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Modeling with hybrid systems

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1 Modeling with hybrid systems
ESE601: Hybrid Systems Modeling with hybrid systems

2 Various models Air traffic management (ATM) system
Hybrid systems in biology Automotive engine Mobile robot Chemical reactions

3 Conflict Resolution in ATM*
See paper (R8) on the website

4 Conflict Resolution Protocol
Is this protocol safe ?


6 Conflict Resolution Maneuver

7 Computing Unsafe Sets Operations done in Mathematica 4.0 took about 2 minutes each on a Pentium II 450MHz Lambda = cos(\delta \phi)

8 Safe Sets

9 Hybrid systems in biology
Biomolecular networks: the networks comprised by genes and proteins in a living cell. Central dogma of molecular biology: DNA makes RNA, RNA makes protein, protein makes the cell. See paper (R9) on the website.

10 The cell

11 Central dogma in molecular biology

12 Quorum sensing in V. fischeri
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13 Vibrio fischeri V. fischeri is a marine bacterium. They are luminescent when live at high density. The hybrid model studies the phenomenon, where the bacteria can sense the presence of many other bacteria in the surrounding and trigger the increase in luminescence. The gene that regulates the luminescence is called lux. See paper (R10) on the website.



16 Quorum sensing in V. fischeri
- + CRP cAMP OL lux box OR luxR luxICDABEG CRP binding site Ai + - LuxR LuxA LuxI LuxR Ai LuxB Ai Substrate Ai luciferase Ai Ai Ai

17 Modeling of biological systems
CRP + positive START luxR gene STOP regulation - transcription negative translation protein LuxR Ai chemical reaction Ai

18 Modeling of biological systems
1 CRP 0.5 positive + START luxR gene STOP regulation transcription - translation negative protein LuxR Ai chemical reaction Ai

19 V. fischeri mathematical model
Co CRP % act Co<Co_sw_l CRP<CRP_sw_l pl00 Co<Co_sw_l CRP>CRP_sw_l pl01 Co>Co_sw_l CRP<CRP_sw_l pl10 Co>Co_sw_l CRP>CRP_sw_l pl11 luxR Co CRP % act Co<Co_sw_r CRP<CRP_sw_r pr00 Co<Co_sw_r CRP>CRP_sw_r pr01 Co>Co_sw_r CRP<CRP_sw_r pr10 Co>Co_sw_r CRP>CRP_sw_r pr11 luxICDABEG

20 BioCharon = BioSketchPad + Charon
Biologist-friendly environment for representing, storing, simulating, and analyzing biomolecular networks. Charon A programming language for modeling, simulating, analyzing, and designing hybrid systems




24 Concentration in nM seconds

25 Hybrid model of a car engine
The system to model is a four-cylinder in-line engine. The model is in the form of a hybrid piecewise affine system. The purpose of the modeling is to devise a controller for idle speed. See paper (R11) on the website.

26 Hybrid PWA systems


28 The model


30 Hybrid system model of mobile robot
The system modeled is a four-wheel-steered four-wheel-driven mobile robot. See paper (R12) on the website

31 The model Hybrid model is proposed because of the need to switch controllers depending on the configuration of the robot.

32 The model There are three locations (modes of dynamics) depending on the orientation of the wheels :


34 Stochastic hybrid model of chemical reactions
The underlying idea is that when the number of molecules involved in the reaction is relatively small, deterministic model is no longer accurate. A chemical reaction can be thought of as collisions between the reactant molecules. See papers (R10) and (R13) on the website.

35 Stochastic hybrid model of chemical reactions
Thus, chemical reaction in the microscopical level is inherently stochastic. Consider the reaction: The mass-action law dictates that This approximation is good when the numbers of molecules of A and B are high.

36 Discrete model

37 Hybrid model


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