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DO NOW!!! True or False Reproduction requires two parents.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW!!! True or False Reproduction requires two parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW!!! True or False Reproduction requires two parents.
Some organism reproduce by cell division. New plants can grow from parts of a parent plane, such as roots and stems. Offspring of two parents always look like one of their parents. F, T, T, F

2 Unit 2 Lesson 3

3 Reproduction Reproduction involves various kinds of cell division.
2 different kinds of reproduction:


5 Asexual Reproduction 1 organism produces – 1 or 2 genetically identical new organisms Most single-celled organisms and some multicellular organisms


7 Asexual Reproduction Parent – organism that produces new organism
Offspring – new organisms created Genetically identical to their parents.

8 Asexual Reproduction Includes – Prokaryotes such as bacteria & some eukaryotes reproduce using more complex cell division - mitosis.

9 Types of Asexual Reproduction (Pg. 115)
Binary fission - prokaryotes. Budding - bud grows on an organism and develops into a full-sized organism – result of mitosis

10 Budding Hydra

11 Types of Asexual Reproduction
Spores - specialized cell - can survive harsh conditions – are light and can be carried by the wind.

12 Runners / Stolons – above ground asexual reproduction
Vegetative Reproduction (Plants) Runners / Stolons – above ground asexual reproduction

13 Rhizomes – below ground asexual reproduction


15 Vegetative Reproduction
Potato - underground stem Eyes of potato – area where fresh buds sprout Potato - cut up into small pieces & provided with water and air. Potato eyes develop buds and grow into new plants.

16 HW Read pages 114 – 115 and complete questions # 5 & 7

17 DO NOW!!! Read page 116 and complete question #8 and 9


19 Sexual Reproduction 2 parents - contribute a sex cell to the new organism. New organism – half the genes from one parent and half from the other Multicellular organisms

20 Sex Cells Male gametes - sperm cells. Females gametes - eggs.
Produced by meiosis.

21 Sexual Reproduction Sex cells – genetic material – 23 chromosomes (half the # if body cells) Sperm + egg - join together - fertilization. 21

22 Sexual Reproduction Egg fertilized by a sperm – zygote is formed with 46 chromosomes Zygote - new organism - grows through mitosis.

23 Odd Reproduction Regeneration
Some Multicellular - reproduce asexually. Parthenogenesis - female produces young without fertilization. Fragmentation - segments fall off and become new organisms. Regeneration

24 Asexual Reproduction

25 Sexual Reproduction

26 Using Both Types of Reproduction
Allows – rapid growth, spread quickly, and adapt to changes in environment

27 Planaria

28 Similarities and Differences

29 HW Complete Questions 13 – 16 on Page

30 Teaching Kitchen Lab

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