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Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region M Purea

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1 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region M Purea
by M Purea Plant Protection Officer

2 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
 Review of selected Plant Protection activities in FAO Member countries in the Pacific Region.  Integrated Pest Management (IPM)  Biosecurity  Recommendations

3 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
 Review of selected Plant Protection activities in FAO member countries in the Pacific Region.  Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in support of Trade Facilitation What have we done to date? With technical assistance from FAO, SPC, NZ, Aus EU  Review and Up date Plant & Animal Quarantine Legislation (Cooks, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon, PNG, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Samoa, Marshall, Palau)

4 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
 Training of Q & PP officers in Import Risk Analysis  Update of Pest Lists  Effective Export Quarantine Treatment - (HTFA) - (Systems Approach)

5 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
 Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in support of Trade Facilitation  Effective Export Quarantine Treatment - High Temperature Forced Air (HTFA) (Cook, Fiji, Tonga, New Caledonia Samoa & Vanuatu)

6 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
- Systems Approach (pre Border Biosecurity) “integration of different pest risk management measures at which cumulatively achieve the appropriate level of phytosanitary protection” - Very Active in Fiji Cooks Tonga - Activities includes: documentation, growers registration, audit for efficacy of field treatment, surveillance / trapping auditing for compliance, post treatment, etc

7 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - IPM the main approach in insect & disease management in the region - the preference by many farmers is Pesticides especially Herbicide - popular management tool is Biocontrol Examples: Kiribati – on Breadfruit Mealy Bug use Rodolia limbata (lady beetle) Samoa on Giant African Snail use Flatworm Platydemus manokwari Cooks on Whitefly (Bemisia tabacii) use Encarsia wasp

8 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - Ecologically Based Pest Management (EBPM) - developed from IPM of Insects & Weeds - emphasize Ecological issues and Systems Approach Main Goals: - target focus / minimize / avoid Non target spp - conserve environmental health Regional Examples: - Kiribati - “Management of Rats in Coconut Plantations” - Monitoring Pop level - When / When Not to Bait - Use of Bait Station - Use of Petiole Support System

9 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
- Ecologically Based Pest Management (EBPM) Bait Station Petiole support systems

10 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
- Protection - Country’s Economy, Environment and Peoples Health from Pest & Diseases - Also involves: Eradication & Controlling Pests already present - Involves awareness in Products of Modern Bio-Tech - GMO & LMO  esp Awareness in Transborder Move. of GMO & LMO  training need Another Issue of Concern in Biosecurity  Invasive Weeds esp - Meremia peltata - in all PICs - African Tulip - in Fiji, and other PICs - Balloon Vine - in Cook Islands

11 Meremia in Vanuatu Balloon Vine in Cook Is African Tulip in Fiji Balloon Vine in Cook Is

12 Plant Protection and Biosecurity in the Pacific Region
Recommendations (1) that FAO regional office for the Pacific, together with other Regional Organizations provide technical assistance to set an overall strategy direction in Biosecurity in the region and identify general areas of priority to enhance trade facilitation. (2) One of these priority areas is Capacity Building in risk analysis of trans-border movement of LMO into the region. Training in risk analysis and general awareness in GMO and LMO for officers in Quarantine, Plant Protection and Environmental Services is top priority. (3) for FAO regional office together with other Regional Organizations to provide technical assistance for a Regional Approach to the management of troublesome invasive weeds (Meremia, Balloon vine, African Tulip, etc) to enhance crop production in the region.

13 End of Presentation Thank You

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