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Extended DISC: 4 Quadrant Model

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2 Extended DISC: 4 Quadrant Model
Compliance Dominance Steadiness Influence

3 Extended DISC: 4 Quadrant Model
precise, logical follows rules careful, reserved formal, disciplined withdrawn, shy doesn’t express opinions gets stuck in details risks adverse calm, steady careful, patient good listener, modest trustworthy stubborn resists new ideas doesn’t express opinions doesn’t seek change decisive, tough strong-willed competitive, demanding independent, self-confident aggressive, blunt self-centered overbearing exceeds authority sociable talkative, open enthusiastic, energetic Persuasive, inspiring flamboyant, frantic careless, indiscreet excitable, hasty loses sense of time Note the colours D = red (fiery), I = yellow (friendly and sunny), S = green (nurturing and concerned about people their environment) and C = blue (more clinical). 3

4 Extended DISC: Behavioural Styles
Adjectives Aggressive Competitive Demanding Talkative Social Communicating Deliberate Stable Systematic Precise Perfectionist Logical Describing Terms Reorganiser Project Leader Idea creator Visionary Pioneer “Character” Idea generator Quick-tongued Inspirer Worker with a steady trend Doesn’t get in your face Feet on the ground Fears to be wrong Follows the rules How To Identify Is busy with many simultaneous projects May interrupt you Talks on the phone at the same time Is not always polite Very excited, open and friendly Agrees with you Talks about people he/she knows Secure, stable Proceeds carefully Listens and seems to agree Things in order Focuses on details Polite in a diplomatic way These next six slides are included in your handouts. They are laminated so that you can keep them for future reference. They drill down a little further into each style and need to become retained knowledge! 4

5 Extended DISC: Behavioural Styles
Communication Often to only one direction, he/she talks Own opinions as facts May be blunt Good in disciplining Selling and inspiring Talks a lot, but not about details Avoids unpleasant subjects Good in providing constructive feedback Not always direct Often only to one direction, he/she listens Answers when asked Talks calmly Creates trust Talks about topics he/she masters Better in one-to-one situations Good instructor Better in written communication Doesn’t exactly express disagreeing views Includes a lot of facts and details May lose essentials Doesn’t talk about opinions or abstract matters Extremely diplomatic Perspective $13,287,543.57 $13,000,000.00 A lot, some, a little $13, $ Authority is Based On Fear Power Distance Charisma Motivation Atmosphere Experience Expertise Bureaucratic status Rules and standards 5

6 Extended DISC: Behavioural Styles
Fears Losing control Failure Abandonment Fights – doesn’t participate in conflicts Insecurity Losing face Disorganisation Conflicts Relationship to supervisor Either respects (when no overlapping responsibilities) or no respect at all (competitive situation) Doesn’t oppose Protests by neglecting responsibilities (late, errors, etc.) Trustworthy –“right arm” Needs clear instructions Same as to other employees Seeks safety from conflicts and new situations Irritated By Inefficiency Indecisiveness Boredom Routines Dishonesty Impatience Surprises Unpredictable situations Situational Management Crisis Changes New organisations Creating good atmosphere Service orientation Maintains routines Stable environment Emphasis on rules Emphasis on quality 6

7 Extended DISC: Behavioural Styles
Problems Wants new challenges; gets bored Does not stay within area of responsibility Own businesses People relations Team work Forgets the roles Makes small mistakes Forgets the goals Creates own informal network Is not persistent Falls into idealism; not realistic Resists change and new procedures Very opinionated Protects own team emotionally Doesn’t initiate Gets bogged down in details Resists responsibility Overly cautious Paperwork Forgets the details May want detailed info from others to assist in decision making Needs an assistant who provides info May forget reporting, while requesting reports from others Not interested in administrative routines Not good in organising the paperwork Needs an assistant to organise paperwork May forget the reports or does last Bureaucrat; builds info collection systems Gets lost/forgets himself/herself in own office Often regards paperwork more important than other tasks Reliable, careful Effective in checking and finding mistakes Precise, meticulous Has difficulty in increasing work pace Good at generating reports 7

8 Extended DISC: Behavioural Styles
Things/people manager Things sees results people a resource big units People needs a lot of people contacts Small groups participating manager interested in facts Decision Making Strong opinions Wants to make decisions Cold decisions New situations Difficult decisions Quick May change opinion to avoid conflicts Remembers human aspects Customer-oriented Feeling based Wants to double check Is cautious in new situations Avoids risks Thinks about how it has been solved in the past Doesn’t make final decision until knows all the details Doesn’t take risks Is able to handle large amounts of detail Listening Listens only to short explanations Thinks how this can benefit me Not thorough Impatient; tends to show feelings Listens to others Likes discussion and socialising Participates Doesn’t listen very long Good listener Can see things from many viewpoints Can therefore help people Nods disagreeing Has difficulty listening if not presented logically Critical, even looks for errors If interested, very eager to learn 8

9 Extended DISC: Behavioural Styles
+ Same wavelength (if no overlapping responsibilities) + Presentation + Influence - Makes a lot of fuss - Butterfly + Reliable + Peaceful - Resists change - Slow, unimaginative + Expertise + Professional skills Focuses on nitty gritty - Non-enterprising + Results oriented + Holds direction - Doesn’t understand people - Uncooperative + Humane + Nice person + Sustainable - Depresses - Spoils the fun - Distant + Accuracy + Amount of knowledge - Boring, cold + Courage + Ability to take risks - Inconsiderate - Disturbs + Takes care of talking + Presents well - Unreliable - High flyer + Reasonable + Good teammate - Cold, sober + Clear opinion + Responsible - Autocrat - Full of steam + Social skills + Sympathetic - Rambler - Superficial + Not a threat + Neutral - Committee-minded - Not sharp enough + Doesn’t disturb D I S This frame explains how each style sees the other styles. Explain that: D sees a D as “on the same wavelength” D sees an I’s pluses as “Presentation and Influence”, but an I’s minuses as “Makes a lot of fuss, bit of a butterfly” etc. Explain this is how a D I S or C down the page sees a D I S or C across the page C 9

10 What the Styles talk about
The Future The Past How things are How things could be WHAT WHO WHY HOW Assess Others Tell Others * Tell, Relate to Others, Accept Others (or not), Assess Others The Future (How things could be) / The Past (How things are) D goals , hard values, results, change, oneself, the future What’s going on? Or What's holding you up? I people, themselves, team spirit, positive things, the future Who’s involved? Or Who am I going to work with? S agreements, principles, their team, the past How should we proceed? Or How will I know what to do? C facts, analyses, details, rules, instructions Why do we need to restructure this? Or Why can’t we start again? Accept Others (or not) Relate to Others 10 10

11 Diamond: Styles Map Facts Hard values Results Change Renewal
Influencing Generating ideas People Communication Openness Friendliness Considers other’s emotions Traditions Checking Examining Instructions Logic Systems Analyses C D S I SC CS DC CD DI ID IS SI ISC SID DCS CDI IDC DIS CDS CSI SCD SCI SIC ISD IDS DCI DIC CSD IC CI DS SD SDI ICS CID DSC ICD DSI CIS SDC

12 Combination Adjectives
CI / IC Open Confident Enthusiastic Formal Detailed Reticent Correctness Attention SD / DS Dispassionate Deliberate Persistent Competitive Industrious Plans Achieves People

13 Diamond: Flexibility / Arrow Map
The Extended DISC Diamond shows which behavioural styles are the most and least comfortable for someone. The coloured spot: Profile II The location of someone’s natural behaviour style – their most natural and comfortable style. Where they are mapped on the diamond. The end of the arrow: Profile I The location of someone’s adjusted style in the current environment. The remaining shades: The associated behavioural styles that are comfortable and you can easily develop in. The white area The behavioural styles that require the most energy, effort and concentration. High energy consumption zone Your comfort area – shaded area ‘Rubber belt’ stretching – the arrow length Energy levels – where the arrow is pointing Low energy consumption zone 13

14 Profiles: Profile I and II
Profile II Unconscious Self Image Spontaneous Response Profile I (always compare Profile 1 with Profile II) Conscious Self Image Feeling of how one wants or needs to adjust one’s behaviour in the present environment 14

15 Profiles: Interpretation Steps
Step 1. Look at shape of Profile II Talk about who he/she is. Dominant style. Combination style. Can discuss attributes, strengths, motivators, preferred communication style etc. Step 2. Look at the size and position of both profiles This describes how he/she is feeling. Looking at the adjustment of behaviour from Profile II to I. What is being emphasised or de-emphasised? Has the dominant style changed? Similar shapes show higher reliability of results. Special Cases describe some common patterns and their associated feelings. 15

16 Adjustments to look for
A de-emphasied C-dimension = need for more instruction A de-empahsised S –dimension can show = signs of stress When a C traits go down – look at the % first - It means there is a need for more instruction. Check whether the dimension has fallen below the middle line

17 Profiles: Typical Shapes of Profile II
I sell I create I plan Shapes of the profiles can create recognisable patterns, behavioural attributes and indicate job ‘fit’. Profile II shapes identify an individual’s natural behavioural style (incl. their natural strengths and development areas) I follow I participate I explain Let’s now look at some of the SHAPES that can be created with a Profile. This gives us an easy way of recognising patterns of behaviour that can then be related to other external factors (such as job tasks/competencies and therefore analyse and recognise better ‘job fit’. Names of the shapes: I Sell (DI / ID) I Create (DC / CD) I Plan (DS / SD) I Follow (SC / CS) I Participate (IS / SI) I Explain (IC / CI)

18 Preferred Job Environment
Opportunity to up skill Clearly defined role Work independently Logical, Organised Time to make decisions Free from aggression & abstract emotions Challenging Independent Risk taking Multi-dimension Clear, quantifiable goals Free from routine Working with people Positive atmosphere Lots of communication Multi-dimensional A variety of contacts Free from hard facts & conflict situations Clearly defined role Predictable, risk free Work at own pace Relating to expertise Being part of a team No overlapping project that are urgent 18

19 Roles Benefits Challenges
Team Roles: D Will want to lead a team if they see the task to be important. They may interrupt, take responsibility and initiate ideas Roles Shows direction Prevents chatter Takes care of own projects Keeps team moving Benefits May underestimate others strengths May not listen to others May be too blunt or rude May order others around Challenges

20 Roles Benefits Challenges
Team Roles: I Maintains a pleasant atmosphere Finds compromises and positive sides of issues May get side-tracked, supports and initiates Roles Keeps the team spirit up; often with humour Sells the idea to the team Acts as a positive spearhead Good with changing direction if needed Benefits Lack of concentration on the issues or facts May disturb the daily routines - chatter May want to please too much May not see the negatives – head in clouds Challenges

21 Roles Benefits Challenges
Team Roles: S Relatively quiet Answers when asked Finds the negative side of issues Subdues excitement, defends fairness Roles Ensures tasks are completed Helps and supports others – great teacher Conscience of the team & feelings of others Happy to follow Benefits May oppose new ideas Receives but does not provide information Cannot evaluate own team critically May not adapt to change as easily as some Challenges

22 Roles Benefits Challenges
Team Roles: C Controller, remembers decisions from previous decisions, takes notes Interested only when the team focuses on issues Prevents superficial handling of issues Roles Keeps focused on the issues and facts Acts as an internal controller Good quality control and accuracy Provides the analytical side Benefits May work alone and not incorporate the team Maybe too serious – frustrated at too much chat Maybe too critical May lose the big picture in looking at the detail Challenges

23 Leadership Styles C/D Power-centered C Quality D Authoritative
S/C Planning D/I Change S Supporting I Informal I/S Participating 23

24 Points: FINXS Products and Points
Personal Analysis Report points Branding and customisation $300 per template Behavioural Analysis Report Use like pair reports Free Multi-Person Report Name and Shotgun Maps FREE Team Analysis (full) FREE Team Behavioural Analysis Report Doing it yourself - using manual 8 points Reasoning Analysis Managing the process yourself – manual 9 points HR Profiling – creating customised template $100 HR Profiling – administered for each assessee $200 Open 360 Volume based Contact us Surveys

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