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APUSH Exam Long Essay Question.

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1 APUSH Exam Long Essay Question

2 3 hours 15 minutes Section Question type Number of questions Timing
Percent of the total exam I Part A: MC 55 questions 55 minutes 40 % Part B: Short Answer 4 Questions 50 minutes 20 % II Part A: DBQ 1 question 25 % Part B: Long essay question 1 question chosen from a pair 35 minutes 15 %

3 LEQ Students have to choose one question of two provided
No LEQ will focus exclusively on events prior to 1607 or after 1980 Not as long as the DBQ Most will ask you to analyze, assess, or evaluate cause and effects

4 What is the LEQ? Opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know best Measures the use of historical thinking skills to explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. History as defined by the Thematic Learning Objectives

5 What must be included in the LEQ?
Thesis statement that addresses the question An analysis of specific, relevant historical information All outside information Evidence, evidence, evidence

6 Example LEQ Some historians have argued that the American Revolution was not revolutionary in nature. Support, modify, or refute this interpretation, providing specific evidence to justify your answer

7 Example LEQ To what extent and in what ways did the conservation and preservation movements in the late 19th century extend public control over U.S. natural resources? Support your answer with specific and relevant historical information

8 Old Example FRQ In what ways did economic conditions and developments in the arts and entertainment help create the reputation of the 1920’s as the Roaring Twenties? How do you account for the appeal of McCarthyism in the United States in the era following the Second World War?

9 Which Question to Choose
The one you know the most about Not the easiest at first glance

10 Plan of Attack Breakdown the question
Splashdown information including ideas for synthesis Organize your arguments Construct strong thesis Write your essay

11 Breakdown the Question
Circle and underline important words and phrases If your not confident that you know what the question means or have trouble getting organized/clear focus of essay USE THE GUIDING WORDS IN THE QUESTION

12 Splashdown Information
Write down at least 7 terms, ideas, and/or concepts that come to mind after evaluating the question Be specific- Use names of people, places, events, dates/periods Think of other significant events that are related to the question Think of the significance, causes, and effects related to the topic of the question

13 Splashdown information Synthesis
Appropriately extends or modifies the stated thesis or argument Explicitly uses/includes an additional category of analysis ( political, economic, social) beyond what is asked for in the prompt Appropriately connects question to other historical period, geographical area, or context

14 Organize your arguments
Create a quick outline to organize splashdown Write shortened topic sentences Review/re-read question as you plan

15 Construct a thesis Read the question one more time
Develop an argument you can prove Make sure your thesis addresses all pertinent aspects of the question

16 Write Spend 5-6 minutes planning and 29-30 minutes writing
Write clearly and neatly Do not write in the margins Do not underline? Evidence, evidence, evidence

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