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World Geography use your graphic organizer.

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Presentation on theme: "World Geography use your graphic organizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Geography use your graphic organizer

2 What Is Geography? Study of everything on Earth, from rocks and rainfall to people and places Study how natural environment influences people Study how people’s activities affect Earth Study how world is changing Important part is perspective (the way a person looks at something)

3 Map Essentials Maps are visual representations of geographic information Standard ways that maps show information Symbols Color Lines Boundaries Contours

4 What are the parts of the map that you see?
Why are they important?

5 Map Elements: Compass Rose
Directional indicator (shows directions) identifies orientation Most common is the compass rose Cardinal directions north, south, east and west Intermediate directions northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest

6 Map Elements: Scale Used to represent distances between points on a map Areas can be represented using a variety of scales Amount of detail shown on a map is dependent on the scale used

7 Map Elements: Legend Explains what the symbols mean Also called a Key

8 Lines of latitude East-west lines which measure distances north and south of the equator Measured in degrees Also called parallels

9 Lines of longitude North-south lines which measure distances east and west of the Prime Meridian Measured in degrees Also called meridians

10 Leave the Types of Maps section of your graphic organizer blank
Leave the Types of Maps section of your graphic organizer blank. We will come back to that tomorrow.

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