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Human Impact Project: Science & Social Studies 6th grade

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impact Project: Science & Social Studies 6th grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impact Project: Science & Social Studies 6th grade

2 Essential Question: How can the issues created by humans in the Great Lakes region be addressed & corrected?

3 Identify a specific issue facing the
Project Purpose: Identify a specific issue facing the Great Lakes region due to human overpopulation that falls under one of the following categories: habitat loss, pollution, or invasive species. Describe how humans have created this issue & develop a possible solution to the problem.

4 Project Guidelines: Research a specific issue facing the Great Lakes region that falls under one of the following categories: -Habitat Loss -Pollution -Invasive Species (non-native) Determine three (3) specific ways this issue is causing a problem Describe how human beings have created this issue Develop a possible solution to this issue -Detailed plan -Be realistic (if the technology doesn’t exist you can’t make it up) -Time required, support needed, who’s involved?, etc.

5 Habitat Loss: Some Great Lakes region habitat loss topics include…
-Wetlands -Dunes -Forest

6 Pollution: Some Great Lakes region pollution topics include…
-Microbeads -Chemical Dumping (Point Source Pollution) -Non-Point Source Pollution

7 Invasive Species: Some Great Lakes region invasive (non-native) species topics include… -Zebra & Quagga Mussels -Purple Loosestrife -Sea Lampreys -Asian Carp -Round Goby -Pragmatists (plant)

8 Grading: 60 points summative Grade will be calculated & cut in half
-30 points summative toward Science -30 points summative toward Social Studies Ex: Student receives an overall grade of 50 out of 60 points on the project Divide 50 in half (50/2) = 25 -(25 out of 30 points go to Science) -(25 out of 30 points go to Social Studies)

9 Content Rubric (30 points)
Exemplary (9-10 points) Satisfactory (5-8 points) Unsatisfactory (0-4 points) Problem Identified Specific problem related to pollution, invasive species, or habitat loss in the Great Lakes region is identified & thoroughly described Specific problem related to pollution, invasive species, or habitat loss in the Great Lakes region is identified Specific problem related to pollution, invasive species, or habitat loss in the Great Lakes region is not identified Human Impact Described The problem is clearly identified as being caused by human activity & the role of humans is thoroughly described The problem is identified as being caused by as being connected to human activity The problem is not identified as being caused by human activity Solution Proposed A realistic solution to the problem is proposed and thoroughly explained, including time required, cost & misc. A realistic solution to the problem is proposed A realistic solution to the problem is not proposed

10 Research Content (15 points)
Exemplary (5 points) Satisfactory (3-4 points) Unsatisfactory (0-2 points) Research Research is thorough, timely, and addresses content related to both the greater issue and the specific requirements of the project Research is adequate and addresses content related to the requirements of the project Research is inadequate and/or does not address content related to the requirements of the project Works Cited Bibliography is completed according to MLA guidelines Bibliography is completed according to MLA guidelines with errors Bibliography is not completed according to MLA guidelines Sources Research includes 3 sources, including both textbook & internet sources Research includes fewer than 3 sources, including both textbook & internet sources Research does not include both textbook & internet sources

11 Presentation Rubric (15 points)
Exemplary (5 points) Satisfactory (3-4 points) Unsatisfactory (0-2 points) Eye Contact & Voice Keeps eye contact with audience throughout the entire presentation Speaks loud enough for audience to hear throughout the entire presentation Keeps eye contact with audience throughout most of the presentation Speaks loud enough for audience to hear throughout most of the presentation Does not keep eye contact throughout the presentation -Does not speak loud enough for audience to hear Visual Aids Visual aids (slide show, poster, etc.) are neat, organized & utilized effectively in the presentation Visual aids (slide show, poster, etc.) are created and used in the presentation Visual aids are not used in the presentation Group Participation All group members speak more than once during the presentation All group members speak once during the presentation Not all group members speak during the presentation

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