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12-15 Υears of Age Components of Light

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1 12-15 Υears of Age Components of Light

2 Expected Outcomes The pupils will have to be able to talk about and explain the different components of light (Constructivism objective)

3 Basic Outcomes: Objectives
The pupil must be able to explain the concepts of: Frequency Speed of light Sources of light Energy Nature of light (particle / wave) Radiation

4 Basic Topics: Methodologies
Learn by research and experiment Small groups (about 4)

5 Activities Start with brainstorming about light to determine the topics. Group research Perform experiments Present/report their findings periodically Cooperate and explain to each other

6 Teaching Materials Text books Public sources (e.g. internet)
The expert (teacher) Laboratory Applets Coach, PC, sensors

7 Teacher Competencies Organization skills (planning)
Give proper feedback (process) Observant Develop “smart” directional questions

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