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A methodological approach from

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1 A methodological approach from
Globelics Academy 2008 Ph.D. School on National Systems of Innovation and Economic Development Factors that determine the impact of innovation policies in a sectoral innovation system in Colombia: A methodological approach from Applied Evolutionary Economics and Complex Systems Juan Carlos Salazar National University of Colombia Institutional and Evolutionary Economics Research Group Dir. Iván Hernández Tampere, Finland June 6th 2008 . I think that I´m very lucky to be here and have the opportunity to present to you my project as it goes and having feed back and suggestions regarding the approach I’m in a very early stage of formulation of my project. I´m still in the phase of reviewing literature and just found a model that already started to study and adapt for tackling the problem. The first draf of thta model is what I’m going to present. The subjet of my thesis is the main interest of the Resarch Group to which I belong. It also reflects my interest on policy making. I have studied engineering and devoted many years of my professional career on policy making Most of the things I’m going to say are familiar for you and have been discussed these days. I just want to stress those that are essential for developing my methodological approach.

2 Outline The Motivation The Questions The Methodological Approach
The conceptual basis The basics of the model Next steps

3 NIS and Productivity in Colombia
In 1990 the National System of Science and Technology was formally created. In the mid 90’s the idea of a National Innovation System was introduced as concept for articulating the elements of the System Nowadays, there are evidences of low growth levels in terms of productivity and productive diversification This suggest that the impact of the Colombian National Innovation System on economic competitiveness is still not significant System’s capacities are still in their early stages

4 There is a need for revising Technical Change Policies
Colombia undertook during the early 1990s a market-opening processes At that time, priority was given to transversal (or functional) policies on: macro-economic and legal stability; physical infrastructure; the financial system; ensuring free competition But functional policies, although necessary, were not sufficient to allow for improving firms’ competitiveness Horizontal and sectoral (vertical) policies are also required. The experience in East Asian countries confirms this (Lall and Teubal, 1998). What horizontal policies are Competitiveness is associated to expansion of activities that enjoy comparative advantages, or to facilitate the development of new productive sectors with the potential for exporting and for job creation.

5 The Importance of Micro-level Policies
There is a need of an adequate and realistic understanding of firms’ learning processes. Firms have imperfect knowledge of the relevant options in front of them, Tend to be myopic in searching for relevant information, suggestions, and solutions They are entities with a “particular personality”: they are idiosyncratic Then, vertical/sectoral policies must ensure the efficient access by firms and sectors to the specific factors that condition their capacities and performance. In sum, the public policy agenda for the promotion of innovation in firms should include a combination of functional, horizontal and vertical policies. (Lall and Teubal, 1998) AS professor Lundvall mentioned, Includes activities such as the adoption or development of new management routines, new organizational forms, or new strategies. Implies: Risks Transaction Costs The external learning, that occurs when interactions with agents and individuals outside the organization take place. Coordination Costs: Internal learning, which consists of the transmission and extraction of information from individuals or groups within the organization; Finally, it is assumed as a social phenomenon. The nature of the learning process, its costs and risks, depend on the context: the initial level of information and skills available to firms, the appropriateness of their past routines and the demands of the particular technologies in question. [:..] Given the costs and risks, vertical policies may be required to promote entry into activities with “difficult” technologies, and horizontal policies to encourage the undertaking of complex, new technological functions. (Lall and Teubal, 1998: 1374). Is not that of the entrepreneur choosing the best possible alternative in terms of production and distribution, on account of a set of alternatives and proper market signals. Rather, is to understand the diversity of behaviors which firms actually assume with regards to market signals

6 Market and Non-market Relationships: The need for coordination
The market is not, in all cases, the most efficient way in which technological activity is organized and in which good practices and knowledge are distributed Non-market mechanisms play a crucial complementary role since: Strategies involve not only economic but non-economic objectives (cooperation) They allow for catalyzing market forces, by promoting “endogenization” of those activities necessary for diffusion of new organizational and management routines among firms And it requires a high degree of coordination with bureaucratic, professional and political components Then, firms' learning requires policy interventions, as there are failures in coordination There are other non-market ways, such as public institutions, professional associations and organisms, bureaucracies, hierarchies and networks, in addition to, as happens in the Colombian case, development promotion institutions, universities and research centers, regional productivity centers and technological development centers.

7 The Questions Which are the most important factors that, at micro-economical level, determine the impact of policies to promote innovation in a specific sector in Colombia What criteria, strategies and measures must be implemented as part of a public policy agenda, for effectively promoting a better performance by firms on the selected sector. Based on the previous statements, related to the need of To understand better the connection between science and technology on the one hand and economic performance on the other In terms of public policy there is a need for innovative thinking about how governments can support the diffusion of good and sustainable practices in cooperation with management and employees. In terms of research opportunities to devote more analytical efforts examining how technical innovation interact with organizational change. [….] and how organizational change affects innovation processes in the economy. (Lundvall and Borrás, 2005:625)

8 Content The Motivation The Questions The Methodological Approach
The conceptual basis The basics of the model Next steps

9 The Systemic Nature of Innovation
I focus, based on Teubal (2002), on three sub-systems of the innovation systems at a meso and micro levels: the business sector (BS); the supporting structure (SS): Government, financial and research institutions the interactions and links: the connections The transformation of a system is cumulative and comprises the co-evolution of its elements in a circular causality process Changes in the system can take place through: Learning processes within the elements of the system Changes in its architecture, such as: the incorporation of new elements, be the firms or institutions in the SS the appearance of new connections. Once the transformation has begun, and on account of positive feed-back processes, the learning processes between the elements in the system mutually reinforce each other: growth encourages even more growth. So, for example, interactive learning among start-up companies and recently-created capital funds. Therefore, accumulation processes are directly related with co-evolution processes of the BS and the SS collective learning processes mutually draw on each component of the system The learning processes among the elements of the system mutually reinforce each other

10 The Importance of Connections within the Economic System(Potts, 2000)
Concepts such as uncertainty, bounded rationality and incomplete information, from heterodox economics can be unified around the concept of “geometry of the economic space”. As opposed to the orthodox assumption, is not one of an integrated space, but rather one of a complex system Connections are incomplete and determine the structure and dynamics of the economic system. Institutions and actors change as much as connections change, provided that these generate new behaviors, routines and social structures. And vice versa. Knowledge creation and diffussion, information and coordination are closely associated to the geometry of the connections in the economic system. There are uncertainties and bounded rationality, as well as cognitive, social, organizational, market, space, temporary and heuristic structures that restrict the possibility that all elements in a system may be connected. In the economic context, the problem is no longer only the allocation of resources, but rather: the general issue of coordination. the processes by which a complex system, such as an agent or firm, or population of such systems, is able of transform itself by endogenous re-configurations of that information” (Potts, 2000: xi). “Connections define information. Their changes affect a different structure or organization, or technology, or whatever. by their specificity define systems, exist in the modalities of technology and in the forms of organization and competition. They exist in the form of contracts. Exist in the structure of the decision-making rules and in the way in which that information is processed”. Technological change, for example, may occur when the relationships between the elements are changed, or when new relationships are established. Such is the case with: a new design concept or product, o the reconfiguration of an organizational structure, the creation of a new distribution network.

11 The Complexity of Innovation Systems: In the search of new Analytical Representations
Complexity: systems with multiple elements adapting and reacting to the patterns these elements create (Arthur, 2004) Complex systems arise naturally in the economy and can not be understood through reductionism of standard economics (Colander, 2004) Economic theory has not been especially successful at finding structural laws (ibid) Computer technology offers a means to gain for far more insight into complex systems of dynamic equations: Does not provide analytic solutions but provide numerical ones by using “brute force” Allows for the construction of Analytical Tools which can be connected with empirical research (Colander, 2004)

12 Content Motivation and Questions The Methodological Approach
The conceptual basis The basics of the model Next steps

13 The model by Grebel, Pyka and Hanusch (2004):
An evolutionary approach to entrepreneurial behaviour that uses a computational simulation model Draw on an actor-centered perspective. Does not assume optimal behaviour, nor an equilibrium concept Its core elements: The heterogeneity of actors and behaviours Their bounded rational behaviour to make myopic decision (which may eventually lead to suboptimal outcomes) The feedback effects from the micro- to the macro level and vice versa The historicity of events An evolutionary approach to the theory of entrepreneurship An eclectic analytical model of entrepreneurial behaviour t that can be applied to different industries and historical settings Look at actors from a perspective no Contribute to the construction of Analytical Tools which are connected with empirical research (Foster, 1) Appreciative approach (See Nelson 2006) Explanation of structural change in the economy, from a firms’ perspective. Understanding qualitative changes in historical processes

14 Objective To model a specific sector for understanding its structure, patterns of change and historical evolution How firms compete, cooperate and co-evolve with other actors What factors determine its evolution: their capacities, strategies and interactions Which institutions govern the interaction between the agents: norms, routines, habits describe and analyze the structure of the selected sector in terms of the underlying dynamics in the connections among their elements. to study the internal structure of the agents, the evolutionist dynamics of the technology and the institutions that the agents create, the structure of the companies and other complex agents, as well as the interactions – both market-related and non-market – that take place among the agents that comprise the System’s dynamic networks.

15 A simplified view of an Economic System: Agents and Connections
Agent k Agent j Agent l Agent i Agents In this case, for example: firms, consumers, banks, etc.. They have attributes, associated with their capacities Attributes determine: How agents make decisions How external factors influence agents decisions The agents’ performance Attributes change in time Connections Connections are incomplete among agents in a system Changes in connections may affect: agents attributes and vice versa As well as the architecture of the system Exist in the form of, v. gr.: Contracts Technology Flows of information Competition Cooperation

16 The Elements of the Model
Government Institutions Firms Financial Institutions Research Institutions Firms: Government Institutions: Operators: Finacial Institutions:

17 Firms Are heterogeneous and differ in their attributes
Face uncertainty Make decisions on the basis of environmental factors such as economic and sectoral indicators, public policies and incentives (Feedback effects) Make alliances with other firms and actors (non-market relations) Compete (market relations) Firms attributes can be associated to Organizational capacities Human Capital Innovation capacities Interaction capacities Financial Capital

18 Government Institutions
Comprise such government institutions devoted to promote directly firms’ innovation capacities For the model: Establish relation with firms and operators Eventually with banks Their attributes could be associated to: Public policies quality and scope Financial resources to allocate Coordination and networking capacities Capacities for providing relevant public goods

19 Research Institutions
In the case of Colombia are: Research Centers Technological Development Centers Universities Providers of Scientific and Technological Services The attributes can be associated with: Human capital Experience Scientific and technological capacities Interaction capacities

20 Financial Institutions
Provide financial capital May be not only banks but capital markets Its attributes for the sake of the model: Availability of capital Quality of its financial products Supporting clients capacities

21 The Basic Structure of the Model
Matching Process Firms’ attributes Set of Firms Rese. Ins.’ attributes Set of Resea. Ins. Potential Connections for Alliances Gov. Inst’ attributes Set of Gov. Inst Cooperating Threshold Fin. Inst. attributes Set of Financial Instit. Some alliances are made Learning Firms with allies Firms without allies Heterogeneous: have different capacities and they evolve in time: learning. Have their own attributes Have bounded rationality. Do not have perfect knowledge of all critical factors Economic agents have to adapt to new market decisions Their decisions are influenced by the environment (economic indicators, policies, ….): Competition Success and learning Firms Performance in the Market Learning Failure

22 The case for Firms-Research Inst. Alliances
Learning Firms’ attributes Set of Firms Res. Ins’ attributes Set of Rese.Ins. Firm-Firm Matching Firms-Res. Inst Matching Cooperating Threshold Cooperating Threshold No No Firm Learning No RI’s Learning Learning Firm- Firm alliances are made Some alliances made Firms with allies Firms without allies No Firm´s’ Competitiveness Threshold Learning Yes Competition Success Failure Firms Performance in the Market

23 The Matching Process For each iteration:
The population of agents, not yet connected, is permuted and a number of agents are randomly brought together. The chances of making alliances are evaluated on the basis of specific attributes of each agent That is, for each match, a function , based on the information and analysis of the sector and the policy incentives, operates the attributes of the agents that have been brought together and calculates a value for the potential of creating an alliance For example, the potential of an alliance between two firms would be:

24 The Cooperation Threshold
For modelling reasons a Cooperation Threshold is introduced, a ‘meso-macroeconomic signal’ which, as a hypothesis, depends on: ct = Level of competence on the sector at time t et = Economic indicators at time t it = Public policy incentives to create alliances at time t Continuing with the previous example of two firms

25 Next Steps To decide which sector to model (availability of information). Probably de Agro-industry sector To determine and validate each agent’s attributes and the probabilistic functions to be used in allocating attributes among the various agents’ populations To formulate the functions for: The matching process The thresholds To model, based on stochastic tools, the competition process

26 Thanks

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