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Determine Grant Impacts through Ripple Effects Mapping

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1 Determine Grant Impacts through Ripple Effects Mapping
Nadine Sigle K-State Research and Extension

2 Inputs, Outputs, Outcomes, Impact – What’s the Difference?
What is a program? A program is a product or service an organization provides to change a situation. What are inputs? The resources an organization devotes to a particular program are called inputs. What are outputs? Things a program produces. Outputs are measurable and readily determined. Community Intern Initiative - This is the program which is designed to match a community need with students of a particular skill set. The inputs from the community would be housing, supplies, office space, supervision and project expense. The Hansen Foundation’s input would be salary and incidental expenses. The outputs are sometimes called project objectives – the intended goals.

3 Inputs, Outputs, Outcomes, Impact – What’s the Difference?
How is an outcome different? An outcome is a change that occurred because of your program. It is measurable and time-limited, although it may take awhile to determine its full effect. Why Does Impact Matter? Impacts are the long-term or indirect effect of your outcomes. Impacts are hard to measure since they may or may not happen. They are what we hope our efforts will accomplish. The outcome is a change that occurred because of your program. Example, the engineering student recommended the purchase of a GIS system which was used to map the waterlines in Norton as well as the location of the shut-off valves. Not long after the mapping was completed, the city had a waterline break. Within minutes, they were able to locate the break, turn off the water in that location and save the city $$ and water. This was an immediate outcome. Many times it takes much longer to see the outcome. Impact – These are the long term or indirect effect of your outcomes. They are the desired or hooped for effects. Impact

4 The Importance of Impacts
Helps us to reflect on and improve our work Demonstrates the difference our grants are making in people’s lives, communities and the environment Generates support and improves visibility of the foundation Aids in marketing the foundation Builds greater understanding of the foundation by the public and illustrates accountability

5 Community Capitals Framework

6 Ripple Effects Mapping
Purpose: To better understand the ripple effects and relationships of the grants your foundation has issued on individuals, groups and communities in your county. or Are the grants issued meeting the “hoped for” results of the foundation?

7 How it works Grant recipients will tell their stories and mind-mapping will be used to draw the stories and ripple effects

8 Story telling and probing questions
Share the story about the program or project Brainstorm immediate results How are things different as a result of the activities, events or projects? What are people doing differently? What effect did participation have on attitudes, behaviors, knowledge and actions? How have you seen others use the program or project?

9 Reflection What is most interesting about the map?
How can we use the map to help tell the story about how we are making a difference? What should we do next? Do we need additional evaluation - i.e. talking to other people in the community? Who should we be sharing this information with? What new actions could we take? Where are there gaps in the program?


11 Mankato Performing Arts Stage


13 Use of Mind Maps Easy to tell a story with stakeholders and potential donors Combine with pictures and use for social media posts Have stories ready for your annual report Great marketing pieces for match month presentations

14 Foundation’s responsibility to participate
Set a date Provide a list of grants to be shared Determine time and location Invite previous grant participants Refreshments if desired Enjoy, share, listen, and reflect

15 Facilitator Responsibility
Work with foundation to set a date Bring all necessary supplies Facility the mapping activity Transfer data to a mind mapping program Share maps with the foundation as a mind map, jpeg and pdf Offer suggestions for use

16 Questions?? Contact: Nadine Sigle K-State Research and Extension

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