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Algorithms Y10 Introduction.

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1 Algorithms Y10 Introduction

2 WHAT IS AN ALGORITHM? It is a set of instructions of how to carry out a process. An algorithm lists the steps that must be followed to complete the process and to reach the solution

3 Examples of algorithms:
A knitting pattern A set of instructions telling you how to put a kit together (eg. an IKEA kitchen unit) A recipe in a cook book An algorithm can be represented diagrammatically in the form of a flow chart.

4 A flow chart A flowchart consists of a sequence of instructions linked together by arrows to show the order in which the instructions must be carried out. It provides detailed steps. Each instruction is put into a box. The boxes are different shapes depending upon what the instruction is.

5 Process shapes… Remember not to create the flow chart in WORD…
Instead do this in POWER POINT and change File – Page Layout to PORTRAIT Autoshapes has the shapes you need to use Input or output START / END Query / question Human process i.e. you doing something! No Yes Printed output Save to file

6 More shapes You can also use the following shapes: Predefined process
Used for a sequence of instructions which is defined somewhere else (eg. in a subroutine) Connector – to link with a different page or another part of the program (Note: all these shapes can be found under ‘AutoShapes’ if you click the Drawing icon on your tool bar) Predefined process

7 TASK 1 MAKING A CUP OF TEA! The following list represents the steps needed in order to make a cup of tea. Put the list in the right order and produce an algorithm in POWERPOINT showing the processes and decisions you need to make. Take tea bag out of cup Boil the water Put tea bag in cup Add milk? Pour boiling water in cup Fill kettle Stir Ready Add sugar ? Fetch cup Answers follow

8 Pour boiling water in cup
The answers… START Fill kettle Fill kettle Boil the water Fetch cup Put tea bag in cup Pour boiling water in cup Take tea bag out of cup Add sugar ? Stir Add milk? Ready Boil the water Fetch cup Put tea bag in cup Pour boiling water in cup Take tea bag out of cup Add sugar ? N Stir in sugar Add milk? N Now add the shapes… Pour in milk Ready

9 Skills in Powerpoint to create your algorithm….
To change this to …. To tidy up the whole column… select all (drag around all shapes) Go to DRAW Select ALIGN or DISTRIBUTE

10 mess up the side sections…! Boil the water
START Fill kettle To this… but take care as it can mess up the side sections…! Boil the water Fetch cup Put tea bag in cup Pour boiling water in cup Take tea bag out of cup Add sugar ? N Stir in sugar Add milk? N Ready Pour in milk

In order to carry out no. 8 in the list above, you will need to instruct the user how to fill a kettle. (a) Produce a set of instructions called ‘Filling a kettle’ and then (b) update your algorithm for task 1 to include this predefined process.

How would your algorithm change for making a cup of coffee instead of tea? Amend your algorithm in Task 2 (b) in order to produce a new diagram.

13 Now try to create one on a PC
This should always be done in POWERPOINT….. NEVER, EVER, EVER in WORD!

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