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Jeudi le 18 octobre FRENCH CLUB NEXT TUESDAY 2:30!

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Presentation on theme: "Jeudi le 18 octobre FRENCH CLUB NEXT TUESDAY 2:30!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeudi le 18 octobre FRENCH CLUB NEXT TUESDAY 2:30!

2 French 2 R & PreAP CLOTHES DUE
Notes: Les adjectifs: pg. 46-(green/yellow), 47 (yellow), 48 (green/yellow) =15 minutes!!! Review professions, presentations, phone calling: Pg , Oral practice H/W: Prep for Fashion show (Il/elle porte un _x__ ___y_ sur le/la _z__). NO HOMEWORK!!! INFINITIVE QUIZ MOVED TO TUESDAY!

3 F 3 1. Notes: Les verbes réfléchis pg. 48/54.
2. Practique: 35-38, Pg. 42 et 43:vocabulaire. PAS de DEVOIRS!

4 French 1 QUIZ: BORROWED WORDS (study 5 min.) TUESDAY: Spelling quiz Unit 1 Finish grading APT’s Speaking test review: starts Monday REST OF CLASS: Write post card letter rough draft . 10 sentences! H/W: Finish rough drafts!!!

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