since 2006 : Introduce neutrino flavour conversion near the neutrinosphere Distance in SN n e Survival Probability 1 2 3 Three regimes identified : 1- The synchronization regime 2- The bipolar oscillations 3- The spectral split Duan,Fuller,Qian PRD74 (2006), Hannestad, Raffelt, Sigl, Wong, PRD 74 (2006), Raffelt,Smirnov, PRD 76 (2007) Many questions remain open…

7 The matter basis point of view :
the role of the matter phase derivative S. Galais, J. P. Kneller , C. Volpe, arXiv: In 2n flavors the U matrix in matter : matter phase matter angle It involves the derivative of the matter phase. The n evolution equation H11-H22 Distance in SN (km) onset of flavour conversion The onset of bipolar oscillations due to a rapid growth of the phase derivative.

8 The spectral split phenomenon
The neutrino fluxes are significantly modified. Inverted hierarchy ne Duan, et al. PRD 74 (2006) Spectral-split Duan, Fuller, Qian, PRD76(2007) Raffelt and Smirnov PRD 76 (2007), PRL 2007 (L cons.) Dasgupta, Dighe, Raffelt, Smirnov, PRL103(2009) (multiple splits), Dasgupta, Mirizzi, Tamborra, Tomas, PRD81 (2010), Fogli, Lisi, Marrone, Tamborra, JCAP0910(2009),… Many features identified, however the underlying mechanism not fully unravelled… The neutrino evolution with the neutrino polarization vectors : the precession of an effective spin around an effective magnetic field. Example : Flavor basis Polarization vector formalism

9 The spectral split: a magnetic resonance phenomenon
Matter basis Galais and Volpe, to appear. w w0 Flavour basis The magnetic resonance phenomenon is the spin inversion occurring when the frequency of the magnetic field in the plane is close to the spin precession frequency around Bz. The Magnetic Resonance condition : w-w0 = 0 A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF THE SPECTRAL SPLIT.

10 CP violation effects in supernovae
First studied in : Akhmedov, Lunardini & Smirnov, Nucl.Phys.B643 (2002) 339. Balantekin, Gava, Volpe, PLB662, 396 (2008), arXiv: Gava, Volpe, Phys. Rev. D78, (2008), arXiv: Recently it has been shown that : You need e.g. differences in the nm and nt interaction with matter (due to radiative corrections and physics beyond the standard model such as FCNC, …). THERE CAN BE CP-VIOLATION EFFECTS IN SUPERNOVAE. Modifications of the neutrino fluxes small (5-10%). Kneller and McLaughlin, PRD 80, (2009) arXiv: Analytical results (without neutrino-neutrino interaction) confirmed in :

11 Unknown n-properties and supernovae
Neutrinos from supernovae can offer a tool to extract information on key unknown neutrino properties : The third neutrino mixing angle The mass hierarchy If these are determined in future experiments, neutrinos can tell us about what occurs in the stellar interior. Several other key unknown neutrino properties have an impact in the supernova context : Sterile neutrinos LFV interactions, …

12 Observations Different observations complementary. Future explosions
Nucleosynthesis We would like to measure the luminosity curve from a future (extra)galactic explosion with observatories running and future large size detectors. Neutrinos play a key role in various nucleosynthesis processes, in particular the r-process or the neutrino process. THE DSNB We want to observe the diffuse supernova neutrino background - Gd-doping and Megaton detectors . Different observations complementary.

13 Impact on nucleosynthesis of the nn int.
Yuksel and Balantekin, New J.Phys.7, 51(2005). Effect on the neutron/proton ratio Duan, Friedland, McLaughlin, Surman JPG 38, (2010) Chakraborty, Choubey, Goswami, Kar, JCAP 1006, 007 (2010), arXiv:

14 An imprint of the shock on the time signal,
An imprint of the shock on the time signal, depending on n-properties ne + p n + e+ POSITRON TIME SIGNAL First calculation including the n-n interaction and shock wave effects. IF sin22q13 > 10-5 inverted hierarchy FLUXES ON EARTH adiabatic non-adiabatic 29 MeV 15 MeV Gava, Kneller, Volpe, McLaughlin, PRL 103 (2009), arXiv: The bump (dip) can be seen at 3.5 (1) sigma in Super-Kamiokande if a supernova at 10 kpc explodes..

15 Important to have different energy thresholds.
The HALO project 80 tonnes of Pb, HALO-2: 1kt Information on the fluxes at the neutrinosphere can be extracted : a test of SN simulations Neutrino fluxes at the neutrinosphere Equal L C. Volpe et, D. Vaananen to appear. Important to have different energy thresholds.

16 ne detection : n-nucleus cross sections necessary
to determine the supernovae observatories’s responses HALO, LENA, GLACIER, MEMPHYS 208Pb 12C 40Ar 16O

17 Low energy neutrino-nucleus cross section uncertainties
AN EXAMPLE 1.16 1.26 1.24 1.4 . Ratio of flux-averaged cross sections 2/1 3/1 Neutrino-lead calculations used for the comparison: 1- J.Engel, et al. PRD 67, (2003) RPA 2- E. Kolbe et al., PRC 63, (2001) CRPA 3- N. Paar (priv. communication) relativistic RPA Neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements welcome… also useful for double-beta decay (ga, forbidden,…)

m+ + nm at SPALLATION SOURCES m+ e + nm + ne Future facilities : SNS, ESS, JSNS, SPL Low energy BETA-BEAMS PS SPS E U R I S O L storage ring n close detector C.Volpe, J Phys G 30 (2004) L1. 6Li ne Beta-beam feasibility EURISOL DS (FP6), EURONU (FP7) A proposal to establish a facility for the production of intense and pure low energy neutrino beams in the 100 MeV energy range. A small storage ring (g=1) soon at CERN?

19 Conclusions and Perspectives
For the next (extra)galactic supernova explosion (and the DSNB discovery), it is very important to have a detectors…. sensitive to both electron anti-neutrinos and electron neutrinos. besides to neutral current. with different energy thresholds, in particular for the ne : argon-based (5 MeV), lead-based (10, 20 MeV), scintillators and Cherenkov (about 20 MeV). with good time resolution or time and energy resolution. at least one large size (megaton) detector.

20 Conclusions and Perspectives
Supernova explosion on the way… Neutrino flavour conversion processes in such explosive media has really increased in complexity. In the long run these two descriptions should merge… The SN neutrino fluxes encode information on n-properties and supernova dynamics : A lot to learn from future observations !

21 Danke. Gracias Thank you Grazie Life tree Merci

22 Turbulence effects NEUTRINOS CAN COMPLETELY MIX («depolarize »).
Loreti et al, PRD 52 (1995); Balantekin et al, PRD 54 (1006); Friedland and Gruzinov, hep/ , Fogli et al JCAP 0606 (2006);. Kneller arXiv: First calculation of instantations of the neutrino amplitudes- not of average probabilities - in presence of shock waves and turbulence. NEUTRINOS CAN COMPLETELY MIX («depolarize »). TRANSITION FROM shock-wave to turbulence dominated regime, as the fluctuation amplitude increases. Kneller and Volpe, PRD (2010) , arXiv:


24 The matter basis point of view : the phase derivative role
S. Galais, J. P. Kneller , C. Volpe, arXiv: In 2n flavors the matter Hamiltonian : Synch. Bipolar osc. The phase derivative contributes to diagonal & off-diagonal terms. H12 H*12 H11 H22 H H11-H22 Distance in SN (km) |H12| Distance in SN (km) The matter phase non-zero since the nn interaction hamiltonian has complex off-diagonal terms.

at SPALLATION SOURCES p+ m+ + nm ne m+ e + nm + ne Future sites : SNS, ESS JSNS, SPL F. Avignone, Y Efremenko, (SNS) JPG 29, 2615 (2003). R. Lazauskas, C. Volpe, JPG 37, (2010), arXiv : 12C 40Ar 16O 208Pb 56Fe 1470 384 998 261 8860 2310 9100 2330 34500 8820 10 20 D (m) EVENTS (3 107 s) Expected rates in a detector at different distances from the source. ne /s 1 ton cubic detector Low energy BETA-BEAMS PS SPS E U R I S O L storage ring n close detector C.Volpe, J Phys G 30 (2004) L1. 6Li ne Beta-beam feasibility studied EURISOL DS (FP6), EURONU (FP7)

26 Low energy neutrino-nucleus cross section uncertainties AN EXAMPLE
Neutrino fluxes (power law) ane AN EXAMPLE Neutrino-lead calculations used for the comparison: 1- J.Engel, et al. PRD 67, (2003) RPA 2- E. Kolbe et al., PRC 63, (2001) CRPA 3- N. Paar (priv. communication) relativistic RPA 1.16 1.26 1.24 1.4 Volpe and Vaananen to be submitted. Ratio of flux-averaged cross sections 2/1 3/1





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