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Conclusions and Recommendations

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1 Conclusions and Recommendations
Workshop on Millennium Development Goals Monitoring: 2015 and Beyond (Bangkok, 9-13 July 2012)

2 Conclusions Identify reasons for data discrepancy between national and international data: Different definitions, concepts, methods used Different country data sources International model-based/adjusted estimated data v.s. country survey based estimated data Insufficient coordination between and among international agencies, regional organizations and countries, (e.g. data not reported, wrong focal point contacted, lack of response in country consultations)

3 Conclusions Proxy indicators calculated in countries
International agencies change methodology Questions are asked on the same issue differently in different countries Sensitive questions were not asked or were modified in some countries due to cultural issues Different population figures used – WPP estimates vs country estimates

4 Recommendations (1) For countries
Improve coordination within the National Statistical System Establish a formal mechanism for MDG data reporting Improve the compilation of metadata in countries

5 Recommendations (2) For international agencies:
Improve communication with national statistical system (e.g. Consult country before publishing estimated or adjusted data, share information on focal points with NSO and line ministries) Assist countries to improve national statistical capacity Provide guidelines for small island development countries on how to calculate indicators and asses progress Strengthen country ownership of data

6 Recommendations (3) For international agencies and countries:
Provide information on quality, reliability of data. Work together to better educate data users Improve communication and coordination between and among international agencies and national statistical systems/regional organizations Bring to the attention of the policy makers and donors the importance of quality statistics

7 Recommendations (4) It is also recommended:
Better coordination among donors Harmonize SDGs and Post-2015 development framework processes Include elements that are not covered by the current MDG framework for the post-2015 process, such as political sustainability, good governance, etc. New development framework should also include quality measurement indicators New development framework should set different targets at international and regional levels. New framework should include numerical targets for all goals

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