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Review of Vertex Detector R&D for International Linear Collider

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1 Review of Vertex Detector R&D for International Linear Collider
• ILC • Vertex Detector R&D - CCD (ISSI) - MAPS - DEPFET • Summary Jik Lee Seoul National Univ. ACFA J. Lee

2 International Linear Collider
electron and positron linear collider at energy from 500 GeV up to 1 TeV and electron beam polarization > 80% and upgrade option for positron polarization  Accelerator technology chosen: cold 3 Projects at - DESY (TeV Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator) - Japan (Global Linear Collider) - US (Next Linear Collider) SLAC CERN DESY KEK ACFA J. Lee

3 ▣ ILC Detectors Main Tracker drives ILC detector configurations
Gaseous Tracker HUGE Silicon Tracker Medium/Large Large/Huge 3 tesla 4 tesla 5 tesla ACFA J. Lee

4 ILC Environment for Vertex Detector
SVD in SD design • Silicon based vertex detector(s): CCD, MAPS, DEPFET, and more - 4-5 cylindrical layers able to do stand alone tracking - background tolerance - fast (due to problem of overlapping events) Beam Structures Warm Cold bunch/train 192 2820 train length 269 ns 950 µs bunch spacing 1.4 ns 337 ns train/s 150/120 Hz 5 Hz gap/train 6.6 ms 199 ms ACFA J. Lee

5 ILC Vertex Detector Requirements
Close to IP  reduce extrapolation error Pixel Size:20x20mm2  sPoint =3 mm : ~800M channels Layer Thickness: <0.1%X0 suppression of g conversions minimize multiple scattering LC environment requires vertex sensors which are substantially thinner and more precise than LHC and thus motivates new directions for R&D on vertex sensors: 1/5 rbp, 1/30 pixel size, 1/3 thinner than LHC sensors ACFA J. Lee

6 Vertex Detector R&D Groups
CCD LCFI (Bristol, Glasgow, Lancaster, Liverpool, Oxford, RAL) : UK Niigata, KEK, Tohoku, Toyama : Japan Oregon, Yale, SLAC : US MAPS Strasbourg (IReS, LEPSI) + DAPNIA+DESY : France + Russia+Germany Brunel, Birmingham, CCLRC, Glasgow, Liverpool, RAL : UK DEPFET Bonn,MPI : Germany ACFA J. Lee

7 Vertex Detector Comparison
Do not take this seriously. It could be wrong due to my personal bias and ignorance! CCD MAPS DEPFET Resolution Thin Material Rad. Hardness Large Area Power Consum Readout speed ACFA J. Lee

8 CCD (Charge Coupled Device)
▪ charge collected in thin layer and transferred through silicon ▪ established technology ▪ excellent experience at SLD in SLC 300µm  40µm • ~ 20 x 20 µm2 pixels  800 M pixels - SLD: 300 M pixels • coordinate precision: 2-5 µm - SLD: 4 µm ACFA J. Lee

9 CCD Basics ACFA J. Lee

10 CCD Basics ACFA J. Lee

11 CCD ISSUES ▪ faster readout needed for cold tech (50 µs)
CCD classic ▪ faster readout needed for cold tech (50 µs) • Column-Parallel CCD with low noise - increase readout cycle of ~50MHz CP CCD ▪ need radiation hard  separate amplifier and readout for each column • bulk damage induced CTI by n and e- being actively studied with possible countermeasures - sacrificial charge, faster r/o before trapping ACFA J. Lee

12 CCD Prototype (LCFI) 750 x 400 pixels 20 m pitch
CPC1: prototype CP CCD by E2V noise ~ 100 e- CPR1: CP readout ASIC by RAL designed for 50 MHz 250 parallel channels CPC1+CPR1(bump-bonded): total noise ~ 140 e- noise from preamps negligible 750 x 400 pixels 20 m pitch CPR1 noise • radiation effects on fast CCDs • detector-scale CCDs with ASIC and cluster finding logic - design underway and production this year 5.9 keV(1620e-) ACFA J. Lee Signal from a 55Fe source observed

13 CCD Radiation Study (KEK))
LED light makes sacrificial charge in CCD. It fills up traps and improve CTI VCTI is improved to a half of normal operation ACFA J. Lee

14 CCD Summary • performance proven at SLD
• good spacial resolution ( < 5µm) • improve slow readout speed  50 MHz CP readout • improve the radiation hardness  charge injection, notch structure • material reduction with unsupported silicon ACFA J. Lee

15 Image Sensor with In-situ Storage (ISIS)
• 20 readouts/bunch train may be impossible due to beam –related RF pick up motivates delayed operation of detector for long bunch train: • charge collection to photogate from µm silicon, as in a conventional CCD • signal charge shifted into storage register every 50 µs, providing required time slicing • string of signal charges is stored during bunch train in a buried channel, avoiding charge-voltage conversion • totally noise-free charge storage, ready for readout in 200 ms of calm conditions between trains ISIS : 100 times more rad hardness (compare to CCD) due to less charge transfer ACFA J. Lee

16 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
standard CMOS wafer charge collection via thermal diffusion (no HV) in epitaxial layer “System on Chip” possible NO bump bonding ~10-20µm ACFA J. Lee

17 Column decoder/control
APS2 chip (UK) Row decoder/control 3MOS des. A des. B des. C des. D des. E des. F 4MOS CPA FAPS Column amplifiers Column decoder/control 4 pixel types, various flavours Std 3MOS [3T] 4MOS (CDS) [4T] CPA (charge amp) FAPS (10 deep pipeline) 3MOS and 4MOS: 64 x 64, 15m pitch, 8m epi-layer  MIP signal ~600 e- 5.8 mm ACFA J. Lee Design: R. Turchetta (RAL)

18 Radioactive source Tests on APS2 structures
seed pixel 3x3 cluster 5x5 cluster Event display spectrum Out of 12 substructures 7 feature a S/N > 20 Two structures problems in fabrication Bad pixels: 1-2% Preliminary results on irradiation up to 1015 p/cm2 promising ACFA J. Lee

19 Mimosa prototypes (France)

20 Self-Bias, Pitch = 20 m, diode 6 x 6 m2
MIMOSA-9 MIMOSA-9: 20,30,40 µm pitch with/without 20µm epi. layer 0.1% X0 layer is achievable in thinning to 50µm: - Sensor back-thinned to 15µm Self-Bias, Pitch = 20 m, diode 6 x 6 m2 S/N peak~24 Tested at CERN SPS-120 GeV pion beam Spatial resolution for thick and thin epi. layer ACFA J. Lee

21 MIMOSA-9 Results A promising result since a high eff and
a good resolution for a moderate granularity can not be for granted. SB with 20/30 m pitch : eff ≥ 99.8% resolution ~ m pitch ACFA J. Lee

22 MAPS Radiation Tolerance
• neutron irradiations - fluencies up to 1012 neutrons/cm2 are acceptable with considering LC requirements of ~ 109 n/ cm2 /year • ionizing irradiations - tests up to a few 100kRad - exact sources of performance losses are under investigation (diode size and placements of the transistors are important parameters) ACFA J. Lee

23 MAPS Summary readout and sensor on one chip pixel size ~ CCD
large area sensor and thinning (MIMOSA-9 tested OK)   > 99%, 20 µm pitch   ~ 2µm reasonable radiation hardness fast readout (50 MHz possible, MIMOSA6:currently CDS takes time) R&D required to bring layer thickness down Optimize architecture for LC Flexible APS (FAPS) architecture suitable for LC and fast imaging ACFA J. Lee

24 FAPS The in-pixel amp accesses the “Out” line, which is connected to
all the pixels in a column Relatively large capacitive load (>~pF)  Relatively slow The in-pixel amp accesses only local storage capacitors Small capacitive load (<<pF) Write and read phase saparate  Fast ACFA J. Lee

25 FAPS Design (RAL) ACFA J. Lee

26 DEPleted Field Effect Transistor Sensors
+ - mip DEPFET: detector + amplification property - high resistivity silicon substrate fully depleted by sidewards depletion  full sensitivity over whole bulk electrons collected in internal gate and modulate transistor current internal gate can be reset by applying voltage to a dedicated contact  no reset noise - the first amplifying transistors are integrated directly into substrate and form pixel structure  a small input capacitance (~ 10fF)  very low noise operation can be achieved at room temp. (10 e-) ACFA J. Lee

27 DEPFET - - • DEPFET collaboration: Bonn/MPI
• p-channel MOS-FETs • double pixel structure (one source two drains) • pixel size 20x25µm2 p+ n+ rear contact drain bulk source p s y m e t r a x i n internal gate top gate clear - MIP ~1µm - - + 50 µm ▪ detector and amplification properties ▪ fully sensitivity over whole bulk ▪ very low noise operation at room temp. FET-Transistor integrated in every pixel (first amplification) Electrons are collected in „internal gate“ and modulate the transistor-current + Signal charge removed via clear contact No charge transfer Very limited power consumption (~ 5W for the full VD) - high resistivity silicon substrate fully depleted by sidewards depletion  full sensitivity over whole bulk electrons collect in internal gate and modify transistor current internal gate can be reset by applying voltage to a dedicated contact  no reset noise - the first amplifying transistors are integrated directly into substrate and form pixel structure  a small input capacitance (~ 10fF)  very low noise operation can be achieved at room temp. (10 e-) ▪ readout speed ? ▪ radiation hardness ? ▪ large-area sensor? ACFA J. Lee

28 Result at Room Temperature:
DEPFET Performance Excellent noise performance with 55Fe source spectrum Single pixel Result at Room Temperature: keV 2.2 el. r.m.s. ACFA J. Lee

29 ▣ Vertex Detector: DEPFET Prototype
• thinning process for sensors established - sensitive area 50µm thinned - fast signal to cope with high rate requirement - resolution of 9.5 µm 800x104 mm2 Supported by 300 um perforated frame eV at 5.9 KeV and 2.2 el. r.m.s (ENC) with 55Fe source at room temp. • complete clear  no clear noise - (1 x clear) then sample 500x in 2.5ms - (clear + sample) 500x for single pixel ACFA J. Lee

30 DEPFET Readout a 64x128 pixel matrix Reset Gate Switcher
CURO II • system integration of a 64x128 pixel matrix steering chip (Switchers) tested up to 80 MHz the read-out chip (the CURO) works up to 50/110 MHz (A/D): noise & threshold dispersion meets the specs • prototype system with DEPFET + CMOS matrix is assembled and working • designing and producing a 512 x 512 matrix is planned I→U ADCs CUROII: CUrrent ReadOut chip (128 channels): main parts: current memory cells, current comparator, hit finder -steering chp: 2x64channels, switches btw 0 and 20V (adjustable), ground level arbitrary, internal sequencer(flexible pattern - Hit finding (digital performance part) : works up to 100 MHz, power consumption is about 2mW/channel for “static(11KHz)” and 50MHz. XILINX row wise selection with Switcher ACFA J. Lee

31 DEPFET Summary • excellent low noise performance at room temperature
• low power consumption (saving material for cooling structure) • readout speed increasing • possibilities of thinning the sensor (20-30 μm) and readout chip • minimize pixel size • radiation hardness ACFA J. Lee

32 Vertex Detector Comparison Now
Do not take this seriously. It could be wrong due to my bias and ignorance! CCD MAPS DEPFET Resolution Thin Material Rad. Hardness Large Area ? Power Consum Readout speed ACFA J. Lee

33 Summary Intensive R&D in several VTX technologies
with good world-wide communication going on! Premature choice of technology could seriously degrade the physics potential Preferred technology(ies) to be selected on basis of full-size and fully operational prototype ladders (when?) ▪ Time Scale 2004 Cold technology chosen 2005 CDR for ILC (including first cost estimation) 2007 TDR for ILC 2008 site selection 2009 construction could start 2015 data taking ACFA J. Lee

34 backups ACFA J. Lee

35 DEPFET Operation Mode Pixel array readout scheme:
Individual transistors or rows of transistors can be selected for readout while the other transistors are turned off. Those are still able to collect signal charge fast random access to specific array regions  very low power consumption ACFA J. Lee

36 Overview: R/O Chip - CURO
CURO – CUrrent ReadOut current based readout → regulated cascode fixes input node algebraic operations easy in current mode ! automatic pedestal subtraction (fast CDS) „on chip“ hit detection and zero suppression analog r/o of hits Wichtig…. Oberster Teil nur eine Spalte…. Davon 128 Stueck… Ab MUX gesamter Chip CURO I: prototype chip (05/2002) Main parts : current memory cells current comparator hit finder CURO II: 128 channel r/o chip (11/2003) ACFA J. Lee

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