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Lesson Starter What is the function of the ribosomes?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter What is the function of the ribosomes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter What is the function of the ribosomes?
What is the function of the mitochondria? What do you know about the cell membrane? What reaction occurs in the chloroplasts? What does MULTICELLULAR ORGANISM mean?

2 Investigating cells

3 Today we are going to.. We will do this by.. Look at specialised cells in both plants and in animals Looking at photos Having class discussions Answering questions

4 Multicellular Organisms
Plants and Animals have a huge variety of specialised cells which have adapted to perform certain jobs within the organism

5 Specialised cells in HUMANS

6 Red Blood Cells What is their job? What do they look like?
How does that help them do their job better? Do you know what is unusual about a RBC?

7 White blood cells What is their job? What do they look like?
How does that help them do their job better?

8 Cilliated epithelium What do the “cilia” look like?
What do you think this specialised cell’s job is?

9 Goblet Cell Cup shaped cells which make STICKY mucus
What do you think the job of the mucus is?

10 Motor Neurone Motor neurones carry nerve impulses quickly
What do they look like? How does that help it with its function?

11 Smooth Muscle Cell Long and CONTRACTILE Used in movement

12 Specialised cells in PLANTS

13 Guard cell Mesophyll Controls the size of stoma (pore) which allows gas to be exchanged in a plant Large cells with many chloroplasts at the top of leaves- why?

14 Root Hair epidermal cell
Job is to absorb water from the soil What features help it carry out this job?

15 Quick Quiz What structures (ORGANELLES) are found in a plant cell but not an animal cell? Which type of animal cell carries electrical impulses? What feature in the root hair cell helps it perform its function? Draw an animal cell

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