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Marketing Report July to October 2014.

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1 Marketing Report July to October 2014

2 Purpose The purpose of this report is to show trend information for recruitment and marketing programs at all University of Mount Olive locations. Where possible, comparisons over time are shown. Marketing and recruitment activities differ for traditional and nontraditional programs, so some comparisons are not appropriate. This is not an enrollment report.

3 Introduction The following data is gathered from inquiry calls/visits, contact forms, applications, and SSRS reports. Recruitment activities, purchased media, website traffic, and other promotional and marketing efforts help drive students to our website and other points of contact. Information is used to track what kinds of advertising prompts action for various audiences.

4 First Time Contacts All Locations July to Oct 2014
First time contacts, in the form of inquiries and applications, increased by 1,610 from September to end of October, 2014. Most of the increases came from traditional student prospects; however, at least 252 were for nontraditional programs.

5 First Time Contacts July to October 2014
TSB Programs offered at Nontrad Locations attracted 459 first time contacts since July 1, 2014

6 First Time Contacts SAS Nontrad Programs
SAS Inquiries and applications include the virtual and online programs (except MBA)

7 Top Sources for Nontrad Inquiries and Applications
Hobson’s Nontrad program, referrals and TV, radio and billboard ads were mentioned by prospects as the main sources of info about UMO.

8 Top Sources for Traditional Inquiries and Applications
There were over 3,600 traditional inquiries and applications received since July 1, The majority of the sources were related to fall travel for high school college fairs. Ag fest data entry is ongoing; however, all high school seniors and juniors are in the PowerCampus system.

9 Recruitment Activities at Nontrad Locations
Over half of the 297 recruitment activities completed at the nontrad locations since July 1, 2014, were first time ventures. Recruiting visits accounted for over 1/3 of these efforts.

10 Traffic to Search engines, direct traffic and referrals from other websites bring traffic to the UMO website. The average visit length to the site is 2-3 minutes, and about 30-40% of the visits are from first timers. Goggle continues to be the top search engine providing referrals.

11 Cappex Campaign for Traditional Students
The Cappex campaign was developed to help draw targeted academic program interest to UMO. Cappex sends many electronic messages to high school seniors and juniors who have expressed an interest in certain academic areas. The chart shows the responses by program.

12 Applications Received
During the first four months of the fiscal year, July to October 2014, UMO received 1,425 applications for all locations and programs. About 28% were received during the month of October, 2014.

13 Conclusions Surge in traditional inquiries and applications for Fall 2015 Uptick in first time contacts for SAS nontrad programs Despite increased and high volume recruitment activities, overall nontrad enrollment still lagging Transfer friendly leadership program may bring increase in nontrad enrollment

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