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Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier (1987)

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Presentation on theme: "Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier (1987)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier (1987)
By: Bella Carvajal and Jayden Griggs

2 Background About Case Students at a high school in Missouri wanted to post a news article about pregnancy, and divorce. The principal rejected the article and prohibited it from being seen to the public. The students thought this was going against their rights and reported it.

3 Essential Question Did the principal’s deletion of the articles violate the students’ rights under the First Amendment?

4 The Constitutional Principles of this Case
1st Amendment The right to speech, religion, assembly, petition, and press. Speech and press is the most related to this case.

5 Out come of this case The majority sided with Hazelwood school district. It was a (5-3) They sided with the principal.

6 Impact on the U.S. Society has less freedom of speech on the press in many school districts. This case is really important because it shaped the way we deal with freedom of speech, and press cases today in the schools in the U.S.

7 Sources kuhlmeier constitution/constitutional-government-a-government-of- laws-not-of-rulers wood%20v%20Kuhlmeier hobby-airbrush-compressors-hardware/question-mark/ nation/ads-on-public-service-vehicles-delhi-high-court-seeks- delhi-governments-response/articleshow/ cms


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