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Clean Energy Development:

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Energy Development:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Energy Development:
A Modern Approach to Government Involvement Erik B. Olson August 2nd, 2018

2 Comparisons Beijing, November 2015 Logan, Utah 2013

3 Electricity Environmental Protection Agency

4 All electricity is not created equal.

5 Low-Carbon electricity
Nuclear energy is the largest source of low-carbon electricity. How is this chart changing with time? Nuclear Energy Institute

6 The nuclear Dilemma Nuclear Energy is rapidly losing market share
Market Trends Nuclear Energy is rapidly losing market share Changes in market structures Falling prices of natural gas and renewables Cost overruns Little construction since 1980s Not for political reasons

7 The nuclear Dilemma Perspective Low emission electricity gains in solar and wind are being erased by losses in nuclear Represents over $9B in solar specific government assistance since 2010

8 The nuclear Dilemma Shutdown in 2014 (mainly for market reasons)
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant Shutdown in 2014 (mainly for market reasons) 70% of Vermont’s power, 4% of New England’s Despite aggressive emissions reduction steps, CO2 increased in the state and region

9 The nuclear Dilemma Electricity demand is expected to grow by 12.5%
Projections Electricity demand is expected to grow by 12.5% Intermittency = Natural gas

10 Funding Success, Policy Failure
What is our goal?

11 The issue Key Points Nuclear is the largest source of low-carbon electricity, but is in rapid decline due to market forces Federal incentives have succeeded in growing renewables, but have undermined the policy goal of decarbonizing There is little funding to encourage nuclear deployment in the current electricity market There are clear steps the Federal government can take to preserve and grow the nuclear sector

12 RECOMMENDATION 1: Allow wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) and solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) to expire without extensions

13 RECOMMENDATION 2: Reallocate and generalize tax credits for low-carbon electricity generators

14 RECOMMENDATION 3: Reform the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) purchase mandates and qualifying facilities guidelines

15 RECOMMENDATION 4: Conduct analysis on government incentives to spur decarbonization

16 "We're not in a clean energy revolution; we're in a clean energy crisis,"
- Michael Shellenberger, June 2016 Erik B. Olson August 2nd, 2018

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