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Chapter 46 Animal Reproduction.

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1 Chapter 46 Animal Reproduction

2 Overview: Pairing Up for Sexual Reproduction
Earthworms reproduce through the production of: Sperm and eggs Fertilized eggs New worms (hatching in a few weeks) Animal reproduction takes many forms Animal form & function can be viewed broadly as: Adaptations contributing to reproductive success

3 Fig. 46-1 Figure 46.1 How can each of these earthworms be both male and female?

4 Concept 46.1: Both asexual and sexual reproduction occur in the animal kingdom
Is the creation of an offspring by: Fusion of a male gamete (sperm) & female gamete (egg) to form: a zygote Asexual reproduction: Is the creation of offspring without the fusion of egg and sperm

5 Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction
Many invertebrates reproduce : Asexually by fission, Fission: Is the separation of a parent into: Two or more individuals of about the same size Video: Hydra Budding

6 Fig. 46-2 Figure 46.2 Asexual reproduction of a sea anemone (Anthopleura elegantissima)

7 In budding: New individuals arise from outgrowths of existing ones Fragmentation: Is breaking of the body into pieces, some or all of which develop into adults Must be accompanied by regeneration, regrowth of lost body parts Parthenogenesis: Is the development of a new individual from an unfertilized egg

8 Sexual Reproduction: An Evolutionary Enigma
Sexual females: Have half as many daughters as asexual females This is the “twofold cost” of sexual reproduction Despite this: Almost all eukaryotic species reproduce sexually

9 Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction Female Female Male
Fig. 46-3 Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction Female Generation 1 Female Generation 2 Male Generation 3 Figure 46.3 The “reproductive handicap” of sex Generation 4

10 Sexual reproduction results in: Genetic recombination
This provides potential advantages involving: An increase in offspring variation, providing: An increase in the reproductive success of parents in changing environments An increase in the rate of adaptation A shuffling of genes & the elimination of harmful genes from a population

11 Reproductive Cycles and Patterns
Ovulation: Is the release of mature eggs at the midpoint of a female cycle Most animals show: Seasonal reproductive cycles Reproductive cycles are controlled by: Hormones, & Environmental cues Animals may reproduce: Asexually Sexually, or By alternating these methods

12 Several genera of fishes, amphibians, and lizards reproduce only by:
A complex form of parthenogenesis Parthenogenesis involves: The doubling of chromosomes after meiosis Asexual whiptail lizards are: Are descended from a sexual species Females still exhibit mating behaviors

13 Fig. 46-4 Ovary size Ovulation Ovulation Estradiol Figure 46.4 Sexual behavior in parthenogenetic lizards Progesterone Hormone level Time Behavior Female Male- like Female Male- like

14 Fig. 46-4a Figure 46.4 Sexual behavior in parthenogenetic lizards

15 Ovary size Ovulation Ovulation Estradiol Progesterone Hormone level
Fig. 46-4b Ovary size Ovulation Ovulation Estradiol Progesterone Hormone level Time Figure 46.4 Sexual behavior in parthenogenetic lizards Behavior Female Male- like Female Male- like

16 Sexual reproduction is a special problem for:
Organisms that seldom encounter a mate One solution is hermaphroditism: In which each individual has male and female reproductive systems Some hermaphrodites can self-fertilize

17 Individuals of some species undergo:
Sex reversals Some species exhibit: Male to female reversal (example, certain oysters), Others species exhibit: Female to male reversal (example, a coral reef fish)

18 Video: Hydra Releasing Sperm
Fertilization depends on mechanisms that bring together sperm and eggs of the same species Mechanisms of fertilization ( the union of egg and sperm) play an important part in sexual reproduction: They include: External fertilization Internal fertilization Video: Hydra Releasing Sperm

19 Video: Hydra Releasing Sperm
Fertilization depends on mechanisms that bring together sperm and eggs of the same species In external fertilization eggs are : Shed by the female Fertilized by sperm in the external environment Video: Hydra Releasing Sperm

20 Fig. 46-5 Figure 46.5 External fertilization Eggs

21 In internal fertilization:
Sperm are deposited in or near the female reproductive tract Fertilization occurs within the tract

22 Internal fertilization requires:
Behavioral interactions, and Compatible copulatory organs All fertilization requires: Critical timing, often mediated by environmental cues Pheromones, and/or Courtship behavior

23 Ensuring the Survival of Offspring
All species produce: More offspring than the environment can handle The proportion that survives is quite small Species with external fertilization produce: More gametes than species with internal fertilization

24 Development & Protection of Embryos
Species with internal fertilization provide: Greater protection of the embryos More parental care In some terrestrial animals embryos develop: In amniote eggs with protective layers In some other animals: The embryo is retained and develops inside the female In many animals, parental care helps: Ensure survival of offspring

25 Fig. 46-6 Figure 46.6 Parental care in an invertebrate

26 Gamete Production and Delivery
To reproduce sexually, animals must have: Systems that produce gametes In most species individuals have: Organs that produce gametes, gonads Some simple systems lack gonads but have: Gametes form from undifferentiated tissue

27 Gamete Production and Delivery
The most complex systems contain: Many sets of accessory tubes & glands The role of these tubes & glands is to: Carry, nourish, and protect gametes and developing embryos

28 Most insects have: Separate sexes Complex reproductive systems In many insects: The female has a sperm storage structure called spermatheca The sperm is stored the spermatheca during copulation

29 (a) Male honeybee (drone) (b) Female honeybee (queen)
Fig. 46-7 Accessory gland Ovary Ejaculatory duct Testis Oviduct Spermatheca Penis Vas deferens Vagina Seminal vesicle Accessory gland Figure 46.7 Insect reproductive anatomy (a) Male honeybee (drone) (b) Female honeybee (queen)

30 Even animals with simple body plans can have complex reproductive systems, for example parasitic flatworms

31 Sperm duct (vas deferens) 2 Oviduct
Fig. 46-8 Genital pore (Digestive tract) Male organs: Female organs: Uterus Yolk gland 4 Seminal vesicle 3 Yolk duct 3 Sperm duct (vas deferens) 2 Oviduct 1 Ovary Figure 46.8 Reproductive anatomy of a hermaphrodite 2 Vas efferens Seminal receptacle 1 Testis (Excretory pore)

32 A cloaca is a common opening between the external environment and the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems A cloaca is common in nonmammalian vertebrates; mammals usually have a separate opening to the digestive tract

33 Monogamy is relatively rare among animals
Males and/or females of some species have evolved mechanisms to decrease the chance of their mate mating with another individual

34 RESULTS 30 20 Percentage of females lacking sperm in spermatheca 10
Fig. 46-9 RESULTS 30 20 Percentage of females lacking sperm in spermatheca 10 Figure 46.9 Why is sperm usage biased when female fruit flies mate twice? Control; not remated Remated to wild-type males Remated to “no-sperm” males Remated to “no-ejaculate” males

35 Concept 46.3: Reproductive organs produce and transport gametes
The following section focuses on the human reproductive system

36 Female Reproductive Anatomy
The female external reproductive structures include the clitoris and two sets of labia The internal organs are a pair of gonads and a system of ducts and chambers that carry gametes and house the embryo and fetus Animation: Female Reproductive Anatomy

37 Fig Oviduct Ovary Uterus (Urinary bladder) (Rectum) (Pubic bone) Cervix Urethra Vagina Shaft Glans Clitoris Prepuce Labia minora Labia majora Vaginal opening Oviduct Ovaries Figure Reproductive anatomy of the human female Follicles Corpus luteum Uterine wall Uterus Endometrium Cervix Vagina

38 Oviduct Ovary Uterus (Urinary bladder) (Rectum) (Pubic bone) Cervix
Fig a Oviduct Ovary Uterus (Urinary bladder) (Rectum) (Pubic bone) Cervix Urethra Vagina Figure Reproductive anatomy of the human female Shaft Glans Clitoris Prepuce Labia minora Labia majora Vaginal opening

39 Oviduct Ovaries Follicles Corpus luteum Uterine wall Uterus
Fig b Oviduct Ovaries Follicles Corpus luteum Uterine wall Uterus Endometrium Cervix Figure Reproductive anatomy of the human female Vagina

40 Ovaries The female gonads, the ovaries, lie in the abdominal cavity Each ovary contains many follicles, which consist of a partially developed egg, called an oocyte, surrounded by support cells Once a month, an oocyte develops into an ovum (egg) by the process of oogenesis

41 Ovulation expels an egg cell from the follicle
The remaining follicular tissue grows within the ovary, forming a mass called the corpus luteum The corpus luteum secretes hormones that help to maintain pregnancy If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum degenerates

42 Oviducts and Uterus The egg cell travels from the ovary to the uterus via an oviduct, or fallopian tube Cilia in the oviduct convey the egg to the uterus, also called the womb The uterus lining, the endometrium, has many blood vessels The uterus narrows at the cervix, then opens into the vagina

43 Vagina and Vulva The vagina is a thin-walled chamber that is the repository for sperm during copulation and serves as the birth canal The vagina opens to the outside at the vulva, which consists of the labia majora, labia minora, hymen, and clitoris

44 The clitoris has a head called a glans covered by the prepuce
The vagina, labia minora, and clitoris are rich with blood vessels; the clitoris also has many nerve endings

45 Mammary Glands The mammary glands are not part of the reproductive system but are important to mammalian reproduction Within the glands, small sacs of epithelial tissue secrete milk

46 Male Reproductive Anatomy
The male’s external reproductive organs are the scrotum and penis Internal organs are the gonads, which produce sperm and hormones, and accessory glands Animation: Male Reproductive Anatomy

47 Figure 46.11 Reproductive anatomy of the human male
Seminal vesicle (behind bladder) (Urinary bladder) Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland Urethra Erectile tissue of penis Scrotum Vas deferens Epididymis Testis (Urinary bladder) (Urinary duct) Figure Reproductive anatomy of the human male Seminal vesicle (Rectum) (Pubic bone) Vas deferens Erectile tissue Ejaculatory duct Prostate gland Urethra Bulbourethral gland Penis Glans Vas deferens Epididymis Testis Scrotum Prepuce

48 Seminal vesicle (behind bladder)
Fig a Seminal vesicle (behind bladder) (Urinary bladder) Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland Urethra Erectile tissue of penis Figure Reproductive anatomy of the human male Scrotum Vas deferens Epididymis Testis

49 Epididymis Testis Scrotum
Fig b (Urinary bladder) (Urinary duct) Seminal vesicle (Rectum) (Pubic bone) Vas deferens Erectile tissue Ejaculatory duct Prostate gland Urethra Penis Bulbourethral gland Glans Vas deferens Figure Reproductive anatomy of the human male Epididymis Testis Scrotum Prepuce

50 Testes The male gonads, or testes, consist of highly coiled tubes surrounded by connective tissue Sperm form in these seminiferous tubules Leydig cells produce hormones and are scattered between the tubules Production of normal sperm cannot occur at the body temperatures of most mammals

51 The testes of many mammals are held outside the abdominal cavity in the scrotum, where the temperature is lower than in the abdominal cavity

52 Ducts From the seminiferous tubules of a testis, sperm pass into the coiled tubules of the epididymis During ejaculation, sperm are propelled through the muscular vas deferens and the ejaculatory duct, and then exit the penis through the urethra

53 Accessory Glands Semen is composed of sperm plus secretions from three sets of accessory glands The two seminal vesicles contribute about 60% of the total volume of semen The prostate gland secretes its products directly into the urethra through several small ducts The bulbourethral glands secrete a clear mucus before ejaculation that neutralizes acidic urine remaining in the urethra

54 Penis The human penis is composed of three cylinders of spongy erectile tissue During sexual arousal, the erectile tissue fills with blood from the arteries, causing an erection The head of the penis has a thinner skin covering than the shaft, and is more sensitive to stimulation

55 Two reactions predominate in both sexes:
Human Sexual Response Two reactions predominate in both sexes: Vasocongestion, the filling of tissue with blood Myotonia, increased muscle tension The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution Excitement prepares the penis and vagina for coitus (sexual intercourse)

56 Direct stimulation of genitalia maintains the plateau phase and prepares the vagina for receipt of sperm Orgasm is characterized by rhythmic contractions of reproductive structures In males, semen is first released into the urethra and then ejaculated from the urethra In females, the uterus and outer vagina contract

57 During the resolution phase, organs return to their normal state and muscles relax

58 The timing and pattern of meiosis in mammals differ for males and females
Gametogenesis, the production of gametes by meiosis, differs in females and males Sperm are small and motile and are produced throughout the life of a sexually mature male Spermatogenesis is production of mature sperm

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